It is an interesting pick. The Credentialed Media had been proclaiming Pa. Governor Josh Shapiro was a centrist, plus, he’s a Jew to boot. Shapiro would have potentially appealed to the Independents and squishy Democrats. Instead, Cackles picked a hardcore Modern Socialist to seemingly play to the hardcores, including the Jew haters and Islamic supremacists.
How progressive is Tim Walz? Here’s where the Minnesota governor stands on key issues
Minnesota’s governor Tim Walz became half of the “most radical, far-left ticket in the history” Tuesday when Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris announced the former teacher and national guardsman as her running mate.
Walz, 60, has pursued and backed several progressive policies that have animated both sides of the political aisle during his tenure as the North Star State’s leader — and was widely viewed as one of the most left-leaning VP candidates.
Here is a look at the Minnesotan’s progressive resume as governor.
Prior to winning the governorship in 2018, Walz expressed support for turning Minnesota into a sanctuary state, meaning he would support scaling back local police cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. (snip)
Shortly after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Walz’s administration opened a hotline allowing individuals to snitch on those who were eschewing the state’s stringent lockdown rules. (snip)
In 2023, Walz signed the so-called “Trans Refuge” bill into law that restricted state agencies from complying with out-of-state subpoenas, arrest warrants and extradition requests for people who traverse to Minnesota from other states for “gender-affirming care.” (snip)
Tim Walz signed a bill forcing Minnesotans into EVs, yet, here he takes a large fossil fueled place before jumping in a FF SUV #climatecrisscam
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 6, 2024
He’s gone complete anti-2nd Amendment
Last year, Walz then signed a gun control package that featured universal background checks and a red flag policy that creates a process for law enforcement to take firearms away from individuals perceived at risk of harming themselves or others.
Obviously, his a 100% supporter of abortion on demand, free college (at taxpayer expense), and soft on China. As Charlie Kirk notes
You helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. You let your daughter leak the Guard’s deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.
Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters “fascists,” egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place.
You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it “healthcare.”
You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits. Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” under laws you support.
And more. That’s who Kamala chose.

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The radio carried the Harris to Walz call and I swear is sounded just like the scripted ending to the “reality show” the Bachelorette, or something similar.
Personally, I think she should have gone with the Pokemon style, “Pika-Walz, I want YOU!”
I can’t make out why on Earth she picked Walz. He literally brings nothing to the table. His state is one of the most solidly Democratic party places so he isn’t helping there. The old white guy demographic is going nearly 85% for Trump. Vance has him totally beat on the actual veteran demographic. On top of that, he makes Harris look stupid by comparison. Hillary ran against hand picked opponent Sanders because next to him, she looked spry and reasonable. Then she picked window-licker Kaine as her running mate, again, to make her look better. Harris herself was picked as one of the only possible people to make Biden look smart by comparison. The Democratic party has a lot of functional morons in it but even they have trouble finding someone dumber than Harris to put on the national stage. The easy choice should have been Kelly or Shapiro. It’s as if the Democrats aren’t even trying this time. Maybe they learned from 2020 that they no longer need to try since they can count on manufactured votes in swing states.
The Commenter counters his sobriquet as they whistle past the graveyard: Harris herself was picked as one of the only possible people to make Biden look smart by comparison. (Both Harris and Biden are smarter than Donnie. Vance is awfully bright but his “act”, and his over-the-top ambition, has already worn thin with normal Americans. He might as well have “PHONY” tatooed on his forehead.)
The Democratic party has a lot of functional morons in it but even they have trouble finding someone dumber than Harris to put on the national stage. (The Commenter, is obviously not used to humility, a sense of humor and decency in a politician; after all being a Republican he’s not seen any since J McCain.)
The easy choice should have been Kelly or Shapiro. It’s as if the Democrats aren’t even trying this time. (Why should it be an easy choice? The Dems need Kelly as Senator. Governors, with their executive experience make better candidates. Gov Shapiro was the other choice – he would help securing PA and no doubt has presidential aspirations. In addition, not choosing Shapiro invites the fraudulent claim from the bonehead right that Harris is anti-Semitic).
Maybe they learned from 2020 that they no longer need to try since they can count on manufactured votes in swing states. (Still no evidence to support that claim. If MAGA actually believed that they would be fighting in the streets rather than online bitching. Why do you silly twats even pay attention to elections if they’re all rigged?)
The con-menter pool here is down to one reasonable person who doesn’t claim the Dems win by cheating.
anyone can see that’s ridiculously untrue one is senile and Harris has an IQ of a cackle put all that aside, as you would say show us the evidence prove it.
The one thing that is better than an internal poll is Jeff’s fury. He has a sense for who is winning and the more he is bashing Trump, the better Trump is doing.
I think you’re on the money there. Some of the guys from my old battalion ( just some firemen that Elwood thinks it’s OK to kill) where over at my house and we were talking about that. We all arrived at the same answer you did that the commiecrats have become so proficient at fixing and stealing elections and are so far ahead on fake ballots there is no need to pick a decent candidate.
I heard a giant sigh of relief go up among all the printing shops because now at least they have a name to put on all those ballots sitting there waiting to be printed.
Our Abortionist is correct. The Dems have become so proficient at stealing elections that there is absolutely no reason for Republicans to vote. Stay home and plot with your militia brothers how to take back America.
Have you noticed how the brave Venezuelans are still rioting in opposition to Maduro, who obviously stole the election. The MAGAts could learn something from them. Unless you’re babbling scheisse about The Steal.
Kinda like the portrayal that lib women are murdering babies. If you believed that you wouldn’t be typing from your comfy home.
Mrs Emhoff knew that if she’s picked Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA), she’d lose some of the hard left voters, because he’s a Joooo, one who did five months of civilian volunteer service with the IDF. Combine that with her own husband, the one she didn’t respect enough to take his last name, also being a Joooo, and she’d completely lose the anti-Semitic left vote.
C’Mon. It’s not like they were going to vote Republican. As Kang once said, “It’s a two party system!”
… Or have children with. It sure seems like another arranged marriage between politically minded people. Like Huma Abadeen and Tony Wiener. Or like the large group of democratic politicians married to media people.
Or the arranged marriages between Melanija Knavs and Big Donnie or Ivanka and Jared?
Are youse guys so panicked that you’ve lost ALL ability to reason?
Our MAGA brethren and cistern are in full panic mode.
Harris/Walz preach joy and optimism.
MAGA preaches grievance and retribution. But how else can you rally the townsfolk to destroy the nation to be rebuilt? Have you noticed neither Trump nor Vance know how to smile?
Why did our Vice President choose Gov Walz? He’s an older, white rural American, father, teacher and coach, a hunter… not a Yale lawyer, not a Silicon Valley baby, not an elitist like the weird, politically ambitious JayDee.
Why did Big Donnie pick Vance over any normal person?
The VP didn’t pick the astronaut, so she must be anti-astronaut. She didn’t pick Whitmer, so she must be anti-woman. She didn’t pick a black person, so she must be a racist. She didn’t pick a Hispanic so she must be anti-Hispanic. She didn’t pick a Jew, so she must be anti-Semitic!
Trump picked a white Yale lawyer who abandoned the rural America from where he came. He despises those drug addled, impoverished, hardscrabble Americans who built the nation. Vance worked hard to erase any vestige of his roots.
Trump didn’t pick a Jew because there are so few in the Republicun Party.
Is Mr Dana’s significant other a Quiverfull wife, deferential to her husband in all things? Some women have so little respect for themselves that they defer completely to their husband as the Bible commands.
The uppity Ivanka Trump didn’t have enough respect for her hubby to take his name. But she married Jared Kushner, LOL.
From the former president, our own increasingly unstable “genius”…
Harris/Walz = Hope and Optimism
Trump/Vance = Grievance and Retribution
Keep typing, Donnie, keep typing…
Rimjob tries so hard. Cry harder.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Solid argument, loser.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Harris/Walz = Hope and Optimism
Trump/Vance = Grievance and Retribution
It’s been proven time and again.
People vote against something by voting for a candidate that is against what the voter dislikes/hates.
In this case….. open borders….millions of illegal aliens…sky night grocery prices…sky gasoline prices…..high interest rates…. foregin wars…
The neighbors of our good friend from St Louis defeated squadrista Representative Cori Bush (HAMAS-MO) in the primary election. The nomination went to Wesley Bell. Mr Bell, the St Louis County prosecutor, decided in 2020, not to charge Darren Wilson for eliminating Michael Brown Jr, the oversized thug who roughed up a shopkeeper half his size during a robbery in Ferguson.
Wesley Bell is a great candidate and will make a great Representative. Representative Bush was largely ineffective in the House. Bell is a liberal but not as radical as Bush.
My good friend, a farmer in southeast MO, won his primary to be a MO State Senator. He’ll have a very tough time against the conservative Republicun incumbent.
An acquaintance, Lucas Kunce, easily won his primary and will face off against Sen Josh “Run Josh Run” Hawley in November. Neck and neck right now. Kunce is a Marine veteran (tours in Iraq and Afghanistan), is and actual Missourian. He left active duty as a Major. Kunce ran a good campaign a couple years ago but was bounced in the primary by an Anheuser-Busch heiress, Trudy Busch Valentine, who lost to Eric Schmidt.
Kunce has worked with the National Security Council, State Department, Department of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, and other agencies to stop the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and missile technology, and later with the Joint Staff as an International Negotiations Officer. He oversaw U.S. military compliance with US international arms control obligations and negotiated arms control agreements and strategy at the National Security Council, NATO, and non-allied countries like Russia at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Major Kunce has had a long and productive career in international military and arms control.
Will Scharf, a Trump defense attorney, lost his primary for MO Attorney General. I was at a debate between Scharf and Dem candidate Elad Gross, and Scharf said “Trump” in every sentence. My nephew is a federal attorney and has opposed Scharf in court and says he’s a good, smart lawyer, and that the guy who won, the incumbent Andrew Bailey, is a dumb slug. Welcome to Missouri! Mr Gross is very smart, very reasonable, with solid policy ideas, but Jewish, which doesn’t help in a Missouri general election. Bailey was part of the state AG cabal trying to overturn the Trump loss.
Gov Shapiro (D-PA) was favored because he was a very popular governor of the most battlegroundy of battleground states, Pennsylvania. VP Harris is unlikely to win without PA.
On the other hand, Gov Shapiro is am excellent campaigner who may be able to deliver PA as gov.
Gov Walz will have broad appeal across the midwest – MI, WI, PA, OH, IA etc.
What was that giant Kotex on Trump’s ear at the convention? Drunk Dr Jackson said he had a 2 inch wound, yet 10 days after the shooting his ear was perfectly healed!
It’s a miracle!
No, it’s an earlobe which is cartilage. You know how we repair cartilage on an ear? With crazy glue not hard.
I’m trying to be very civil with you Elwood but if you keep calling me names that’s gonna go right out the window. I figure we can call each others candidates names we don’t need to insult each other but if you’re so childish you insist just keep going.
Whatever happened to the Democrat party? Now all they do is come up with communists. Is there something wrong with an American with a liberal view anymore? Why do they have to go straight the number 11 and go for Joseph Stalin’s cousin? Tell me what come on here and tell us what a wonderful enlightened guide is commie pig is so you got a commie pig and a Nazi pig and they call that a ticket for the next election. That’s a ticket alright a ticket to hell. And you have a balls the balls to say that the comedian and Nazi equal Hope and optimism? You’ve been preaching those same two things for 50 years so things should be perfect by now shouldn’t they? Or is it just like that hope and change shit that was thrown in the trash the second he stole the election?
Aren’t there any real American patriots in the Democratic Party anymore? Anyone? I’m calling JFK! The man was a liberal when he was an American first you guys are all communists and Nazis and American last.
Walz is weird!

Thank You! – Donald Trump
Walz urged people to snitch on their neighbors during the Covid lockdown.
Even set up a government website.
Good authoritarian move there, coach.
Watching Democrats on TV is like watching the old propaganda films from North Korea trying to outdo each other with effusive praise of the newly selected candidates. Harris and the other guy are both just the best that there ever was (and so was the guy who was at the top of the ticket just a few weeks ago). Harris is winning in the polls (and so was Biden just before he dropped out without telling anyone why). No one on the Left remembers that they were all praising their previous candidate as “sharp” and really on top of things just a few weeks ago, and now totally replaced and don’t talk about him… even though he is still President of the United States (technically). Everyone on the Left was just waiting for the VP announcement so they could all start telling how wonderful he is. Not a single Leftist media outlet has mentioned a single thing that might be challenging for Harris or the new guy. Being a Leftist stooge means never having to remember how many times you were lying about things just a few weeks ago.
The VP pick said “the Trump people are certainly more racist than the average white professional.” He also warned that Trump’s rhetoric would cause white people to “become more racist over time.”
In an interview with PBS the VP candidate also stated “there is definitely an element of Donald Trump’s support that has its basis in racism or xenophobia.”