Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Throw Smoke Bombs At NYC Big Wig Event Supporting Harris

It’s blue on blue fire, since these same wackos vote Democrat

NYC pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Harris-Walz support rally; 14 arrested

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a democratic rally held in NYC on Wednesday night supporting Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

Chaos descended on Bird In Hand, a restaurant in Harlem near where prominent democrats – including NY Gov. Kathy Hochul and NYC Mayor Eric Adams – had gathered earlier in the day to show their support for Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, neither of whom attended the event.

Demonstrators interrupted Adams as he spoke and later, stormed the restaurant during the afterparty, causing thousands of dollars in damage.

Funny how they are quickly arrested when it’s the elites being inconvenienced, eh? I wonder if they will make the charges stick since it was the elites. Too bad Kamala and Walz weren’t there. Should be fun once the DNC starts and there are pro-Hamas demonstrators in the streets of Chicago wearing Intifada keffiyehs, Hamas apparal, flying Palestinian and Hamas flags, vandalizing buildings and statues with anti-Jew and pro-Hamas messages.

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11 Responses to “Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Throw Smoke Bombs At NYC Big Wig Event Supporting Harris”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Finally, Mr Teach takes the side of the rioting pro-Palestinian contingent as long as they’re threatening Vice President Harris!!! LOL

    It’s interesting that the pro-Palestinians are protesting the Hamas-loving, Jew-hating Vice President.

    • James Lewis says:

      Chicken Little Karen Man

      It’s interesting that the pro-Palestinians are protesting the Hamas-loving, Jew-hating Vice President.

      It’s called “intimidation.” You know, do as we say or we’ll hurt you.

      Now. Do I care? Yes and no.

      On one level I see this as a breakdown of society caused by us tolerating radical Muslims and their Fellow Travelers.

      on another I see this as these Lefties getting what they deserve.

      Have a nice day and enjoy life until they come for you. And they will.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Lewy Lewy,

        You are terrified of Muslims, aren’t you? That makes you THE Chicken Little Karen Man.

        Arrest or clobber the violent protesters as far as I’m concerned.

        But again, our 1st Amendment:

        Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

        You wouldn’t interfere with “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”, would you?

        I think we agree that violence needs to be dealt with swiftly and strongly – whether at a college campus, a political rally, US Capitol, Charlottesville or Ferguson.

        Do you believe the US is making a fatal mistake by allowing immigrants or converts to the wrong religion exist here? Should we ban the practice of Islam here?

        • James Lewis says:

          Chicken Little Karen Man

          “You are terrified of Muslims, aren’t you? That makes you THE Chicken Little Karen Man.”

          You misstate caution and concern. Neither is terror. Back in my flying days we always did a thorough preflight and fixed any problems found.

          “Arrest or clobber the violent protesters as far as I’m concerned.

          But again, our 1st Amendment:

          You wouldn’t interfere with “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”, would you?”

          As a true Leftie you always expand and mistake and deliberately misunderstand.

          You misstate the First Amendment. Burning buildings, etc., etc., or invading a private party is not peaceful or is the party the “Government.”

          “…..or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

          “Do you believe the US is making a fatal mistake by allowing immigrants or converts to the wrong religion exist here?”

          At the least we should examine the backgrounds of people coming from areas with demonstrated hatred of Jews and Americans. Trump tried to do that but was shot down by Lefties.

          “Should we ban the practice of Islam here?”

          Well, we ban snake handling as part of religious activities and require parents to let their children be treated if the child has a deadly but treatable disease.

          My position is quite simple. Close the border. Allow only immigrants who can support themselves and add something of value to the country. Block/deport all others.

    • Dana says:

      Calling them “pro-Palestinian” is soft-peddling the truth. They are pro-Hamas, and everyone knows it.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        That’s untrue. Clearly everyone doesn’t know it. No doubt some pro-Palestinian protesters do support anti-Israeli violence just as many pro-Israel individuals do support the killing of Palestinian women and children as Mr Dana does.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Funny how they are quickly arrested when it’s the elites being inconvenienced, eh?

    Just goes to show that Party members get police protection in NYC. Not so much anyone else. Also, since the Hamas protestors also work for the Democrats, expect their charges to be dropped and released within the hour. Protestors and Party officials are after all on the same side.

    Reminds me of the Party members who were telling their brown shirts (Antifa) in DC to get in the faces of Trump administration officials and not let them enjoy a quiet meal in any DC restaurant.

    I wonder what the protestors are really after. It’s not like they are going to vote Republican tickets. It’s also not like the Biden/Obama/Harris/Rice/Blinken administration isn’t already firmly supporting Hamas. A bigger piece of the pie? More no-bid contracts for building student centers and safe spaces? More no-show consulting jobs at the State Department and VOA?

    • Dana says:

      The good Professor wrote:

      I wonder what the protestors are really after. It’s not like they are going to vote Republican tickets.

      You have assigned to the pro-Hamas protesters some sense of rational thought and clearheadedness; there is no evidence that they possess such traits.

      No, they won’t be voting for President Trump. We can, however, hope that they’ll be so urinated off at the Democrats that they won’t vote at all, which is not only half-a-vote for Mr Trump, but also half-a-vote for downballot Republicans.

  3. Dana says:

    The pro-Hamas demonstrators don’t care that much that Mrs Emhoff appears to be slightly more supportive of the ‘Palestinians’ than Mr Biden. Simply the fact that she hasn’t called for an immediate cessation of all aid to Israel, and of all economic trade with any and every Israeli institution, and weapons and aid shipments to Hamas makes her a horrible person.

    The pro-Hamas demonstrators have the same mentality as Ali Khameini, hate, hate, hate toward the jooooos and a desire to strike at Israel as soon and as hard as they can. Yet, oddly enough, even though I’ve seen several stories about American volunteers, mostly veterans, going to Ukraine to fight the evil Rooskies, I’ve yet to come across any stories about the pro-Hamas people picking up a rifle and heading to Gaza to fight the hated Israelis.

    I wonder why that is.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    DDDD (Draft Dodger Donut Don) said recently at his golf resort at Bedminster, while discussing anti-semitism:

    “When we gave [Trump billionaire megadonor Miriam Adelson] the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead.

    We know Donut Don had his daddy make sure he didn’t get sent to Vietnam. He called our dead soldiers “suckers and Jews”. He claimed John McCain was NOT a war hero.

    Donut Don’s take on Jewish voters “any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat should have their heads examined”.

    This appeals to his white christian nationalist base who agree with him that blacks, Muslims, LGBTQ and Jews should who vote overwhelmingly (70-80%) for Democrats are too stupid to vote in their own self interests. Only conservative, christian, caucasians are smart enough to vote correctly!

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