Climate Doom To Make Las Vegas Super Hotter By 2050

There are climate cult over-reaches, and then there is this

A month more 100 degree days’: Climate change will roast Las Vegas

By the middle of the century, it’s going to be a lot hotter in Las Vegas, according to climate change models that were discussed this week at the 2024 Water Summit.

“We’re going to see a month more 100 degree days by mid-century,” Colby Pellegrino, deputy general manager at the Southern Nevada Water Authority, said during a panel discussion at the Springs Preserve on Wednesday. She was talking about how climate change impacts Las Vegas and the Colorado River, where 90% of the valley’s water comes from.

Climate change models indicate temperatures will increase by 7 to 9 degrees, Pellegrino said.

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There’s been a 1.6F increase since 1850. Somehow the climate unicorn will increase temps 7 to 9 degrees in 25 years. Can they prove this? Or, is this just what they programmed the computer program to say?

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  1. SD says:

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