She has more empathy for the people who backed the US State Department designated terrorist group which attacked and slaughtered Jewish civilians, which makes Islamist groups happy
Harris shows ‘more sympathy’ for Gaza than Biden and Trump, says black Muslim leader
Vice President Kamala Harris has displayed greater empathy for the people of Gaza than both President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump, according to Salima Suswell, the founder and chief executive of the Black Muslim Leadership Council Fund. In a recent interview with NBC, Suswell praised Harris for her calls for a ceasefire and her efforts to ensure aid reaches Gaza, noting, “She has repeatedly called for a ceasefire and has shown deep empathy toward civilian life.”
The Black Muslim Leadership Council Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization, is known for its advocacy on behalf of the Black Muslim community in the United States. Established by Suswell, the fund focuses on a range of issues including social and criminal justice, economic equity, and environmental justice. The organization has been particularly vocal about the need for a balanced US foreign policy, especially concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This recent endorsement of Harris marks a significant shift, as many Muslim organizations had previously been critical of Biden and were uncertain about Harris’s stance on Middle Eastern policy.
It’s not surprising that Muslim groups have flocked to Harris for her hard take on Israel. The BMLC is too new to to truly understand if they have radical leanings, though Salima Suswell sure has shown some anti-Semitism and Islamic supremacy in her background. And these are the people that the Harris-Walz campaign are pushing for votes.
Neo-Nazism and Islamism: Who is Asad Zaman, the Imam hosted by Tim Walz?
Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s new running mate in her presidential campaign, has hosted an extremist Islamist Imam on several occasions, the Washington Examiner first reported over the weekend.
Walz hosted Zaman three times in 2019, once in 2020, and again in 2023, among others, the Washington Examiner reported.
The Washington Free Beacon found last week that Walz appeared alongside an antisemitic scholar at a conference called “Challenging Islamophobia,” hosted by CAIR in 2019. The scholar Hatem Bazian has defended anti-Israel terrorist activities, the report noted.
Imam Asad Zaman pledged his support to Palestinians after October 7 and has previously promoted a Neo-Nazi propaganda film expressing support for Hitler, the Washington Examiner revealed.
The Washington Examiner revealed Friday that Walz has also donated $100,000 to the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a non-profit headed by Asad Zaman. According to court records, the Muslim American Society was once described as “the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.”
So, Walz liked hanging with Islamic radicals. Quite frankly, the attacks on Walz pulling a blue falcon and padding his military resume are small potatoes, and the Trump campaign and Republicans should focus on things like Harris and Walz supporting Islamic extremists, as well as economic matters.

Trump has no empathy. Period. The far-right favors the annihilation of Muslims in general, and the Gazans specifically.
The United States Vice President supports an Israeli ceasefire. Governor Walz has hosted Imam Amad Zaman, head of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota. Big deal.
A year and a half ago, ex-president Trump hosted anti-immigration, christian nationalist, anti-democracy, misogynistic incel, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Semite Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago, “Southern White House”, for a nice dinner.
Fuentes said,
Fuentes and his “Groyper Army” now oppose Trump.
Chicken Little Karen Man
The far-right favors the annihilation of Muslims in general, and the Gazans specifically.
Islam calls for conversion by force or intimidation.
Maybe that’s why many of us don’t want them in the country our fore fathers built.
Lewy Body,
We Americans don’t care what you think, but we draw the line when you start trying to expel other Americans because of their religion.
You should have learned in grammar school what our Founding Fathers wrote about religion:
Now, you MAGAts are ready to make our public grammar schools christian temples for establishing a religion and indoctrinating 5 years olds!
A few years ago you’d need to revoke the 1st Amendment to make christianity the national religion, but now the nuSupreme Court will find a loophole.
Chicken Little Karen Man
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” – Karl Popper
Lewy Body Dementia,
Unlimited tolerance doesn’t exist, does it? We have laws outlawing many actions – murder, defamation, robbery, rape, assault, child abuse, burglary, fraud, indecent exposure, traffic, and thousands more. If we tolerated murder we could kill anyone we wished.
Is allowing same-sex marriage too much tolerance for you? Being transgendered?
In fact, what exactly are the activities that you find too tolerant?
Gotta love the Rimjob logic.

It’s almost as irritatingly stupid as a Kumala “speech”.
(Only three non sequitirs)
Gotta love The Pissant’s lack of reasoning and avoidance of making an argument.
He’s smarter than Senile Donnie but just as dishonest.
Yeah, that senile dishonest old Trump guy.
Thanks Rimjob. You’re a hoot!
Chicken Little Karen Man
In fact, what exactly are the activities that you find too tolerant?
Ignoring riots that destroy neighborhoods.
Ignoring “religious” Islamic rituals like throwing gays off building tops.
Ignoring “religious” Islamic rituals like removing the clitoris from female children.
Those are just three. I could give you many more.
There are some Muslims that are radicals. Saying we should just tolerate them is stupid. The fact is that the radicals define the objectives and the actions of the group.
Sit down retard. Nobody is talking to you.
If only…
The things Elwood likes about pubic school.
Your kids can learn the proper technique for stuffing dollar bills in a transgender stripper thong: Just remember, George Washington’s face always faces away from you.
Your kids will learn the proper amount of hatred to have towards different people depending on their skin color and level of oppression: That’s a real win for anti-racism.
Free watermelon-flavored condoms: Free and watermelon? You can’t get those at Walgreens.
You’ll get some sort of return for your sky-high property taxes: Hey, if you’re paying for it, you might as well use it.
Your kids will never be exposed to bigoted religious superstition like the Ten Commandments: Separation of Church and State achieved.
Your kids will be taught to look up to real-life heroes like Mao Zhedong and Harvey Milk: They’ll be eligible for the Red Youth by third grade, too.
Your kids will become experts at making crude protest signs to wave around at the state capitol whenever Soros pays them to: Homeschooling can’t teach that.
Your kids will learn who owned the land under the gymnasium before Christopher Columbus ruined everything: The Puppashwoot people demand justice.
You can look forward to meeting your child’s new groomer on Back To School Nights: This year’s edition has a neckbeard and is grossly overweight.
You don’t have to lift a finger to raise your kids because the government will do it for you: The government always does a great job!
You didn’t cite the source for your list. You’ve been misled. It’s all untrue.
This is NOT a condemnation of home schooling. About 6% of school age children in the US are home-schooled (3-4 million). Governments SHOULD subsidize home schooling (tax credits, direct payments etc, but with very limited oversight).
Anyway, the American colonies have had public funded schools since the 1600s! Mostly reserved for the wealthy and “upper” class (much like England).
In the mid 1800s states started compulsory public education: schools should be free and supported by taxes, teachers should be trained, and children should be required to attend school.
Over the years, public schools have been opened to girls, Blacks, the indigenous, LGBTQ, the disabled …
CarolAnn, you’re not suggesting that the United States abandon public schools are you?
Rimjob and the other shitlibs WANT to be lied to.
It comforts them.
The leftist mind is different.
It is astonishing how often he demands sources when his pattern is to immediately say “that source doesn’t count”. It doesn’t matter how impeccable the source is, he has NEVER changed his mind as a result of getting better information. Total waist of time arguing with him and a bigger waste of time posting references. This is the internet, not your High School term paper. If you need a source, go use your own google.
The continuing sage of #TamponTimmah!

That’s funny how a Christian hating, white loathing, anti Semite like Elwood could possibly start saying other people including trump has no empathy. The far left in this country favors the extermination of white people and Christians specifically. They’ve been doing it for the last 30 years and everybody’s afraid to say it except me. And most of it has been fostered by white women like Elwood.
The United States Vice President supports an Israeli ceasefire. Well in case that’s stupid cunt didn’t realize it there was a ceasefire going on before the Muslims attacked on 10/7. The filthy dirty moslims broke the ceasefire not the Israelis. Governor Walz has hosted Imam Amad Zaman, head of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota who supports terrorists. No balls walz supports terrorists and always has. He also supports communists and always has just like our local friends here Elwood.
Fuentes does not support Trump and Trump has never supported Fuentes. The people on your team are constantly supporting communists, nazis and murdering moslem slime.
President Trump nor the Republican Party have ever supported Christian nationalism so stop saying it you lying piece of shit. They also never supported white supremacy. They do support equality which you do not. You’re an anti white, anti Christian, anti American racist and you always will be. The depth of your hate and loathing are so deep that it compels you to never tell the truth. That’s good for us because we know every time you type something it’s a lie.
Aren’t you back to work yet?
Trump invited Fuentes to dinner.
Donnie should just come out and say he doesn’t support Christian nationalism. MO Senator Josh Hawley is all in!! You guys constantly claim that the US is a Christian nation based on Christian principles created by white Christian men! You want to limit non-Christians, end same-sex marriage, limit LGBTQs, put the Ten Commandments in PUBLIC schools and ban abortion.
I’m hoping to get the cast off Monday.
Tackles should just come out and say she doesn’t support Muslims. Or communism. Or socialism. Or nazism.
We don’t claim it’s a Christian nation we claim it’s a nation founded by Christians. Why is that so hard for you to understand? And it was founded on Christian principles by white Christian men and all you have to do is read the founding documents to understand that. And unlike you leftists nowhere in those documents does it say you have to agree with anybody at anytime. You’re free not to be a Christian and you’re free not to be white. But you of all people should be very thankful that white Christians created this country otherwise you’d probably have your head cut off.
Create a thousandth time we do not wanna limit non Christians. We wanna limit people who cannot assimilate to the principles of our society and our nation again why is that so difficult for you to understand? You want a bunch of people here that hate you? I certainly don’t I think it’s stupid to go for that.
marriage is a religious covenant and should not be used for political purposes. If same-sex people wanna have partnerships that’s fine but marriage is reserved for a man and a woman why is that again difficult? I don’t know what you mean by limit LGBTQ but I do know that encouraging perverse sexuality is neither good for the society nor its offspring nor its posterity. Do you actually believe that it’s good for society to advance and encourage sexual perversion? If so why? And the you think it’s a good idea to allow men and women with these kinds of psychological proclivities walk around untreated and cause a threat to themselves and others? Again why? I think they should be treated and helped not ignore it and encourage and do a ever deepening web of perversion and sexual degradation. Apparently you think it’s good for one man to butt fuck another I guess where you come from it is. And to teach children how to do it also. If you give me a good reason why maybe I could join your side. If you could teach me why cutting off a little boys pecker and nuts is good for the boy rather than addressing the psychological problems that caused it maybe I could join you also. Hello you seem to wanna do is run around doing whatever get you attention.
Rethink the 10 commandments should be in public schools because they’re the basis of our laws. Why does showing the basis and the origin of the law bother you in some way? Nobody’s asking you to to teach 10 courses in Christian theology just explain the 10 commandments not a big deal. If children have further questions they could see their ministers or their parents about it. Unlike you who encourage children with further questions about perversion to talk to their pre conditioned perverted teachers rather than their parents. Because you have something to hide we don’t.
And although many of us would prefer to be an abortion we do realize that there are certain cases where abortion is necessary. What we would like atheists and Nazis like yourself to believe and understand is that there are more cases where abortion is not necessary and it’s just outright murder. If we can agree on that we’ll be fine. I don’t believe it’s a Democrat named Clinton who said he wanted abortion to be safe available and rare.
I also believe that the abortion is not the federal government’s problem it should be localized if the people in one state want it for 9 months so be it. But if those of another want it limited to 2 months it’s their choice. You’re always going on about choice so give the people the choice EVEN IF THEY DISAGREE WITH YOURS!!!
So you favor a christianist nation but just don’t want it called that. Got it.
Against same-sex marriage. Check.
Against transgendered. Check.
Do you think gay men and women are perverse? That’s OK. You just can’t make laws to punish them.
It’s none of my business if one fireman wants to buttfuck another fireman.
It’s a bad idea to to cut of a little boys pecker and nuts. Who does that?
Yes, Clinton said to keep abortion available, safe and rare. You’re just not smart enough to understand what that means. I’ll explain it, if you’re interested. You know as well as I do that the christian right is lying when they claim they want no abortion ban. (BTW – “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”)
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” …
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” …
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” …
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” …
How is this not forcing christianist beliefs on kids?
I think it’s you who does not understand what Clinton meant by that I understand completely what he meant. “The Christian right” is not lying when they claim to not want an abortion ban because “The Christian right” has never claimed to not want to ban abortion. In fact that’s what makes them “the Christian right”. You’re at least smart enough to know that aren’t you?
What does bearing false witness have to do with any of this? Other than that you keep accusing people doing things or believing things that they don’t believe or do. But I attribute that to you just being a communist liar not the bearing false witness.
So you consider having kids learn the basics of Christianity as you have enumerated with those five commandments is somehow forcing Christian beliefs on kids? So every time you teach a kid about something you’re forcing them to believe it? In reality all they would be doing is teaching what the basis of one of the major religions of the world is. Why in your mind is it somehow harmful for kids to learn this whether or not they accept it or believe it is of no consequence the fact that you wanna censor them from even being exposed to it makes you dangerous not only to children but to the Republic. Only Nazis and communists want to censor things and that fits you to a T.
As the years have gone by you have grown more and more fascistic. Till now the difference between your beliefs and those of Adolf Hitler or Stalin are the thickness of a pubic hair on a rat.
You have become everything that you should hate as an American. You believe in constant censorship of anything you disagree with and you hate all Americans who refuse to bow to your tyranny.
You may have heard of the First Amendment:
Exposing children to the basics of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Agnosticism, Wiccan, Sikhism etc is not wrong or unconstitutional. It’s call education. It’s a good thing!!
The state forcing children to learn only Christianity IS unconstitutional, at least for now. The nuSupremes may have a new opinion.
You likely heard the Ten Commandments from the Holy Bible at some point:
I am the Lord your God… you shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.
Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.
Do you really believe these commandments are religiously neutral?
What President Clinton meant is that American society could work to make abortion rare, not by right-wing mandate, but by improving the circumstances that lead to unwanted pregnancies. Widespread contraception. Ending poverty. Upgrading education. Universal healthcare. Most women seeking an abortion cite economic factors.
Trump and Vance’s Project2025 makes some forms of contraception illegal! This would result in more unwanted pregnancies.
I wish I had said that.
Lewy, Lewy,
We call that fluffing. Look it up.
“The Vice-President supports an Israeli ceasefire..” What-isn’t Hamas firing, too? Of course they are. When you start a war and losing it, you’re not a victim
Kids rarely start wars.
But Hamas, who started the war, always uses kids as shields
Chicken Little Karen Man
The far-right favors the annihilation of Muslims in general, and the Gazans specifically.
Islam calls for conversion by force or intimidation.
Maybe that’s why many of us don’t want them in the country our fore fathers built.
Islam calls for conversion by force or intimidation
Islam also calls for death to those who refuse to convert. It’s not just force or intimidation. That’s how moslems do things when they’re not in power but once they rule things change. We can read it in their “holy books” though they do try and hide them from us.
BTW, the reason the left does not attack moslims like they do other religions is not because they fear moslims it’s because they agree with them. Moslems hate Christians, Jews, Westerners, any other organized religion and both leftists and moslims support their state as their religion. They both constitute what I call “The Anti-West”.
Why do you think Elwood is so concerned about teaching anything Christian in schools? Because of the Constitution? No way. Did that stop him from supporting a nationwide ban on abortion via Roe vs Wade which was an obvious affront to the Constitution? Hell no! He like all America haters only believe in the Constitution when they agree with it just like Elwood starts spouting off Bible quotes but only the ones he agrees with or prove his point in some argument. Like he did above in his comment from 5:11 PM, thinking those first several commandments somehow would FORCE children to be Methodists. Even he’s not that foolish or naïve.
Mr Abortionist,
I’ve read the Constitution many times and abortion is not mentioned.
But our First Amendment prevents christian nationalists such as you from forcing your religion on innocent American children. Isn’t it enough that hard-working Americans pay for your churches?
I don’t attack Muslims in general because that would be wrong. Most crimes in the US are committed by christians but I don’t call to expel all christians. White men steal a trillion dollars a year in the US but I don’t call for their expulsion.
In my opinion every religion is silly and ridiculous. There are no gods, no satan, demons, no angels, no miracles, no heaven, no hell. But that’s just my enlightened opinion. You hate Muslims because they believe in baloney different from your baloney.
Your vision of America is one overseen by authoritarian, white, christian men. We’re trying to prevent that.