Daily Archives: August 3, 2024

Brazil Wants A Global Tax On Billionaires

I’m all for this with one slight change Brazil proposes global wealth tax to combat climate change Brazil has suggested a 2% wealth tax on billionaires worldwide to raise $250 billion annually for addressing climate change, though it faces skepticism from some countries. In short: Brazil’s proposed tax would apply to individuals with assets exceeding […]

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled big trucks driven by deniers and heretics, you might just be a Warmist Thr blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Kamala’s bus wheels.

Biden-Harris Regime Pauses Illegal Alien Importation Program Over Fraud

If the fraud came to light in 2023 would the Biden-Harris regime care? Biden admin freezes controversial migrant flight program after fraud revelations The Biden administration has put a controversial program that allows tens of thousands of migrants from four nations to fly or travel directly into the U.S. on hold, after a report circulated […]

Doom Today: Major Earth Systems On Track To Collapse From Hotcoldwetdry

Remember how some leading Warmists said that the doom and gloom prognostications need to be minimized? Well, it is a doomsday cult, after all Study finds major Earth systems likely on track to collapse: 5 things to know Four key pillars of the global climate are melting in the heat trapped by rising fossil fuel […]

Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day

Much of this could be avoided if the Western nations stopped being squishy and took a hard line towards Islamic extremist groups, especially those backed by Iran which keep attacking Israel, and Iran itself. But, many in power are Jew/Israel haters, and there are plenty of Islamists imported who are now in positions of power […]

Pirate's Cove