I have my own solution, and it won’t cost taxpayers a dime to government
Biden Admin Suggests Spending $78 Trillion to Achieve Net-Zero Global Carbon Emissions
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said during a speech in Belem, Brazil, on Saturday that the price tag for a global transition to a low-carbon economy amounts to $78 trillion in financing through 2050.
Yellen said that in order to achieve the goal of net-zero global carbon emissions, there would need to be $3 trillion globally in annual financing for the cause, which she said is a top priority for the Biden administration, according to the speech. In order to contribute to this, Yellen vowed to finance green initiatives in developing countries through multilateral development banks and develop “clean energy technologies.”
“The transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050,” Yellen said during the speech. “This can be leveraged to support pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth, including for countries that have historically received less investment.”
“Neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy,” Yellen said during the speech. “It is bad economic policy.”
Oh, please. Human society has moved faster and further than any time in Human history. Warm periods tend to push societies to grow and move forward, while cool periods tend to retard societies. There’s a reason one of them is called the Dark Ages.
During her speech, Yellen advocated for these climate initiatives to be implemented “beyond our borders.”
“Our ambitions at home are matched by our ambitions abroad,” Yellen said during the speech. “We know that we can only achieve our climate and economic goals—from reducing global emissions to adapting and building resilience, from strengthening markets to bolstering supply chains—if we also lead efforts far beyond our borders.”
How about “no”? How about we spend our money on our citizens, rather than redistributing it other nations for what is a scam?
Did you notice where the speech was given? Brazil. Hence, Yellen took a long, fossil fueled trip, and probably didn’t fly commercial. Plus, her whole retinue came with. Then the large, fossil fueled SUVs to travel around in Brazil. What if she and all the other True Believers stopped using fossil fuels? Per their dogma, the level of carbon pollution would go way, way down. Problem solved, right? So, why don’t the?

As every corrupt politician knows, the larger the price tag on the project, the more there is to spread around among friends. Yellen is just making up numbers now. But the message is clear. She is ringing the dinner bell for all the pigs to come queue up for their share.
Yellen is symbolic of the democraticals in general and of the Biden administration specifically.
She doesn’t know what she’s talking about but it’s gonna cost a lot of money.
how does Sec Treas have any authority to ask for or spend $$$$ on climate change??????
Pay him off! In Monopoly Money. I know that’s fake money but he supports a fake cause.