Remember how some leading Warmists said that the doom and gloom prognostications need to be minimized? Well, it is a doomsday cult, after all
Study finds major Earth systems likely on track to collapse: 5 things to know
Four key pillars of the global climate are melting in the heat trapped by rising fossil fuel emissions, a new study has found.
The relatively stable climate that nurtured human civilization depends in large part on these structures: the ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica, the Amazon rainforest and the Atlantic currents that warm Europe.
Under current policies, the world faces a scenario in which those pillars have roughly even odds of either surviving or collapsing during the next three centuries, according to results published Thursday in Nature Communications.
The scientists warned that if the pillars are fatally undermined by heat, the resulting damage could prove impossible to undo — even if temperatures are successfully brought down later in the 21st century.
Oh, good, three centuries.
The Nature study found that the four “pillars” it focused on — the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC), the Amazon rainforest and the vast but melting Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets — are interconnected, like a row of dominoes.
And the risk of those dominoes toppling increases with every 0.1 degrees Celsius (about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit) of additional heat above the red line of 2 degrees Celsius set in the Paris climate agreement, the researchers wrote.
They found that that risk is most urgent for the Atlantic current, which could tip into collapse within the next 15 years, and the Amazon rainforest, which could begin a runaway process of conversion to fire-prone grassland by the 2070s.
So, who gets fired and loses their reputation when it doesn’t collapse? And if we’re in such danger from fossil fuels why do so few Warmists give up their own us?

The knee-jerk response, always on high simmer with most Covian MAGAt commenters, is to kill, eliminate, exterminate, deport, imprison all those non-conservative, non-white, non-denier, non-christian, non-MAGAt Americans who are destroying YOUR America.
You’ve had it with these “people” who won’t obey!! “Just shut up and go away!”
William Teach: So, who gets fired and loses their reputation when it doesn’t collapse?
What happens in science is that other scientists will continue to collect evidence to confirm, refute, or more likely, refine the result of the study. However, simply waving your hands doesn’t make the result go away.
William Teach: And if we’re in such danger from fossil fuels why do so few Warmists give up their own us?
Because individual action alone will not be effective. For instance, electrical production and what automakers produce isn’t generally subject to an individual’s choice. However, many people are early adopters for new technology, such as EVs and PV solar, which helps drive innovation and lower costs.
Let the Headless Chicken Drill commence!