See, it’s OK to whip up hatred against Jews and Republicans by the left, but, not OK to demonize illegal aliens
Trump’s Dangerous Campaign of Hatred Against Migrant “Invaders”
On the morning of August 3, 2019, a 21-year-old man walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle. He murdered 23 people and injured 22 others. Most who died were Latino, including eight people from Mexico.
The gunman had driven to the border city from 650 miles away. In custody, he told police he’d come to kill Mexicans. Some writings he’d posted online said his attack was “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas” and that his mission was “defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” He cited an extremist ideology known as “The Great Replacement.”
These were not obscure ideas. The gunman wrote that he agreed with a recent mass shooter in New Zealand who had espoused them. He also knew some of these themes were being championed at the time by President Donald Trump. With help from Fox News pundits, Trump was whipping up fear and hatred of an alleged “invasion” coming across America’s southern border—the message was central to Trump’s reelection campaign in 2019, a focus of his ads and speeches warning ominously of a national demise.
See, it’s fear and hatred to want to secure the border, which is one of the main thing that makes a sovereign nation a sovereign nation. If these same people were breaking into the homes of Democrats and Mother Jones writers you can bet they would want them arrested and booted from their homes, right? Anyhow, they mention one crazy person. How about
Illegal migrant allegedly commits 22 crimes in 6 months: ‘It will get worse,’ expert says
An illegal Venezuelan migrant with suspected gang ties who has allegedly committed 22 crimes in six months in New York City still hasn’t been deported, according to a local news report and the House Judiciary Committee.
“The problem in New York is you have a sanctuary state and a sanctuary city, and they put politics ahead of public safety,” said Tom Homan, who served as acting director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Trump. “Sanctuary cities are sanctuaries for criminals.”
Daniel Hernandez Martinez, 30, a reputed member of the ultra-violent Tren de Aragua gang, was first encountered by the U.S. Border Patrol in January 2023 in Texas, according to the House Judiciary report released Wednesday.
He was booted, then came back in to continue his crime reign
A woman was raped at knifepoint by a suspected migrant next to the Coney Island boardwalk in New York over the weekend, while another asylum seeker fought off her boyfriend, it is claimed.
The unprovoked attack reportedly happened outside a hotel housing asylum seekers Sunday around 9pm, and has since resulted in rumored Nicaraguan migrant David Davon-Bonilla, 24, and 37-year-old Mexican Leovando Moreno’s arrest.
They should put the asylum centers in the rich folks areas, see if they continue to want unfettered illegal immigration
NYC migrant accused in vicious beating of Times Square cops arrested again after he’s bailed out
A migrant accused of leading an assault on a pair of New York City police officers in Times Square earlier this year before being quickly released was arrested again for serial theft, according to media reports.
Yohenry Brito, 24, of Venezuela, was arrested Tuesday for a pair of thefts at Sephora makeup stores in Manhattan, law enforcement sources told the New York Post.
Why are we allowing them to remain in the US when they are committing crimes?

Look up the NEW STATE flag adopted in 2024 by Minnesota.
Now look at the flag of Somalia.
Same Colors, Same Star, which the Minnesota LIE MAKERS…er law makers inferred is the NORTH STAR…..lololol.
Minnesota has become the Somalia of the United States.
The problem is that Ilan Omar might lose her primary. (Ilhan Omar braces for primary rematch after watching two ‘Squad’ allies fall) The people are voting her out of office, but fear not. The guy that would replace her has admitted he holds her same views, just he is not so divisive and offensive and didn’t marry his brother or sister.
She will pull off a staggering comeback like she did two years ago, just like Harry Reid pulled off a staggering comeback way back in the day when he was behind in all the polls in his state of Nevada. All the Democrats have to do is dust off the cheating machine, and it’s game on.
I say again. There is no way Trump will win in 2024. The GOP will go down in flaming defeat all because the left’s intolerance machine has convinced the mass idiots that their FAR LEFT RADICAL AGENDA is mainstream, Democratic, and full of rainbows and unicorns. At the same time, the MAGA RIGHT is NAZI, hate-filled loons who are murdering people by the millions every year.
The POLLS SHOW KAMALA winning now on every issue except the border, which she trails by only 1 point to Trump….You know you gotta make shit up and feed it to the people daily for the next several months to pull of the cheating that is fixing to hit America in November of this year.
There have been a few incidents of violence against suspected illegals, but far, far, far more crimes committed by the illegals than violent incidents against them. Many of them simply do not share much of American culture, and bring the same respect for the law that they had in their [insert slang term for feces here]hole countries.
Our past waves of immigration, even before we had immigration restrictions, still came from European Christian cultures. They had respect for the same things Americans had respect.
Mother Jones? They are true Democrites, just having whined about outside money playing a role in the primary election defeats of two of the pro-Hanas squadristi, but being perfectly supportive of all of the outside money the Democrats threw into the 2018 and 2020 election campaigns.