Daily Archives: August 2, 2024

Club Of Rome Totally Wants A Great Leap For ‘Climate Change’ Or Somthing

No, no, this totally has nothing to do with Modern Socialism as driven by the Elites Club of Rome co-president: In order "to reach as many [UN Agenda 2030] Sustainable Development Goals" as possible, a "Giant Leap" is necessary, which—among other things—includes "transforming the food system" and "transitioning to clean energy". "We see a switch […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the art of smearing.

IDF Wacks PIL Weapons Production Head

Since Hamas attacked Israeli citizens/Jews from other nations Israel has taken the gloves off in targeting the big players in Islamic terrorist groups. Here’s another one IDF kills Palestinian Islamic Jihad deputy weapons production head Mohammed al-Jabari The IDF killed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s deputy head of weapons production, Mohammed al-Jabari, in a targeted intelligence-based […]

We Can’t Solve ‘Climate Change’ Till Government Takes Over The Food System

Funny how the climate cult always wants to fix things. Like, everything. There’s nothing they aren’t aiming to change We Can’t Solve Climate Change Until We Fix Our Food System Jonathan Foley, a climate solutions scientist and executive director of Project Drawdown, recently gave a TED Talk that lays down some hard truths about the […]

Bummer: Sanctuary State Massachusetts Says Illegals Cost $1.8 Billion

I’m not quite sure why the powers that be are complaining: they wanted this when they declared themselves a sanctuary state Migrant crisis projected to cost Massachusetts taxpayers $1.8 billion over next two years A new report analyzed the impact the migrant crisis will have on Massachusetts residents with the state projecting to spend $1.8 billion over […]

Pirate's Cove