Will Biden be removing his gas stove?
The ‘Biden Administration’ is going to outlaw Gas Stoves…because of Climate Change. Here’s Jill and her Gas Stove. Lol. pic.twitter.com/xH4bjzN7Wl
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) January 10, 2023
Nah, rules for you peasants
Biden Admin Cements Gas Stove Rule After Insisting It Isn’t Going After Gas Stoves
The Biden administration locked in a gas stove rule on Monday after insisting that it is not trying to ban gas stoves, rejecting efforts by opposed organizations to nix the rule.
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) efficiency rule for gas stoves, announced in January, will come into effect as expected in January 2028, according to a Monday entry in the Federal Register. The finalized rule is less stringent than a 2023 proposal that was subsequently abandoned, and nuance in the rulemaking process allowed for the agency to walk back parts of the regulation if it received a significant volume of negative public comments on the docket, according to E&E News, but the DOE has gone ahead with its rule over the objections of several Republican state attorneys general and advocacy groups, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).
The DOE rolled out the rule as a “direct final rulemaking,” meaning that there was no published proposal for the policy, according to E&E News. The “direct final rulemaking” process also allowed for groups like CEI to leave comments about the rule with a chance of getting the agency to water down the rule.
In its comments, CEI argued that the newer, less aggressive regulation was indeed watered down from the 2023 proposal, but that it nevertheless should be withdrawn because it represents federal overreach and remained a policy that would increase costs for American consumers, according to E&E News and the Federal Register entry. Besides CEI and some Republican attorneys general, the Antonin Scalia Law School Administrative Law Clinic and other groups also commented against the DOE’s rule.
It’s not really banning them, but, will make gas stoves in all forms a lot more expensive for consumers, forcing them to get electric. But, that will often mean capping the gas line coming into the home and installing a level 2 electric outlet.
This is exactly what the recent Supreme Court decision was about, that things like this should be something that the Congress passes, not unelected bureaucrats who are tasked with enforcing the law, not making it.
Kamala Harris takes Thanksgiving pic in front of gas stove as Biden admin moves to ban them. Rules for thee but not for me. What a hypocrite. pic.twitter.com/Wdt6LhjgBj
— PAMELA HENSLEY???????? (@PamelaHensley22) November 24, 2023
Will Cackles give up her gas stove?

God these people have become the party of the ELITES in such a short time.
The GOP became war mongers because of the RED SCARE, and the Democrats became leftists because of the RED SCARE. IE, the GOP said to build a big military with lots of nukes, and the left protested the Bomb and the military.
A single boogeyman drove both parties to choose a political platform.
Now we have Climate change, which is the new Boogey MAN forcing parties to pick sides and alter their politics based on the perceived threat of the new BOOGEY MAN.
the left believes climate change can be affected by riding the world of natural gas….natural gas is evil because it competes way too efficiently with renewables. Hence, please get rid of it, and you get rid of the primary last obstacle of cheap energy.
what gives? after the Chevron decision by SC that bureaucrats cant make law, all the bureaucrats continue to make law and all the pundits act as if it ok. Lets hear some RIDICULE!!!!
I’m still wondering how dopey and his crew still keep paying off college loans for rich kids even after THE SUPREME COURT determined that to be unconstitutional.
I guess when you promise the Wall Street kids something you MUST deliver.
What? You expected them to tell the truth? Hahahahahaha!
They also say no one is coming after your guns, but they are coming after your guns.
First, we would need to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Guns are here to stay. We will have to learn to live (and die) with them.
We understand the far-right would like to repeal or at least circumvent the 1st Amendment and designate the United States of America a christian nation.
What? Who’s doing the censoring in the US? The left and their partners in social media, of course. Same thing, but worse in England and France.
“We understand…”
You understand exactly nothing, as you prove with each new post.
Alanstorm is absolutely correct that would understands absolutely nothing 0 zilch nada. I myself has explained to him at least five times that we are 100% pro First Amendment. It is not we who censor people it’s you look in the mirror you blind fool. Secondly as I’ve explained to him 100 times nobody’s trying to circumvent the constitution to make this a Christian nation. It already is a Christian nation. Unless you get to bring in enough Muslims to change that. But it’s a Christian nation and demographics only not by law. If it was going to be a Christian nation by law it would have been made that way in 1776. You know that and I know that we all know that nobody is trying to make the United states a Christian nation. What we are trying to do though is stop it from becoming a moslim nation ruled by communists and nazis like you.
You’re always screaming about us trying to make this a Christian nation. Do you see marches in the street all over the place somewhere by Christians trying to take over? Name any politicians of any party who have a plank in their platform for forcing America to become a Christian nation?
You have Trump derangement syndrome so bad it has made you a psychotic. You have gone absolutely nuts and everything you write now is turbulent and insane.
You believe that claiming something that makes it true. You say you support the 1st Amendment but yet you want to put conservative christian propaganda in public facilities including grammar schools!!
Our Constitution only means what the Supreme Court says it means, so they may just conclude that the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to public school children.
Private entities can censor the hell out of their people. If you actually had a job you’d know your boss could fire you (within your former Union limits) for things you expressed publicly.
Why do you wish to force public school children to view conservative christian propaganda? Do you feel it will make them better citizens? LOL
1. You shall have no other gods before me
2. You shall not make for yourselves an idol
3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
How will that make Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic, Muslim, Sikh, Wiccan kids feel?
Five Principles of Wicca
1. Worship the Horned God and Mother Earth Goddess
2. If it harms no one, do as you will
3. Any benevolent or malevolent act will return 3-fold; mind, body and spirit
4. Practice Magic and Witchcraft
5. Practice mirth, reverence, honor, humility, strength, beauty, power, and compassion
Should these be posted as well?
Teach cries out: Biden-Harris Admin Going After Gas Stoves After Saying They Weren’t Going After Gas Stoves
So they DID ban flame pilot lights for new gas stoves starting in 2028!! The bastards! Even after SCOTUS told them to f’ off. Our Republican betters believe the dumbasses in the House can make better technical decisions than the Deep State experts in the DOE, NASA, FDA etc.
Is anyone even making gas ranges with pilot lights these days?
No, they believe that American individuals are the ones who have the right to take decisions for themselves, not government agencies. Other than on prenatal infanticide, today’s left are pro-choice for individuals on absolutely nothing.
You want to trade out your good and reliable gas range for a new electric or induction one? Go right ahead; that’s none of my business! You want to buy a Tesla or Chevy Dolt? Great, go right ahead, that’s your personal choice; I only object to the government subsidizing them! If investors want to build public EV charging stations, in the hope that they’ll turn a profit, that’s great, more power to them; I only object to the government taking our tax dollars to pay for building them.
Trump’s Project2025 will fire all those DOE, FDA, NASA experts and replace them with political loyalists. Couple that with the SCOTUS ruling on expertise and we’ll finally have that 3rd World nation Trump craves.
Will he make Elon Musk his Chief Technology Officer setting the rules for NASA, FDA, DOE, NIH, USDA, DARPA, EPA etc?
“Hi Kumala, this is Barack…”

Hi Timmy, this is Kumala.”

Our distinguished host wrote:
That would be the case only if the range was the only gas appliance in the home.
When SSG Pico decided to replace her worn-out heat-pump heating system with a gas furnace, she had to get the gas company to install a new gas line and meter to her house, because the gas company would not allow the use of the existing gas line and meter, which had been shut off for some time in the house, as the previous owners were all-electric in their service. That meant new gas lines being added inside the house as well. The old gas line had not been capped as far as I could tell, but the gas was shit off at the meter.