…is a cliff collapsing from ‘climate change’ driven earthquakes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on California considering a government takeover of oil refineries.

…is a cliff collapsing from ‘climate change’ driven earthquakes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on California considering a government takeover of oil refineries.
Kumala’s new tax policy proposal.

A winner!
Will it ever stop?

Miss J.D. Vance accused Gov and veteran Tim Walz of stolen valor for wearing a “Master Griller” chef apron!
Governor Walz fired back, accusing Miss Vance of stolen valor for wearing women’s clothing.
Re: California taking over oil refineries. Just like Venezuela. Government apparatchicks who have never even run a single gas station cannot be expected to run a whole refinery. California government even proved they could lose money selling weed. Expect them to lose money for a few years, then get shut down because they are losing money. Where they will be losing money will never be pointed out by the LA times that the money went to increased executive compensation, with all the executives being friends of the local democratic party. They will milk it for donations to various causes and then announce that they are operating in the red.
Unlike Venezuela, the government of California will have to pay the refinery owners to take their property.
He seems pretty proud of himself.
Oh Dougie!

The question going through everyone’s mind but never asked by the MSM.
Yo bitch?

Yo bitch.

Probably will insure a Trump landslide.
The objective here is to enable VP Kamala Harris and the media-Democratic complex to label Trump ‘a convicted felon sentenced to prison’ as voting begins

Private citizen and convicted felon, Old Don, refers to the Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, elected overwhelmingly over old Old Don , as “that bitch”. He’s such a clact ass! Oops, class act.
Have you seen Old Don lately without his chestnut roan finish? Worse, he can hardly exclaim a complete sentence. Fortunately for him one or more US judges WILL give him a sentence.
Kamala Harris never ran against Don so how could she be elected overwhelmingly? You smoking that weed again dude?
Compared to the way you talk about anybody that’s not a leftist Democrat old Don is a class dude.
My mistake. I thought Vice President Harris was on the ticket in 2020 when Old Don lost bigly.
I don’t use marijuana.
By no measure is Old Don a class dude.
In 2024 the voters are soooo enthusiastic to not have to choose between Old Joe and Old Don that they are giddy with excitement. Old Don is reaching out to Putin for help. Again.
How is Old Donnie‘s smear of Governor Walz’s military career going? LOL.
Trump is a draft dodger. His daddy had a doctor get young Donnie out of danger (except for avoiding STDs from fooking young women).
Trump called American heroes killed in action “suckers and losers”.
He objected to being seen with wounded veterans.
He denigrated John McCain’s service. McCain was captured and tortured by the North Vietnamese. Said class act Donnie: “He’s not a war hero, he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, okay? I hate to tell you.”
Well, Donnie.. We like people who aren’t bitter old cowards, like you. What a pathetic asshat Donnie has always been. Go away Donnie, America has passed you by. We are sick of the type of bullshit you and the horrid Vance spread.
Suing your customers for no longer being your customer! What an authoritarian asswipe. Musk uses lawfare against critics, and judge shops in Texas for Republicun judges. His objective is not to win but to drain his “enemies”.
And the hits keep coming.
Say it ain’t so, Daddy!

We know the “type”.

Oh my…
No wonder she won’t take questions.

So Kumala could we discuss your record, the people would like to know.

Opening this fall the latest blockbuster from Master Sgt. aWOLZ

Anyone wanna bring this up?
What happened in January 2021?

Wasn’t that when Joey and Kumala took office?
“Biden bummed to realize that all he had to do to stay in the race was not show up to debate and never speak to reporters ever…”
The Call

Tampon Teach is wrong again. The law that Governor Walz signed: “products must be available to all menstruating people at no charge” and be stored in “restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.”
Donnie Dumbasses. Every one.
Meanwhile: Walz favorability is +3; Vance favorability is -11. Ouch.
Meanwhile: The blonde, bewigged, eye-shadowed Vance (he went by Hamel then) minced and swished in a viral video. And so many identities?? Bowman, Hamel, Vance…
Meanwhile: Old Don gave a speech to a small crowd in NC on the economy. As expected, his train of thought was derailed.
Old Don started strong: “We’re talking about a thing called the economy. We’re doing this as an intellectual speech.”
but then, “We have a lot of important subjects because our country has become a third-world nation, we literally are a third-world nation. We’re a banana republic in so many ways, and we’re not going to let that happen because we’re starting a free fall.”
Said Old Don on the ‘economy’: “For nearly four years Kamala has crackled as the American economy has burned,” Trump said, mispronouncing “cackled,” …
“What happened to her laugh? I haven’t heard that laugh in about a week. That’s why they keep her off the stage, that’s why she has disappeared.”
“That’s the laugh of a crazy person, I will tell you. She’s crazy.” “… an incompetent socialist lunatic.”
“Rape and murder, rape and beatings, rape and something else, and sometimes just immediate killing. These people are brutal. These are people that came out of the toughest jails anywhere in the world from all over the world, and we can’t take them.”
but back to the economy: “Many people say the only reason the stock market is up is because people think I’m going to win, did you ever hear that? But there was one day a couple weeks ago when they weren’t thinking that.”
Poor Old Don needs to be put out to pasture. His sharp mind is deteriorating rapidly. He seemed barely adequate compared to Old Joe, but now… And he’s taking the GOP down with him.