I’ll say again, I’m not against them: I’m still seriously considering one. But, it’s not the business of government to force this on citizens (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)
Electric car sales forecast slashed as drivers turn to secondhand market
Car makers have slashed their forecast for electric car sales this year amid an ongoing slowdown in demand.
The Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) now predicts electric vehicles (EVs) will account for 18.5pc of the new car market in 2024, down from an earlier prediction of 19.8pc.
EV registrations surged higher in July but sales to private consumers continued to slump.
In figures published on Monday, the SMMT also revised down its forecast for the 2024 new car market as a whole, from 1.984m vehicle sales to 1.968m.
Within that estimate, the projected number of EV sales has fallen from roughly 393,000 vehicles to 364,000.
Mike Hawes, chief executive of the SMMT, said the figures still represented annual growth but warned that weakening demand for EVs among private consumers – despite heavy discounting by car makers – remained the industry’s “overriding concern”.
And that’s the thing, manufacturers are throwing insane amounts of cash to sell EVs. And I mean insane. Leases that look more like for a $24K car, not a $45K+ vehicle.
Mr Hawes said: “More people than ever are buying and driving EVs but we still need the pace of change to quicken, or else the UK’s climate change ambitions are threatened and manufacturers’ ability to hit regulated EV targets is at risk.
“Achieving market transition at the pace demanded requires greater support for consumers and action on incentives and infrastructure is needed now.”
How about he and the rest mind their own business? And why wasn’t Hawes asked if he’s driving an EV himself?

No one talks about the INSANE amount of money the dealers are losing on top of the OEM’s discounts(losses) to get these things gone. This is a farce and completely insane. There is a market for it, but not everyone can afford them, use them or wants them. It would be just as insane for OEM’s or the government to mandate everyone drive a diesel truck. If Evs are the future, they will get there on there own, but they never be the only thing people drive. Secondly, we do not manufacture enough surplus electricity to dump all these things on the electrical grid. This is simply another government manufactured train wreck in the making.
Brilliant comment! I feel sorry for the suckers that bought into the hype.
I don’t. Smug has a price. Early adopters have always paid premium prices for their choices to be on top of the tech food chain. Did you feel sorry for the people who bought Beta max instead of VHS? Or worse still those massive Laser disc libraries for their home theaters? People who buy Teslas can afford to buy Teslas and they wanted everyone to know that they are morally superior to you because of it. They got what they paid for. Non-Tesla wanna-bees are just that. Sad pathetic downstream adopters. They also got what they paid for.
I feel sorry for the shareholders of major auto companies who watched their dividends get diverted into black hole money pits so that board members could feel smug. Seems to me that there is a massive class action lawsuit bubble just waiting to burst on behalf of shareholders whose company profits were diverted into leftist celebrity causes so that board members and CEOs could brag at cocktail parties and maybe get another Lucite award for their office.
You mean Democrats, Chris? Don’t feel sorry for them they’re always the first ones to fall for their nonsense. They’re idiots here still believe the 2020 election was completely straight and honest and nobody’s ever gonna change their mind regardless of how much evidence we provide. But soon they’ll be able to cheat on the 2024 election so that’ll make them feel better. And they can always fall back on the believing that men can have babies.
The reason we are going to the USED car market is because we do not want to invest in a new car with a turbo charger. All the car manufacturers are putting turbochargers on all their cars and trucks. Turbochargers overheat the engine oil and exponentially shorten the life of an engine. Just give me a used non-turbo engine!!!
Agreed. Not sure what size vehicle you need but it’s hard to beat a recently used 4runner. I got a 2022 TRD ORP to replace my aging 2003 model. 2003 only had 365,000 miles on it and was doing fine. It is some kid’s first car now. He’ll probably put another 100K on it before he leaves college and gets a new one.
My 2003 4Runner just passed 303,000 miles, runs like a champ. Congrats on your “new” 4Runner, hope it runs 4ever!
I do miss the V-8 engine. Not going to miss changing timing belts. Like all the new features like auto tinting rear view mirror, lane following assist, back up camera (the line shows RIGHT where the trailer hitch goes), and of course all the installed luxury features. Like the built in garage door opener button. Like the cruise control radar following distance. Don’t like the driver side visor. Used to have double visor. New one only has one. Don’t like the new climate system. Old 4runner had a set the temperature you wanted and leave it alone, new one has a set fan speed and set how much heat or cold you want, and constantly fiddle with it during your trip.
I would like to know what the flooding from Hurricane Debby has done, to privately owned EVs.
Revenge of the ICE!! Gas engines have revolted, causing flooding to cripple the EVs!!
Self preservation!!
It’s not so much the ignorance that people find so annoying about Rimjob’s comments but it’s the sheer arrogance of his stupidity that is truly irritating.
One thing missing in all this is that Ford, GM, and Dodge, to name a few, are forcing people to pay exorbitant prices for gas guzzlers. For example, a pickup truck costs anywhere from 80 to 125 grand these days—too expensive for 99 percent of people.
This is in line with the 120k price tag for a Tesla plaid or a Tesla Model S, which is more like 60k these days.
Does anyone see the pattern here? Force up the prices of gas guzzlers so that EVs can compete even though no one wants one.
Dodge’s sales were down nearly 50 percent yearly after reporting their earnings. Dealers have become parking lots with most larger dealers sporting 2022, 2023 and 2024 models on the lot while charging 2024 prices for 2022 models.
Insane what the Dems are doing to this country. Putting lip stick on a pig and calling it gorgeous.
Thank you Democrats. We appreciate the fact that we can no longer buy a CAR…….PERIOD!!!!!!!
I say we keep the illegals and send the Democrats packing to Venezuela and all the other shit-hole countries they mindlessly love for their egalitarian prospects.