Kamala Tries To Divorce Herself From Bidenomics Or Something

Ever since Kamala was announced as Joe’s running mate they have termed it the Biden-Harris administration. She’s spent pretty much four years being a part of Bidenomics, so, now she wants to say she’s not part of it? Well, she actually makes it worse with Kamalanomics

Harris breaks from ‘Bidenomics’ in North Carolina

Don’t call it “Bidenomics.”

Vice President Kamala Harris used a speech on her economic platform Friday to try to distinguish herself as a candidate from President Joe Biden, casting her agenda as more ambitious and forward-looking. From her rhetoric to the phrases plastered around the room, Harris was sending that message loud and clear.

“Now is the time to chart a new way forward,” Harris said to a crowd in the closely divided state, as people chanted the words back. “To build an America where everyone’s work is rewarded and talents are valued, where we work with labor and business to strengthen the American economy, and where everyone has the opportunity not to just get by, but to get ahead.”

Behind the podium at Wake Tech Community College’s Hendrick Center for Automotive Excellence, the words “OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY — LOWERING YOUR COSTS” served as a backdrop. And around the room, the words “A NEW WAY FORWARD,” filled large banners and signs waved by supporters. The crowd of roughly 200 people chanted “we’re not going back” as Harris attacked former President Donald Trump’s economic plans.

This is a long, long puff piece from Politico, which is light on her awful plans, like the “price gouging” plan and the one to give new home buyers $25,000 of other people’s money, both of which have been obliterated as Bad Ideas even by pundits and economists on the Left.

“”A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.”” Not exactly a winning statement about what happened during the Biden-Harris administration, eh? And, there were roughly about 200 people in a large auditorium, and the roads in that area were shut down as rush hour was starting on a Friday afternoon.

(Breitbart) Vice President Kamala Harris promised Friday that she would build 3 million new homes in four years if she were elected, but she and President Joe Biden barely managed to build eight EV charging stations in two-and-a-half years.

Let’s be honest, most of what she’s offering are simply patronizing ideas that will never be implemented. They’re just meant to be fake bribes to get votes. To get her base out to vote. Then to blame Republicans for not passing her ideas if she manages to win the presidency.

She can try to divorce herself from her own record all she wants: citizens have plenty of methods to find out the truth.

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31 Responses to “Kamala Tries To Divorce Herself From Bidenomics Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The United States’ economy is the world’s best. Period. Why? Our people and our system.

    America is not a 3rd World nation as Trump/Teach preach. America is not a failed nation. We are not circling the drain. We will not disappear unless we install a authoritarian right-wing government.

    Between the third quarters of 2020 and 2022, global inflation increased from 1.9% to 8.8%. In 2023, global inflation is estimated to have reached 6.9%.

    This was attributed to recovering from the global Covid pandemic, supply chain disruptions, the Ukrainian invasion and global oil costs. In the US, both the Trump and Biden administrations issued federal trillion dollar outlays to citizens and for economic stimulation (to prevent a deep recession – see 2008 mistakes). The inflation rate has dropped but prices (and corporate profits) are still sky high.

    Today’s DJIA is double the 2020 nadir. We are at near full employment.

    But, the gap between rich and poor is still increasing. Federal debt is at a Post WWII high.

  2. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    Bull. Get me some $1.80 gas, very low inflation and no wars……And call me.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Chicken Lewy Man,

      We are not at war like we were when Il Douche the Fascist was president.

      How much do you drive in a year?

      How low is “very low” inflation? Under President Obama the overall rate was 1.4%. The Fed target is 2.0%. It’s currently 2.9% here, which is about the average of the industrialized nations. It’s 9.1% in the conservative paradise of Russia. Fascist Erdogan’s Turkey is at 62%. Trump’s buddy Orban’s Hungary is at 4%.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chick Little Karen Man

        In case you missed it Obama is not the President

        And if you believe the Fed’s numbers you haven’t bought ant groceries or gasoline lately.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Regular gasoline is $2.94 at Sam’s Club near here.

          NuCons don’t believe in anything, except their savior’s lies. You’ve become a cynical, nihilistic tribe. Scientists, religious leaders, the government at all levels, media, educators, any organization, doctors, police, military etc etc and so forth.

          I wish Obama was our President!

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Your Leader, Il Douche, has called for our National Guard to incorporate black jackboots as part of their new uniforms. Yikes.

    And the new Old Glory as flown at the Project 2025 and America-hating Heritage Foundation, reinforcing Il Douche’s falsehood that America will disintegrate if he’s not installed as presidente.

    • Brother John says:

      You’re a fucking idiot.

      • Tony says:

        The few people I know who have room temp IQs are sooooo excited about K-ho. No big surprise that Deadwood appears to be among their number.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        I know you are but what am I? You’re a fucking moron.

        If Vice President Harris is a Revolutionary Communist, youse guys are certainly Fascists.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Voting for Kamala after getting rid of Joe is like changing your shirt cause you shit your pants.

          They’re all liars and they’re both communists. They just don’t have the balls to admit it just like you.

          Running around calling everybody bad names constantly is really convincing us. A person with your ability to be just so plain nasty is sad. Nobody wants to listen to you. The last five or six things you’ve written I’ve skipped over I I see your name I skip it I didn’t wanna read it. It’s like listening to a foul mouthed child and commie pig propagandist which you are.

          Since you still haven’t learned there is very little difference between a fascist and a communist in fact they’re interchangeable for the most part. Communists killed more people that’s for sure.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Felonious-T is a convicted felon and a fascist.

            I know it’s a lost cause to convince people such as you of anything. You have all the facts and you still call Vice President Harris a communist. You still claim that Trump had the election stolen from him in 2020.

            Like most conservatives you use words that you don’t understand.

            Can you define communist? Fascist? Socialist? Nazi?

        • Brother John says:

          They’re the same fucking thing. Stop using words you can’t define.

  4. Jl says:

    A “fascist”. How so? This should be good..

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Members of the “Revolutionary Communists of America” with a Russian Hammer and Sickle. How so? This should be good.

      fascism: far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy

      • Jl says:

        Nice try-you did a good job simply typing the definition, but no proof that’s Trump.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Fascist Donnie is far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist, is dictatorial, wants to centralize the autocracy such that he controls every bit of the government, is a militarist, is likely to suppress the opposition, believes in white, christian superiority, desires that his followers subordinate their interests to his.

          It he looks like a fascist, sounds like a fascist, acts like a fascist, smells like a fascist, than he’s a fascist.

          What makes Vice President Harris a communist in your opinion?

          • Jl says:

            Again, nice try. None of what you mentioned is true. You list several words-“authoritarian, dictatorial, militarist, whit superiority…ect., ect., but offer no evidence or examples to back up your point. Actually, it sounds like the typical global warming argument-long on assertions, short on evidence.

  5. Professor Hale says:

    Ever since Kamala was announced as Joe’s running mate they have termed it the Biden-Harris administration.

    Harris is in a awkward position. She wants to look “presidential” by taking credit for everything in the Biden administration, but not be tied to all its failures. She is doing the 1st Term Obama trick of promising free stuff and fix everything, but Obama wasn’t running as the incumbent, she is. Then she has to not talk about all she has to do to fix everything is put it back the way she found it in 2020. So all her ideas are proven ways to make everything worse. Her only goal is to win election, not fix anything. She will say anything and promise anything if she thinks it will get her votes… or donations… or loyal people to manufacture enough votes at 4am.

  6. drowningpuppies says:

    Imagine a Democrat plagiarizing someone famous. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    Kamala Harris’ claim that as a child at a protest, she was asked “What do you want?” and she responded “Fweedom”. This event never happened and was stolen from a 1965 interview of MLK in Playboy Magazine. [dri] Stolen valor, stolen policies, stolen dreams: Harris 2024


    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The MLK Jr estate has a perpetual copyright on the word “freedom”.

      According to Lyin’ Donnie he almost died in a helicopter crash with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown who told Donnie “terrible things” about now United States Vice President Kamala Harris. Except it didn’t happen. A former Trump Inc exec, Barbara Res, said she was on a helicopter ride with Lyin’ Donnie and another black politician, Nate Holden, an LA councilman. Both Res and Holden recall the flight and tell the same story. It WAS a rough flight and the pilot made an emergency landing. It all happened in NJ.

      Trump got pissed when Res and Brown disputed the truthfulness of his tale as reported by Maggie Haberman in the NYTs. He called Haberman, yelled at her and threatened to sue.

      Willie Brown threatened to sue Lyin’ Donnie.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob’s drunk. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

        • Brother John says:

          No, he’s just a lying sack of shit.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          rimjob believes in every nasty rumor and every nasty thing he reads on the internet or the media as long as it’s about Trump or basically any conservative. He is a vindictive and shallow person he keeps asking rhetorical questions. He knows that we all know what communism is we know that Willie sucker’s father was a Marxist professor. Just like we know that Obama was brought up by a communist and just like we know he’s a communist. rim job is a communist. I’ll say it again so everybody understands rim job is a communist. I’m not gonna sit there and explain what a communist is every time I use the word, nor am I going to go around in circles with word games with this stupid beast any longer. I’m gonna ask him to give a definition of what a fascist is every time he erroneously calls one of the most freedom loving people in the country Donald J trump a fascist. He’s hardly a fascist. rimjob knows Trumps not a fascist I guess he just keeps repeating it either to get under our skin or maybe he thinks we’re gonna believe it if he keeps saying it. That’s the communist way keep repeating it until it becomes the truth. All communists are liars OK and all politicians are liars that does not mean all politicians are communists but Camelot is.

          Just like his stupidity and equating Social Security and building roads and bridges to communism he fails to understand what he’s actually talking about his ignorance shines through when everything he does like that. But I’ve spent five years giving him explanations on everything from abortion to communism and I’m not doing it anymore I’m not gonna answer his rhetorically stupid questions. Let him look it up if he’s that stupid he shouldn’t be on the Internet.

          He figures if we have to start from zero every time we have a discussion and go and explain all the economic things though before we can discuss whether Kamala is a card carrying communist then we’ll surrender we will we just won’t talk to him anymore. I hardly need to discuss things with a douche bag like rimjob. There are plenty of places on the Internet where you can have intelligent conversations even with legitimate liberals. And i don’t mean communists like rimjob I mean actual liberals like John Kennedy was. Who was also murdered by a communist.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            The Abortionist equates socialism with communism while understanding neither.

            Of course public education, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA, unemployment insurance, agricultural subsidies, etc are all examples of socialist programs. Like most of western Europe and other industrialized nations (Japan, AUS, Canada, S Korea, NZ) practice market socialism.

            On the other hand communism embodies the strict gov’t control of the economy, workers… no private property, no social classes, just every dressed alike in drab gray-green unisex uniforms, except with a MAGA hat. Any protest would be dealt with by execution of life in a penal colony. Think of Stalin’s or Putin’s Russia/USSR.

            Like America’s Savior, Big Donnie, The Abortionist likes name-calling ’cause he has nothing of value to say.

            Big Donnie makes ciphers such as The Abortionist feel important.

            Since it’s clear there are few if any true communists is American politics, The Abortionist has no genuine argument to make.

            Insignificant “men” such as him and most other Big Donnie devotees derive their importance from Him. They all hate liberals, blacks, browns, women, LGBTQs, non-conformists, immigrants, atheists and Muslims. They’re hoping to build a caucasian, christian, conservative cuntry where they are once again Kings!! We get it. You’re scared.

            Donald J Trump is closer to being a communist like you fear, than is United States Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump wants to rule like Putin rules – with “men” like The Abortionist, etc as his brownshirts.

        • CarolAnn says:

          Rimjob’s drunk.

          No, just stupid.

  7. Doom and Gloom says:

    Your Leader, Il Douche, has called for our National Guard to incorporate black jackboots as part of their new uniforms. Yikes.

    And the new Old Glory as flown at the Project 2025 and America-hating Heritage Foundation, reinforcing Il Douche’s falsehood that America will disintegrate if he’s not installed as presidente.

    The left’s mantra since losing a close 2000 election has been name-calling with vicious slander, outright lies, and voter fraud.

    I wonder if the left and democrats disavow the communist party of the USA. Or the socialist party? Hmmmm? NOPE. Meanwhile the GOP has distanced themselves from project 2025. The leader of 2025 resigned and no one wants anything to do with this organization.

    Jackboots? Nowhere can I find a reference to this. Please provide evidence.

    Gen. Kellogg: Trump did request National Guard troops on Jan. 6th and asks Congress to release his testimony. The man had to retire to be brave enough to speak.

    The state of the nation is subjective. We are circling the drain when you have millions of illegals flooding into the country. in Europe, they are in the throes of massive violent protests against their own countries’ open borders policies. These have turned violent.

    In fact, the EU told Musk that he would be arrested if he allowed Trump to speak on the massive forum, to which Musk told them Literally to fuk your faces. If the EU has a problem with free speech, they can vote to turn off X, not force X to turn itself off to appease a bunch of terrified white men who are intoxicated with power over their people and fear the truth.

  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Dear Abortionist,

    Donald J Trump is a fascist.

    Authoritarianism, hierarchy and elitism, nationalism (including racial nationalism), and militarism are common characteristics of fascist groups. These concepts might be considered the ancestors of other elements of fascism, such as its “myth of decadence,” totalitarianism, and anti-egalitarianism.

    Certainly, our Abortionist won’t deny Herr Donald’s authoritarianism. Elitism. Nationalism. Militarism (he loves military power, but soldiers are just non-elite cogs or cannon-fodder).

    Remember when he had the military clear him a path with tear gas to get his upside down Bible photo op? Good times.

    The Gospel according to Donald is that the United States of America is circling the drain, the world is falling apart, all because of sick perverts (LGBTQs), too many DEI* (blacks, Mexicans, LGBTQs, Muslims) and violent urbanites (black AND brown) weakening our economy!! According to Donald America is now a 3rd world, shithole nation, like other brown and black countries in Africa, the middle East and South America! The economy is in ruin! Out of control, Weimar-type inflation!! Donald says he can eliminate inflation on Day 1!!!

    • Jl says:

      Nope-still no proof of “authoritarianism”. Care to list the authoritarian things he’s doing as a private citizen? Funny-because he loves the country, wants a strong military (we do carry the load for most of NATO alliance) and wants the illegals out, he’s a “nationalist”? By the way, what’s wrong with that?

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