“Moderate” Tim Walz Wants To Ban Guns He (didn’t) Carry In War

Well, it’s not surprising that the Comrade Harris-Walz ticket doesn’t want to discuss food prices, energy prices, housing prices, or other economic issues, nor the border. Heck, Cackle’s website doesn’t even have any policy positions, just a beg for money. But, they are happy to discuss hard left issues. Walz says he’s an avid hunter, yet, wants to ban guns

‘Never went to war’: Walz ripped for saying he wants to ban guns he ‘carried in war’

Vice President Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, said he wants to ban guns he “carried in war” though he never saw combat during his time in the Army National Guard and left the service after being informed that his unit would be deployed to Iraq.

“I spent 25 years in the Army, and I hunt. I’ve been voting for commonsense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war are only carried in war,” Walz said in a video posted by the Harris campaign on Tuesday.

Walz joined the Army National Guard in 1981, retiring in 2005 from the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, where he rose to the rank of command sergeant major. Across his more than two decades of service, he never saw combat, according to an interview with Minnesota Public Radio in 2018.

It’s not surprising that Walz wants to ban rifles: he’s a hardcore leftist. Good on him for serving, but, he’s never been in combat or a combat zone, so, he wouldn’t have carried a weapon. Otherwise he might have known that no one is carrying a semi-automatic rifle. And that there are plenty of rifles which are much more powerful than the hated AR-15 platform. But, this is the guy who also implemented a snitch line for COVID. He was at one point a big supporter of gun rights, but, then turned hard left

Walz retired months after a warning order was issued to his battalion that it would be deployed to Iraq, the New York Post reported Tuesday. Service member Thomas Behrends went in his place, according to the Post, sparking the veteran to slam Walz as “a traitor” and “coward” for retiring before deploying.

“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle, not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told the New York Post. “He ran away. It’s sad.”

This ain’t Hell… has lots more on Walz’s stolen valor, and that’s what it is. He’s stated for years that he served in combat, but, didn’t. He bolted right before his unit deployed. Respect that he served in the Guard, but, he ditched the people he was supposed to lead. I suggest we disallow all his security from carrying anything but bolt action rifles, and restrict their handguns to magazines that only hold 10 rounds. He’d be fine with that, right?

He’s also not much of a fan of free speech

““I think we need to push back on this. There is no guarantee to freedom of free speech on misinformation or, or, hate speech, especially around our democracy!”” Actually, there is. Perhaps he should read the Constitution for the state he’s governor of. And the one for the nation he wants to be VP of.

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16 Responses to ““Moderate” Tim Walz Wants To Ban Guns He (didn’t) Carry In War”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    #TamponTimmy isn’t the only democratical who feels this way.

    Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is threatening to prosecute a resident for “spread[ing]” what has been labeled as “misleading or false” election-related information, according to a “cease and desist” letter reported Tuesday. This comes just days after The Federalist revealed Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is urging residents to report their neighbors for so-called “election misinformation.”


    • Professor Hale says:

      Damn. That’s going to save Democrats a lot of money on ads. All they have is misleading information. They even lie about the weather! I’m guessing they will have some sort of totally unbiased people like Google has to carefully truthsense the quality of each report. Totally unbiased.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Avid hunter = psychopath. No empathy for animals. Avid means he doesn’t just hunt to feed his family, he kills creatures for the fun of it. Exactly the sort of guy who should not have access to firearms.

    Avid: characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic. avid readers/fans. an avid golfer. 2. : desirous to the point of greed : urgently eager : greedy.

    You Democrats sure you want this guy? You still have time to throw him under the bass and pick someone new. It’s not like you need to ask your 18 million primary voters what they want.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    This comes just days after The Federalist revealed Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is urging residents to report their neighbors for so-called “election misinformation.”

    Damn it! Those Bible tracts the JWs gave me as a kid are coming true. I was really hoping to die of old age, not getting executed after being turned in by the neighbor kid in exchange for a Steam gift card.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Another tidbit in the #TamponTimmy saga.

    Green discusses a 2004 visit from former President George W. Bush to Gov. Walz’s hometown, in which a protesting Walz (who was still serving in the military) supposedly demanded to speak to the then commander in chief.

    “Walz thought for a moment and asked the Bush staffers if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism,” Green writes.


    *One need to read te entire article to get a feel for what a lying scumbag #TamponTimmy really is.*

  5. […] Well. I think we know now that Kamala is doubling down on Marxism, and Marxists. That will be the end of your gun rights, so, vote accordingly […]

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach: Walz says he’s an avid hunter, yet, wants to ban guns

    Governor Walz signed universal background checks and a red flag law in Minnesota and we’ll take the risky risk of believing Teach’s word that he would sign a AR-15 style rifle ban. The AR-15 rifles (and the 7.62 caliber versions, i.e., AK-47 and the old AR-10!!) are recommended by all the world’s top mass shooters! The 7.62 x 39 rounds are being advanced by the military for more stopping power, and the commercial peddlers to amp sales. MIC, baby!

    But Teach is as desperate as JV Vance and Bone Spurs and is also a liar. It must be contagious!

    Of course, Governor Walz carried a rifle. He was in the National Guard, just like JV was in the Marines for a few years as a paper-pushing warrior. JV made it seem like HE was a combat veteran, but was just a stolen valor politico.

    And the willfully ignorant Teach still doesn’t understand the differences between the AR-15 style rifles (which spawned the M16 and M4 military rifles) and hunting rifles. Or he may just be lying. Again. Why do you suppose global militaries (and guys who like to play Army) and mass murderers are partial to these weapons and not Remington 700 30-06 rifles, similar to the Springfield 1903, 30-06 bolt action? My deer hunting buddies rely on the Remington 700, bolt action, in 30-06 or 7mm Mag. My moose hunting friends in Ontario save those “heavy” rounds for moose and use “light” rounds for white-tail. Here in the sticks more deer have been taken with lever action Winchesters in .30-30 caliber than anything.

    Sorry, back to Governor Walz. NuRepublicuns have no serious policies to discuss. How will they halt inflation? How will they cut the debt while cutting taxes for the rich? How will they stop the expanding gap between the rich and the poor? How will they ban all abortions when 70% of Americans want them available. How will they make America a christian nationalist nation? Nope. They worry about how Black is the Vice-President of the United States of America. They mock how she laughs. They mock her Jewish husband. They accuse the Vice Presidential running mate of stolen valor. They hide their candidate.

    Is Big Donnie still running? Shouldn’t he be campaigning?

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob does love him some rhetorical questions doesn’t he? https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

    • CarolAnn says:

      Between the constant insults and the minute technicalities it has become boring to read Elwood’s comments anymore.

      Elwood would make a good national wife because all he does is bitch and complain. And he says the same crap over and over again. Even when he knows he’s wrong even when he’s been shown to be wrong he just keeps repeating it. It’s like a broken record or a retarded record one or the other.

    • CarolAnn says:

      Is Big Donnie still running? Shouldn’t he be campaigning?

      is campaigning they just don’t report it on the communist news networks that you watch. As usual you only get half of the news which is why you’re such a moronic uninformed individual to begin with. You are basically politically ignorant.

  7. drowningpuppies says:

    More proof that #TamponTimmy is a Rimjob clone.

  8. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    . The AR-15 rifles (and the 7.62 caliber versions, i.e., AK-47 and the old AR-10!!) are recommended by all the world’s top mass shooters!

    Know some do you?

  9. drowningpuppies says:

    More in the #TamponTimmy saga.

    Flashback: Tim Walz Signed a Bill Which Included Pedophilia as Part of the List of Protected Sexual Orientations

    In March 2023, Tim Walz signed the “Take Pride Act,” which controversially redefined “sexual orientation” in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act, removing explicit language that excluded pedophilia from the definition.

    The amendment, introduced by Leigh Finke, a transgender-identifying legislator, passed through multiple revisions before being signed into law by Walz. Critics argue that this change could inadvertently provide legal protections to pedophiles.

    Rimjob says there’s really nothing wrong with it. #TamponTimmy. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

Pirate's Cove