Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day

Much of this could be avoided if the Western nations stopped being squishy and took a hard line towards Islamic extremist groups, especially those backed by Iran which keep attacking Israel, and Iran itself. But, many in power are Jew/Israel haters, and there are plenty of Islamists imported who are now in positions of power

Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av – the Jewish day of disasters, Western intelligence says

Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13, the site reported on Friday.

Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group embedded in Lebanon.

On Tisha B’Av, Jews lament the destruction of the first and second Temples. During the annual event, there is fasting, mourning and a practice of self-denial.

Three sources told the New York Times that Iran planned to respond to the assassination of Haniyeh. The sentiment was echoed by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameini on X who wrote “Following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, it is our duty to take revenge.”

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.

So, then? Or

Getting beyond whatever is up with his hand, could we wee something this weekend? The US is deploying more jets and ships to the Middle East.

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One Response to “Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day”

  1. Dana says:

    The pro-Hamas sympathizers are already whining that Egypt and Jordan are trying to keep the peace with Israel, calling them traitors and Zionist sympathizers, but the truth is pretty simple: the governments of these nations know that war with Israel would be a disaster for them, as it has been every time in the past, and they see their duty as protecting their own nations.

    It’s Iran, which isn’t even an Arabic country, and its bat guano insane Islamic overlords, that spreads and funds the hatred, but Iran is a thousand miles away from Israel; the mad mullahs don’t see themselves as particularly threatened by Israel, though the extermination of Ismail Haniyeh in the government’s secure guesthouse ought to make them worry a bit more. The mullahs are Shi’ites, while the Arab nations are Sunni or Wahhabi Muslims, and the political struggles between the Shi’ites and the others has been going on for a long time.

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