DNC Looking Forward To A Butt Ton Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

Chicago looks like it’s going to be fun

Anyway, also at the NY Post

Roughly 100K anti-Israel protesters expected to descend on Chicago to steal spotlight from DNC, Harris-Walz ticket

Roughly 100,000 far-left, Israel-hating protesters will be descending on Chicago this week, sowing chaos as Democratic leaders rally around their new presidential ticket.

At least seven large rallies and marches are set to take place in the Windy City while the McCormick Place Convention Center hosts Democratic National Convention, organizers said.

And other rallies are also expected even though their organizers have not scored necessary city permits.

The causes run the gamut of radical leftist causes, including backing Hamas terrorists and ending US aid to Israel.

Well, you know what?

Dems deserve the anti-Israel rioters they’ve created

The Hamas-loving chickens are coming home to roost for the Democratic Party.

gang of anti-Israel thugs crashed Big Apple leaders’ impromptu Wednesday rally for Kamala Harris in Harlem, screaming because Harris won’t denounce Jerusalem’s war of self-defense against the terrorists behind the Oct. 7 atrocities. (snip)

These leftist goons could not be telling Democrats any louder: We expect you to kneel to our demands.

And kneel is all Democrats have been doing.

Instead of telling these radicals to kick rocks, they’ve coddled, placated and encouraged them.

The far left Democrats have been coddling and supporting and placating these anti-Israel nuts for 30 years, culminating in it slowly morphing into straight up Jew hatred in the early 2000s, where Intifada keffiyehs were common on college campuses in Berkeley and San Francisco. This spread out across the country as those nuts graduated and spread their Jew hatred across the nation. As the US (and other 1st World nations) let in waves of Islamists post 9/11 for some insane reason, the base of the Democrats also started to identify with the actual Islamic terrorists who not only hate Jews, but, hate Western culture, nations, people, Americans.

Democrats don’t seem to realize that the Islamists are in direct competition for control of the soul and government of America (and every other Western nation. England is losing hard).

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14 Responses to “DNC Looking Forward To A Butt Ton Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators”

  1. Dana says:

    Mayor Richard J Daley was unavailable for comment.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Burn baby, burn!

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Democrats protesting at a democratic party convention, protesting Democratic party policies, in a democratic party city, burning down businesses owned by people who vote for the Democratic party. Not my problem. I hope everyone has a swell time and posts plenty of YouTube Videos. It’s not like anyone will go to jail for it, except maybe a few police from the suburbs. Non Democrats should just go on vacation that week and get out of town. Wisconsin is nice this time of year.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Can’t wait for the videos. I’m hoping for a carnage since whatever they do, whoever they kill it will be a “mostly peaceful protest”. LOL It’s fun to watch commies kill nazis and vice versa. I encourage the rimjob to participate in HIS PARTY’S convention this year.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        The Abortionist craves him some carnage in the most American of American cities!

        He imagines a battle between Nazis and commies, LOL! His party has both!!

        Did The Abortionist travel to Milwaukee, which according to Laura Ingraham is in Minnesota, you know – flyover country? Big Donnie called Milwaukee a “horrible city”. But then, Republicuns hate big cities what with all those violent “undesirable urbanites” there.

        Do you and The Pissant hang out? He’s a Florida boi too.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Ohh poor rimjob did I get you all pissed off? Are you lashing out in the hissy fits because I triggered you? You’re so cute when you get bitchy. We know you can’t take any contradiction or criticism. That’s what happens when you’re a weak kneed slow witted leftist. But don’t worry vice president blowjob is there to save you.

          I’m having friends over for a bbq today and I’ve been showing them your comments here. They all think you’re a bit crazy. I told him you’re not crazy you’re just a nasty belligerent leftist they’re all like that.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Palestinians are protesting what they view as the genocidal actions of Netanyahu’s Israel.

    The line between the Democratic and Republicun support for Israel is faint. But at the same, while condemning Hamas terrorism, murdering and kidnapping, they correctly understand the greater Israel-Palestine issue. Republicuns despise Arabs and Muslims.

  5. JimS says:

    I imagine Chicago views the Dem convention like Dodge City of the Gunsmoke era viewed the cattle drives, Lots of money coming in…. enough to rebuild after the rioters leave.

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