Will Politico note that Harris has been VP since 2021 and failed to show up at the border when Biden put her in charge? Maybe we can refer to her campaign website and see her policy positions? Oh, wait, all it does is ask for donations
Harris promises to go tough on border security
Less than 200 miles from the southern border, Vice President Kamala Harris promised to fight for “strong border security,” going after Donald Trump for killing immigration legislation that would have curtailed asylum and promising to sign such a bill into law if elected.
“I was attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and the human traffickers,” Harris said, touching on an issue she has rarely spoken about in depth. “I prosecuted them in case after case and I won, so I know what I’m talking about.”
Speaking in front of a crowd of more than 15,000 supporters at the Desert Diamond Arena, Harris blamed Trump for the failure of Congress to pass a bipartisan border deal earlier this year: “He talks a big game about border security but he does not walk the walk,” Harris said to a raucous Sun Belt crowd.
“We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said.
Comprehensive reform is not getting tough, it’s giving amnesty in some form, and that border bill didn’t do a lot to stop illegal immigration. Rewarding illegals for coming illegally/overstaying visas is not getting tough
The remarks are part of an aggressive effort by the Harris campaign to flip the issue of immigration and border security, long a political liability for Democrats and the vice president in particular. Polls show Americans believe Republicans are more effective on the issue, a perception the GOP has worked to reinforce in recent weeks by condemning Harris’ efforts on the subject as vice president.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, here’s Trump’s ad
Her campaign has tried
Democrats have typically shied away from the issue, but Harris’s camp has suggested a more aggressive posture, framing her as tough on the border throughout her career. Harris’s remarks Friday were similar to a new campaign ad up on TV earlier in the morning that pushed a tough-on-immigration message.
“As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades. And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris,” a voice read over videos of Harris’ political career.
Why didn’t the Biden-Harris administration do this for almost 4 years?
Notably on Friday, Harris declared her support for “comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship” — referencing a policy compromise that was at the heart of every past immigration negotiation over the past two decades until the recent Senate talks.
So, amnesty with little border enforcement. I mean, she has to respond to the attacks, but, even with the Credentialed Media in her corner, will it help win over new voters?

She learned that trick from Willie , the old ” I won’t cum in your mouth trick”.
Like the old Trump line, “I promise not to rape your daughter/your wife/your mother/your sister!” LOL. America’s Biggest Man-Whore!
This should work.
Kumala’s new campaign slogan.
President Reagan’s “The Wedding Dress” joke comes to mind.
she doesn’t need the help win over new voters they don’t need new folders on there communist Nazi Democrat team. The good old media has their butts covered and the paid foot people they use in every election will collect more than enough ballots to steal the election. Ask Elwood he will tell you.
Mumbles McTrump killed the conservative bipartisan bill to help address immigration, including security and courts and tightening laws. We all know why he ordered speaker Lil Mikie to kill it.
Mumbles has imagined there are 20, 30 even 40 million “illegals” here, raping your wives and daughters, killing your kids, taking black AND white jobs! Some have said the US is 25-30% “illegal”!!
VP Harris is correct that the US Congress needs to address immigration. Our asylum/refugee system is too lax. Congress needs to change the laws.
The Dems are likely to win the House back, a good shot at the White House and 50/50 for the Senate. If Trump loses will the the MAGA movement survive?
Rimjob: VP Harris is correct that the US Congress needs to address immigration.
They’ve had 4 years to “address” the problem and they’re still blaming Trump. At least they’re starting to admit it is a problem.
It is to laugh.

Total BS. A President, especially one not in office, can’t “order” a Speaker of the House to do anything. The border bill in question had almost 4 billion dollars allocated to place illegals in this country. Designed to fail. Why whine about you your made-up scenario when all Brandon had to do was issue another executive order?
You’re either being exceedingly naive or typically dishonest. Doesn’t matter. Trump told Lil Mikie not to address the bill.
More interesting question is if Harris loses will the Democrat party survive? Will the Democrats use their normal stuff and take to the streets and burn down buildings and shoot policemen? Or will they take the loss like a party of patriots instead of a gaggle of gangsters? They could end up back in 2020 which cities in flames which is what I figure it’s gonna happen.
Stock up on ammo boys we might be going to need it.
When Trump wins, the Democrats will certainly release their brown shirt army again. They will definitely burn the cities again. There is no need for Trump supporters to stock up on ammo because most of us already have plenty and we don’t live in the cities. Let them burn.
And the Democratic party will certainly survive and continue to act just as they did before. The only change you might see is a little more pretending to be “moderate” instead of all being far left whackoes. Deception is a Democratic party pillar. Just remember that no matter how “moderate” a Democrat claims to be, they can all be counted on to vote lock step in the House and Senate when called upon for any hard Left whacko agenda.
Mr Dowd wrote:
Yeah, because it was a horrible bill! Our current laws are better, laws which are tighter and do not provide a free pass for a limited number of illegals. Note that President Trump was able to drastically reduce the number of illegals crossing under the existing laws.
L’Roy is correct. Don’t waste your time voting, we Dems have it all under control. We have Camden 84-14 for VP Harris – RFK Jr gets 2%.
We have enough “pre-votes” to win PA, MI, WI, GA and AZ. (Trump has helped us in GA by attacking the uber-popular Gov Kemp and Sec of State Raffesnperger. Remember when Mumbles handed the Senate to the Dems by being stupid about GA? LOL. He can’t keep his mouth shut!!)
Stay home, lock and load your AR-15s and AK-47s and buy plenty of ammo before President Harris bans guns and ammo!! Sometime during year one Commander Harris will start the internal “deportations” of “Threats to the Homeland” to the old FEMA camps that President Obama had constructed in Idaho, Nevada, Alabama, NY, OK and ND.
Insider info is that Hunter Biden will be the new AG and will manufacture charges against the “worst” reactionary fascists, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Margaret Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley etc will face trials. The cowards who renounce their allegiance to Trump, guys like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Ron deSantis, JD Vance, Nancy Mace etc will be forgiven but on probation.
Conservative think tanks will be audited.
Harris will pardon Trump of all crimes because of his continued dementia.
Stay home and try to find an old fashioned actual conservative. It’s possible the GOP can be saved.
Ah, yes. Rimjob and his fantasies again.
It makes one wonder why the Democrats and their acolytes in the media are trying to recast Kamala and now her VP choice. They don’t want to talk about the fact that she’s done nothing for the past three-plus years but push bad policies and cover up Biden’s cognitive decline.
But then again democraticals can’t remember 15 minutes ago.
Rasmussen has a YouTube video explaining the lies of the media and pollsters. Trump is way ahead and Congress is shifting to the good guys. Jeff really lies big time when he senses loss.
Our stock is now at 6 cents.
David Porter (Teach’s daddy) is whistling past the graveyard.
“Trump is way ahead” he crows! LOL.
David P lies as much as Mumbles McTrump.
Uh oh, Rimjob’s riled up again. Probably been on a bender all day long.
Whoever the media is for will lead the polls unless it’s so obvious they can’t lie. Like when the commies tried to murder Trump. They had to swallow hard and put Trump in the lead a few weeks or look completely obvious.
We all know how the propaganda works, we’ve been watching it for years.
Are all countries as devious as the US?
You can’t trust the media, schools, scientists, universities, the Olympics, pollsters, churches, medicine, corporations, any level of government – police, fire depts, courts, DOJ, tax collectors, FBI, CIA, IRS, NASA, NOAA, NIH, CDC, Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, regulators – in fact EVERY global institution lies to you constantly! What’s a patriot to believe? You believe what makes you feel good!
Another regular commenter claims there is a nefarious group that controls President Biden and VP Harris because neither are smart enough to run the nation!!
Anyway, can you believe the global communist cabal, with the entire US military at their disposal, sent a kid to shoot wildly into a crowd?
Vice President Not Biden or Trump leads Mumbles McTrump nationally and in most battleground state polls. For now. The Trump campaign is still trying to define the VP and Gov Walz in as negative a light as possible.
For now, both Harris and Walz have better favorability ratings than Mumbles and Eyeliner, but that can change.