Remember this?
Asked by CBS News’ Katie Couric in an exclusive interview whether illegal immigrants should be covered under a new health care plan, President Obama responded simply, “no.” But he said there may need to be an exception to that policy for children.
Yet, lots of American children are not being given free healthcare, and, ever since, Democrats have been trying to give illegals government paid for health insurance and care
15 states sue to block Biden’s effort to help migrants in US illegally get health coverage
Fifteen states filed a federal lawsuit Thursday against the Biden administration over a rule that is expected to allow 100,000 immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to enroll next year in the federal Affordable Care Act’s health insurance.
The states are seeking to block the rule from taking effect Nov. 1 and providing people known as “Dreamers” access to tax breaks when they sign up for coverage. The Affordable Care Act’s marketplace enrollment opens the same day, just four days ahead of the presidential election.
The states filed suit in North Dakota, one of the states involved. All have Republican attorneys general who are part of a GOP effort to thwart Biden administration rules advancing Democratic policy goals.
The lawsuit argues that the rule violates a 1996 welfare reform law and the ACA. They also said it would encourage more immigrants to come to the U.S. illegally, burdening the states and their public school systems. Many economists have concluded that immigrants provide a net economic benefit, and immigration appears to have fueled job growth after the COVID-19 pandemic that prevented a recession.
Except, so many of these illegals are on the public dole, and take jobs from Americans. Regardless, what part of them “being unlawfully present in the United States” is misunderstood?
“Illegal aliens shouldn’t get a free pass into our country,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement. “They shouldn’t receive taxpayer benefits when they arrive, and the Biden-Harris administration shouldn’t get a free pass to violate federal law.”
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials did not immediately respond Thursday to an email seeking comment about the lawsuit. But Biden said in May in outlining the rule that he was “committed to providing Dreamers the support they need to succeed.” The Biden administration is shielding them from deportation.
The “Dreamers” have been ineligible for government-subsidized health insurance programs because they did not meet the definition of having a “lawful presence” in the U.S. The states filing the lawsuit said declaring their lawful presence by rule is “illogical on its face,” given that they’d face deportation without Biden administration intervention.
Democrats keep looking for ways to help out the invasion.

Good luck with that; as the states have NO standing. It was CONGRESS (the States) that VOTED TO APPROVE the Affordable Care Act. Within the 1600 pages of the ACA (of which NO member of Congress bothered to read) contains multiple clauses stating that NO legal challenges can be made against it. They forget that it was PRESIDENT TRUMP that proved that the “Personal Mandate” ( one of the most egregious part) was an UNCONSTITUTIONAL TAX; and was able to end that robbery; and saving Americans BILLIONS of hard earned dollars. If the people had been able to read the 1600 pages of that bill (and the accompanying 20,000+ pages of rules and regulations) the entire country would have been in revolution by morning.
My thinking on this has evolved. I now believe it is immoral for a nation as large and wealthy as ours should not have a national health care system. And every person inside our boundaries, even tourists, should have access to it. They just should not have the best of everything.
Oh, but we actually already have several. What we really need is better synchronization in our system of health care.
1. Disband the VA. Use that budget to pay for Blue cross/Blue shield policies for every veteran with service related health issues only. Veterans without service related health problems get what everyone else gets.
2. Disband the National Health Services.
3. Establish a system of free clinics All over the country. One in each congressional district. Each congressperson should spend 50 hours of community service working in those clinics doing whatever jobs they are qualified for, even if it is only cleaning the bathrooms. These clinics will be the first providers to all the nation’s poor and services will be limited diagnosis and treatment of illnesses that can be treated cheaply, with meds or minor outpatient procedures. The poor will not get cancer treatments, hip replacements or organ transplants, but they will get free birth control pills, anti-biotics, vaccinations, Insulin, ADHD meds, addiction treatments and other such things. Each congressperson will be personally responsible for the budget of the clinics in his district. If the voters in that district are unhappy with the level of care they are getting, there is only one person they need to talk to and it will not be a national issue. Foreigners who need complicated or expensive treatments and cannot pay for it will be deported back to their home country so that they can get the treatment the deserve.
4. Emergency rooms will once again be legally able to turn away patients who can be treated in the clinic system. But they will still be required to provide basic life saving care for traumas, heart attacks and other real emergencies to stabilize patients.
5. Require health care providers to post prices in a public area for all their services and have the same price for paying cash, using private insurance or government vouchers.
6. Otherwise hospitals and private health services will operate without interference from the federal government.
The proposal is to permit “Dreamers”, some 100,000 children brought to the US by their parents, to enroll in the ACA.
15 MAGA Attorneys General filed lawsuits… blah, blah, blah…
We get it. MAGAts hate everyone EXCEPT white christians of European derivation.
For your edumacation, DACA qualifications:
1. Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012 (that is, you were born on or after June 16, 1981);
2. Came to the United States before reaching your 16th birthday;
3. Have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the time of filing your request for DACA;
4. Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of filing your request for DACA with USCIS;
5. Had no lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012, and at the time of filing your request for DACA
6. Are currently enrolled in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a General Education Development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Coast Guard or armed forces of the United States; and
7. Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor (that is, a misdemeanor as described in 8 CFR 236.22(b)(6)), or 3 or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
These persons have lived as Americans for years. Why in God’s name would these idiot MAGAt AG waste their taxpayer’s monies to persecute these people? Lack of virtue signalling.
Many Dreamers have children now, children who ARE as American as Teach et al!
So when that KS asshole Kobach and Teach kick these “illegals” out of the US what happens to their children who are American citizens?
America needs to squelch the MAGA menace.
The day drinker is back with another overly long Copy&Paste with a few of his overused slurs thrown in. (hic)

Reading all the rules of the ACA convinces me that Democrats should never be allowed to pass a law. That is the most convoluted bullshit I’ve ever seen. They spent all this time for people who weren’t even American citizens. And now we’re stuck with them.
Howard states at least 100,000 people would now be eligible for the ACA. I believe the Democrat national committee should be forced to pay for that. And every registered Democrat should be assessed yearly their portion of the amount of money to be paid for these people. That includes education medical expenses legal expenses and everything else that the rest of us have to pay for because of the Democrats bad decisions and fake compassion. If they actually had compassion they would have compassion on their fellow American citizens not foreigners. I bet you anything you want Elwood and the rest of them wouldn’t give you one red cent if you needed it.
You lads don’t understand the insurance concept, do you. The ACA offers subsidized health care insurance based on income.
If a Dreamer gets sick and goes to the Emergency room they still get treated even without insurance. Who pays for that? Who pays for a citizen without insurance?
Tell us L.G., what should be done with the 100,000 Dreamers many with American citizen children? Would you deport the parents? What would you do with the children?
If the Left thinks illegals should get health care on the back of actual citizens…. screw them. Let’s make it voluntary. Set up a private charity to administer donations, and all illegal care must come from that fund. They can get that pleading, breathy gal from the save the puppies ads to cut some tv spots to raise money.