DNC Erecting Walls For Convention, Though Democrats Have Said Walls Do Not Work


I remember the 2020 Biden-Harris platform:

Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency,” which siphons funding away from our men and women in uniform to construct an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border.

Huh. And, looky here

That’s about a tenth of the CPD workforce getting blue flu. I wonder how many of the police that are supposed to come from other cities and the county will say “nope, I want nothing to do with this?” And the funniest part is that most of the demonstrators are leftists.

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2 Responses to “DNC Erecting Walls For Convention, Though Democrats Have Said Walls Do Not Work”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    10%. Sounds line the number of Republican voting police in Chicago. I expect this number to grow as the ones out there on the line discover that the mayors office has the backs of the protestors.

  2. Brother John says:

    Imagine how terrible a political party has to be to protect itself from its own constituency.

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