…are Evil fossil fueled big trucks driven by deniers and heretics, you might just be a Warmist
Thr blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Kamala’s bus wheels.

…are Evil fossil fueled big trucks driven by deniers and heretics, you might just be a Warmist
Thr blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Kamala’s bus wheels.
One can now understand why the “statistics” say the crime rates are supposedly down.
*Check the photo of the little darlings who will get away with murder.
The crime rate has blipped up a bit starting in 2018 but is much lower than the peak in the early 90s.
Even the abortion rate is half what it was in 1980!
We get it. Social media and the right-wing noise machine make it appear the violent crime is at an all-time high.
And although undocumented aliens commit serious crime at a lower rate than native born Americans, if all you see is FOX, Sinclair,The Pudendum and Trump speeches you’d think millions of Biden Migrant murders are taking place!!
Fear and hate, hate and fear, this from the MAGAts, is all we hear. LOL.
Thanks for proving my point, dipshit.
Thanks for not disproving my point, shitlips.
As we said, the murder rate is much lower now than in the early 90s.
Why do you think the homicide rate went up in President Trump’s final year?
It appears that Dougie was quite a scamp.
In my opinion anyone who has cheated on their spouse(s) should never be allowed to be president! Or even in the White House!!

Been meaning to ask…
How will President Trump reduce inflation? Has he described a plan yet? He is expected to appoint Jared Kushner as Fed Chair. They can cut inflation by raising the Fed rate. Do you think that’s a good idea?
He has proposed a severe tariff program, which according to him, will result in China paying the US billions.
And tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations, stimulating the economy 4, 5, even 6% like last time (LOL).
And drill baby drill oil and gas; and dig baby dig for coal!!
He says he will deport millions of the 40, 50, 60 million “illegals” that Biden imported!! That should allow “the blacks” to take back their “black jobs”.
Unemployment peaked at nearly 15% under Trump and was 5.6% when President Biden took over after trouncing Trump.
“Any tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations…LOL…?” You mean the tax cuts that were basically for everyone who pays taxes and everyone received approximately the same percentage cut? Gee, the facts sound quite a bit different, don’t they?
Your “facts” always sound stupid and self serving.
A worker paying $1000 in taxes and getting a 5% cut gains $50, A CEO paying $5 million in taxes and getting a 5% cut gains $250,000.
Cut taxes on the working class, raise taxes on the wealthy, start to reduce the deficit!!
First of all that won’t reduce the deficit and you know it, stop acting silly.
So what you’re basically saying is you wanna do what Democrats are well known for doing: treating different Americans differently. What happened to that equality?
Your idea of American freedom is penalizing the successful and rewarding those not as successful? Things like this are the reason our tax system is so screwed up at this point. You guys keep trying to adjust it to give money to the people who you want to vote for you without letting your big contributors know you’re trying to screw them. Then you make all kinds of cute side deals where they pay you money. Very clever.
Frankly, since Democrats are so big on raising taxes I think every registered Democrat should pay a 90% tax. Then let’s see how popular you guys are.
Wow! You must come from wealth!!
I forget who said it… “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
We run a yearly deficit by spending more federal funds than we take in.
Outgoes vs income.
Anyway, following WWII, how did the United States build the greatest working class in history AND rebuild the infrastructure? The interstate highway system, roads, bridges, dams, sewers, airports, colleges, parks, libraries, elementary schools… FHA loans and the GI Bill stimulated home-building to unseen levels; homes to be filled with families with refrigerators, stoves, TVs, washers and drivers. Auto sales soared!!
BTW, this occurred when the top marginal tax rate was over 90% between 1944 and 1963. The peak was 94%!!
And get this! At the same time, the United States of America also paid down the national debt!!! During WWII we had a debt of 120% of GDP and by 1980 had paid it down to a sustainable 30% GDP!! But since 1980 the national debt has increased steadily back to 120% of GDP (the debt did actually decrease during the Clinton terms). We’ve had wars, the Great Recession, record low tax rates, a pandemic, a few lesser recessions, and an aging population all adding to the debt.
The American wealthy have their image of nirvana, where the working class pay for the needs of America.
Do you favor a Flat Tax? Where every working American pays 15-20% of their wages (earned income) on taxes? Unearned (passive) income (interest on investments, dividends, rental income from investment properties) would not be taxed.
A couple of teachers making $90,000/yr would pay $18,000 in taxes. A billionaire receiving $90,000,000/yr in passive income might pay no income taxes at all!! Look at the years that billionaire mogul Trump paid some $750 in income tax.
Our current tax system IS too complicated, and avoiding taxes (for the wealthy) is an actual industry.
“Your facts sound stupid and self serving.. “ Translated: you can’t refute that those facts are true. Shocking. By the way, how are facts “self serving”? They’re not. The wealthy 1% already pay about 40% of all income taxes, the bottom 50% of wage earners pay only around 3% of all income taxes. J and his friends still can’t come to grips with the fact that the US has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world, with a small number of people paying most of the federal income taxes. To turn your example around, a 5% increase in taxes (the average cut in the 2017 tax bill was 2%, not 5%) for a 5 million a year wage earner would cost him an extra 250,000 dollars. A 5% increase for one making 1000 a year would cost him an extra 50 dollars. Math percentage examples seem very hard for libs to understand..
When Trump was campaigning against women and Blacks (virtueless signaling to his troops) he asked one interviewer if she would define DEI for him.
Don Jr
Bwaha! Scaredy cat!
Trump said he agreed to debate Harris on Fox News on September 4. “The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant,” he posted on Truth Social.
“The FoxNews Debate will be held in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a site in an area to be determined,” he continued. “The Moderators of the Debate will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and the Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!”
Vice President Harris agreed to the scheduled “debate” but Big Donnie reneged. He’s just a dirty, lazy reneger. And a coward.
He never debate, he makes speeches filled with lie after lie.
It was explained in the article.

Brandon reneged by dropping out of the race (he still hasn’t admitted the reason why).
Trump had no debate agreement with Kamala no matter what she says or what you think.
You’re just a stupid motherfucker who’s always likes to whine.
“Trump is too scared to debate, says party whose last candidate had to quit politics after debate”. BB
I guess that explains why Mr Emhoff was willing to marry a woman who had a previous, long-term affair with a married man, and with a woman who was willing to take his money, but not his name.
How long-term was Ms Harris’ relationship with Willie Brown? BTW, he was separated from his wife then and now. And why do you care? Does her having sex outside of marriage 30 years ago cast doubt on her ability to serve?
Does Mr Dana hold candidate Trump to the same “high” standard? He dumped two wives, and has cheated multiple times on all three. Ivana Trump kicked him out after his long-term affair with Marla Maples was made public. He married Maples shortly after she gave birth to Trump’s daughter, Tiffany. He has been accused and found liable for sexual assault in a civil suit and owes some $500 million for it. Some 25 other women have accused him of various levels of assault. He paid a sex worker to keep quiet about their tryst. He paid a Playboy model to keep quiet about their long-term affair. He was “dating” both porn actress Stormy Daniels and Playmate Karen McDougal while married to Melania Trump. A 13 year old “girlfriend” of Trump’s pal Epstein sued Trump for raping her at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.
But sure, Vice President Harris is a whore for dating a man separated from his wife over 30 years ago. Even worse, Willie Brown is a black man!!
Many women do not change their name to their husband’s for professional reasons. Many women scientists who published articles retain their name. Some hyphenate. If one does a pubmed search for (shyamala g,) one gets 104 hits, but I know this scientist was married but kept her professional name since she had published earlier multiple articles on steroid hormone receptors. I had even referenced her work. Another scientist friend would have been giving up her cool Irish last name for one not so cool! And also the whole publishing thing.
Some women are less likely to use their husband’s name because her father-in-law had been to prison. But then her own father has been indicted and even convicted of multiple criminal charges. What’s a girl to do? Married for 15 years without taking her husband’s family name, but then your own daddy becomes America’s most wanted!
How long-term was Ms Harris’ relationship with Willie Brown?
Well, yeah!
I understand why Elwood is so angry and upset. He is a member of a political party that always taps quote democracy quote but who just selected without a vote their primary candidate for president of the United States. That’s how Elwood and his political party view democracy. They get to pick it and you take it whether you like it or not.
And I do come from wealth a great deal of wealth all of which was earned and all of which came with taxes that were paid. Not only that but our family has employed more people then all of those people who you wanna give the money to. If the government wanted more taxes they should have asked for more taxes and passed a law accordingly. But they didn’t. And who was in charge of those governments most of the time? The Democrat party who likes to select their candidates rather than elect them.
I understand you guys panicking because the honeymoon seems to be ending and people are starting to complain about what Harris really is she’s basically a whore. Everything she’s gotten in her political career she’s gotten by means of sex. But all of this is no reason you to personally attack me because your party is screwing you. I understand you not liking Donald Trump. He’s a rich guy who makes a lot of money he earns it he pays his taxes you’re already pulled that on him and he proved that he paid his taxes if he didn’t he’d be in prison. He employs thousands of people and has employed 10s of thousands of people over his career. Which leaves you standing there holding your little wee wee complaining that he’s a meanie because he sends out bad tweets and he doesn’t talk the way you want him to. Too F’ing bad. Grow up and attack his policies instead of him. We’re listening to your bullcrap for eight years now put a cork in it lady start acting like a man. As long as you keep attacking trump I’m gonna keep attacking heels up. We all know what trump is you don’t have to repeat it, we all know what Kamila is you don’t have to repeat it.
Your political party is crumbling in front of your eyes. Which is a good thing cause you were trying to crumble America and if your party crumbles maybe we can save America.
The object of taxes is to run the country and the pay the debts of the nation it is not to equalize the income of the citizenry. If you communist leftist socialist etcetera could get that through your head you might not bankrupt every country you touch like you’re doing to America right now. Right now you’re printing money and handing it out like it’s free. It isn’t that’s why our economy is in a crap hole and that’s why you can’t admit what’s wrong with our economy because you caused it. If you keep voting for 3rd world thinkers you’re gonna end up in a third world country. You think like the people who run South Africa think. And you’re turning America into South Africa. And when you start lying about the tax rates back when they were 94% without pointing out that tax deductions were 1000% more than they are now probably 2000% more You’re just lying to yourself and lying to us. Back in those days everything was deductible even lunch your clothes everything. Said the tax rate might have been 94% but the effective tax rate was more like 20%.
Trump is not basically a whore. He is without doubt a whore. The biggest whore America has ever seen!!
Donald J Trump is a whore. He got his start with a $400 million gift from his wealthy daddy, who got HIS money by cheating. Donnie continued his dad’s dishonest business practices. Along the way he has raped at least one woman and assaulted dozens more. What a whore. There are no stories (yet) of Trump raping furniture. Melania Trump is also a whore. She lured her rich man-whore into marriage. Some women will do anything for money, even sucking Trump’s little dick.
Trump is a chameleon, much like his mate, JD. They change their positions as needed. JD called Trump America’s Hitler now gives him blow jobs.
Saw yesterday where Trump basically gave his boss, Vladimir Putin, a blow job for how he took advantage of America in the prisoner swap. RUS! RUS! RUS!
MAGAts love them some Putin and hate the USA!! But why? It’s the Donnie Effect.
I hope you were a better fireman than you are an economist! When the top marginal rate was 90% was America a communist/socialist nation or were we kind of doing well?
Only Russia has a Flat Tax. No wonder youse guys love it.
Yeah right!