But, remembers, ‘climate change’ is totally about science
PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE: This guide and accompanying tools have been developed to support and encourage UNICEF country offices (COs) globally and in particular, those in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) –to plan and implement gender-transformative climate change programmes. Currently, few organizations or initiatives work at the intersection of child rights, gender equality and climate change, and there is a need and opportunity for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to spearhead local, national and global action around these critical issues.
It is important to recognize that gender norm change, a key component of gender-transformative programming, takes time to develop. Effective transformation may start by bringing a gender lens to programmes that have a limited focus on gender and by integrating additional elements that push the bar further towards deep-seated change. Climate change programmes designed with the ambition to achieve gender transformation over the long term can run alongside initiatives with short- or medium-term time horizons and goals. It is important to monitor and share these intermediate steps and results since they demonstrate possible pathways towards gender-transformative climate change programming. In this respect, COs are encouraged to share and document their experiences, challenges and successes to support colleagues working towards similar goals in the LAC region and beyond.
The present guide is intended to support UNICEF COs as they develop gender-transformative climate change programming, progressively grow their aspirations and accumulate valuable experiences. This guide, in particular, includes five practical tools that have been developed to assist UNICEF staff in integrating a gender-transformative approach into key stages of climate change programming – from identifying the gendered impacts of climate change on children, including underlying gender structures and norms, through to gender-transformative programme and indicator design, as well as identifying key areas for influencing national governments.
On one hand, it seems like they are pushing for protection of children, especially females. In the next, it looks like they are linking climate doom with transgender madness. It just goes to show that the cult will link every issue.

amazing. simply amazing that morons and idiots can actually get jobs like this and tell the rest of us what to do and believe
Our esteemed host wrote:
The concept is called intersectionality, which holds that every supposed victim group — meaning: everyone other than a white cisheterosexual Christian, and maybe Jewish, male — have a common interest, and the left are kind of eaten up with it. That’s how you get ‘Queers for Palestine’ and feminists supporting the Islamists, because no explanation other than plain stupidity or real insanity can explain such things.
I’m not certain that ‘gender transformation’ means transgenderism in this case. Rather, my guess, at least from reading that word salad, is that it means weakening masculinity among males, especially white, normal males — basically to create Sitzpinklers — so that women and homosexuals can achieve greater power.