If All You See…

…is an area flooded because Other People won’t give up their fossil fueled travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on Walz’s 20 years of lies.

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5 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Nice photo of JD Vance!

  2. SD says:

    CNN visits Trump Store owned and operated by a Black Woman in Virginia – Video


  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    We’ve been discussing words conservatives have a hard time defining, e.g., communism, socialism, fascism.

    The word for today is: “Tariff”

    tariff (noun): a tax imposed on a product or products by an importing country on an exporting countries’ goods

    It’s relevant today because the Republicun presidential candidate has proposed adding large tariffs to all or many goods imported into the US. He has repeatedly (and mistakenly) claimed the exporting company pays this tax. The truth is that the customers pay the added tax on the item, with the tax going to the importing gov’t.

    Let’s say the next president imposes a 20% tariff on Chinese automobiles. A tiny $30,000 EV would become a tiny $36,000 EV (with the customer paying a $6000 tax to the US). This is a tax on US consumers, so could help pay down the debt on the backs of working class consumers. It also protects US manufacturers and workers, but that could be a marginal impact at near full employment. Tariffs are also inflationary and can trigger trade wars.

    The candidate announced he would impose 10-20% (up to 60% on Chinese goods! – that $30,000 EV becomes a $48,000 EV) tariffs on countries that are “ripping us off”. Relax rich dudes – no way will a 60% tariff be imposed on Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, Bugattis, Lamborghinis etc. You know why.

    The benefits to working class consumers of cheaper foreigner goods would be lost, estimated to cost consumers some $2000 a year. But consumers would be paying higher regressive to help pay down the debt! That’s a dream for the elitist Republicuns!!

    But do not be confused. The US currently imposes bizarre tariffs on foreign goods.

    According to old-fashioned conservative David Frum…

    The tariff on a sterling-silver spoon is 3.3 percent. The tariff on a silver-plated spoon is 4.2 percent. The tariff on a stainless-steel spoon? It’s 14 percent.

    Why are tariffs on elitist goods lower than on working class goods??? You know why. Did this protect the US stainless steel cutlery industry. There is only one left..

    President Biden did remove or reduce SOME Trump tariffs but added other protectionist measures as industrial subsidies!! In fact, neither party truly believes in “free markets”. Biden’s tariffs on semiconducters and Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum all add cascading costs on manufacturers raw materials, increasing prices of end products.

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