…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Kamala Crash.

…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Kamala Crash.
Republicuns are asking, “Where’s Donnie”?
Is he in hiding until he figures out a message? JayDee is just repeating old conservative maxims – San Francisco liberal, soft on (black) crime, soft on immigration etc
At first I thought Gov Walz was too old but he’s some 20 years younger than Donnie.
The Kamala Krash, LOL!
How’s the DJIA doing today?
Why the big drop yesterday?
The gamblers panicked and pulled away from the tech stocks, mostly based on the assumption of a US business cycle recession. Recall our Fed controls interest rates and have been tweaking rates up to tamp down the inflation from the Trump/Biden overspending and supply chain pressures. The Fed will likely announce an emergency cut in the prime rate, which Trump will oppose but fugg him.
And anyway, conservatives understand that the stock market rises are due to good conservative policies and drops are due to liberal policies, regardless of who’s in office.
29,992 on Jan 31 2022 and down to 19,174 two months later. The Trump Trashing?
That’s a 36% drop in a couple of months. Under the careful leadership of businessman Trump.
Any good nuCun Republicun will tell you that the Trump Trashing of the markets was the fault of Dr Fauci (who should hanged, shot, then hanged again!) and Democratic Governors and Mayors and the communist Chinese (part of the DNC).
Yet, nearly every state issued a state of emergency and applied restrictions on travel, gatherings, masking and medical procedures.
But blaming Dems for all Republicun failures is de rigueur.
GFY retard
“Tim Walz vows to make America as great as Minneapolis”
Trump issued a two-word response upon learning of Kamala’s choice of Tim Walz as her pick for VP:
It just keeps getting better and better.
#Tampon Tim

And we thought JayDee “Smoky Eyes” Vance was weird…
Anti-vaxxer and prez candidate, RFK Jr, saw a driver hit and kill a bear cub in upstate NY. He stopped and collected the bear to skin and freeze the meat. Time got away from him at a gathering and he figured the bear meat would go to waste, so he and friends dumped the bear carcass in NY Central Park and put a wrecked bike nearby to make it seem as if it was a bear-bike collision.
RFK Jr has been in contact with the weird Trump/Vance campaign hoping for a gov’t position if Donnie wins. Possibly head of HHS.
Other RFK Jr hits:
Vaccines cause autism (No evidence).
The CIA killed JFK (No evidence).
W stole the 2004 election (Nope).
Antidepressants cause mass shootings (No evidence).
US biolabs in Ukraine were developing bioweapons to target Russians and Chinese (No evidence.)
Sirhan Sirhan didn’t kill RFK Jr’s father (We saw him shoot).
The ACA was to get big pharma to pay the Dems (Big Pharma donates more to Repubs).
The Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered (No evidence).
Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates exaggerated the pandemic to promote vaccines (No evidence)
Promoted ivermectin as a Covid treatment (Insufficient evidence).
US and Switzerland have similar gun ownership (actually US is 6 times higher).
[…] Calling It the ‘Kamala Crash’ The Pirate’s Cove Flappr A View From The Beach 357 Magnum […]