Maybe she’ll put it up on her website which outlines her actual policy positions. If it ever is implemented. It’s right there on Trump’s website
Biden IRS Hunted Tip Tax, Now Harris Wants to End It
Vice President Kamala Harris told Las Vegas, Nevada, she will copy Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “no tax on tips” campaign promise, but the Trump campaign is exposing Harris for hypocrisy on the issue — not just the theft of it.
Harris is fixing something President Joe Biden’s administration — which she is a part of as vice president — has done: actively working to hunt tip tax income via an IRS memo in February 2023.
“Copy Cat Kamala’s deliberate cribbing of President Trump’s proposal continues her pattern of taking positions in her Presidential campaign that are the exact opposite of the failed, weak, dangerously liberal policies she has always touted and implemented throughout her career,” a Trump-Vance campaign memo read Sunday.
“In this case, it contradicts the radical Biden-Harris administration’s position of wanting to collect more tax on tips, which they rolled out just last year by launching a new enforcement program through the IRS to collect more taxes on tips.
“If she actually wants to end taxes on tips, why won’t she do it now, considering she’s part of the administration currently in charge?”
Obviously, no one in the Credentialed Media will call her on it. I’ve perused about a dozen articles from various sources and none have asked her directly why she’s doing this now, when her administration, which has been called the Biden-Harris admin since the beginning, is the one that implemented tracking down that income. Despite the promise that all the extra IRS agents would only go after those making $400k or more a year.
“Kamala Harris, whose ‘Honeymoon’ period is ENDING, and is starting to get hammered in the Polls, just copied my NO TAXES ON TIPS Policy,” Trump wrote Saturday night on Truth Social. “The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes! This was a TRUMP idea – She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY — It won’t happen.
Nor will the CM ask her if she will stick by this promise, because they all know that she is simply patronizing voters, and will continue to sic the IRS on easy targets like the working and middle class.

The Harris/Biden/Obama administration is now talking about using Trump ideas to fix the border problems they created and the Trump idea to stop taxing tips. Add this to the Biden taking credit for lowering drug prices that Trump did.
Why vote for a fake unreliable “Trump” when you can have the real thing?
Also, If it’s such a great idea, maybe the VP of the United States might know someone in power who could, ya know, do it now.
Even if Mrs Emhoff has a policy to remove taxes on tips, it’ll never happen in real life if she wins in November.
Realistically, we should skip the convenience of debit cards, and start paying cash for everything, to keep the government out of our personal business! That way, if the waitress wants to report her tips, she can, and if she doesn’t, that’s up to her.
It is my personal policy for many years to tip in cash for that very reason. IRS and business managers though are doing sneaky shit like imputing a certain level of tips based on sales, even if such tips never actually happened. This gets even worse in locations that practice tip “sharing” among several employees. It gives everyone incentive to rat out anyone they see withholding a high tip from the group pot.
Why should people who work on tips have a tax free income? I have yet to hear a rational reason these folks should be granted a tax free income.
I was most surprised that Mr Trump proposed a tax cut for the working poor! That is so incredibly un-Republicun. If Mr Trump were to be elected, this idea will likely evaporate.
In contrast, Republicuns are always looking for new ways to reduce the taxes of their natural constituency, the wealthy and corporations. Why are the wealthy folks granted tax free income. Remember those years when our billionaire leader only paid $750 in federal taxes?
VP Harris also is pushing for increasing the minimum wage. Here in the backward midwest McDonalds is offering new workers, not $7.50/hr, but $14.00/hr.
If you’re a democratical the joke’s on you.
Notice anything out of place?