Don’t want the illegals in camera view as the border czar, whom no one voted for, takes the stage
Migrant homeless encampment cleared; city officials deny it’s because of DNC
Jordan Parra said he didn’t walk across seven countries to be kicked out of his tent in a park in Chicago.
The 27-year-old from Caracas, Venezuela, had been staying on Chicago Housing Authority land adjacent to the Near West District (12th) police station with his partner for months. They opted to sleep outside after feeling unsafe in three different city-run shelters, he said. Then in late June, he said, police officers came into the park with a bulldozer and cleared everyone out.
“What we’ve found here is worse than in Venezuela, because we came here with hope for a better life and had to deal with the disappointment of not even getting close,” he said.
And? You were not invited. All those who apply for the citizenship path have to show that they can care for themselves. You came and demanded the U.S. taxpayers support you
The encampment clearing was the latest of the city’s overall “encampment initiative” at eight tent cities across Chicago, according to Chicago Department of Family and Support Services spokesman Brian Berg.
The empty CHA lot by the police station had become a crowded encampment for migrants, like Parra, who opted not to stay in shelters for safety concerns and other reasons. (snip)
When a major homeless encampment by the Dan Ryan Expressway was cleared on July 17, Maura McCauley, managing deputy commissioner of the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, told the Tribune it was fast-tracked in time for the Democratic National Convention in late August. She said there were worries that security officials with the convention could suddenly ask that the tent city be evacuated.
Johnson later denied his administration’s earlier statements attributing the action to the DNC, scheduled for Aug. 19-22. The removal of the site by the Near West District station had nothing to do with the convention, Berg said. (snip)
City officials denied any other efforts to clear the city of migrants ahead of the DNC.
Right, right, sure.

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Sounds eerily familiar to Communist China when they were hosting the olympics. For two weeks prior to the event the people were forbidden to drive their vehicles in the city in an effort to rid the city of air pollution.
It worked great, given that the country has no standards by which to curb emissions from vehicles that they adhere to.
For the first time in decades people could breathe and see a mile down the road instead of working in a dark putrid haze of smog.
The Democrats do not want anyone to see what their policies have brought to America. Bring in the bulldozers.
Change your stances…..WINK>>>WINK….to I believe in fracking, All those things we have been forcing on you are not my way of doing things, bulldoze up the illegals and the homeless, bring in 1000’s of police and make the city safe for a week.
Once its over, Once they win????? Back to bringing in millions and turning the USA into Venezuela.
Fuk the Democrats. Why won’t these people just wake the fuk up. I know the GOP doesnt have all the answers but at least they do want a safe country. The reason MAGA must die is because, hell they don’t rubber stamp corporations now who have become stronger than ever and are now run by the WOKE LEFT.
The very thing the left used to rail against is the very thing they OWN NOW.