…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on Germany cancelling Ukraine, possibly over dependence on Russian gas.
It’s tight dresses week!

…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on Germany cancelling Ukraine, possibly over dependence on Russian gas.
It’s tight dresses week!
Q: How many Kumalas does it take to recharge an EV?
A: 5. One to plug it in and four to take 2-hour shifts holding the plug in until it’s fully charged.

Q: How do you get a democrat to shut up?
A: Ask them to list Kumala’s accomplishments.

That’s not all she does.
Just ask Willie.

It’s understood that Biden has dementia.
But what is Kumala’s excuse?
The duality of democracy.
Holy shit!
lady in orange. If she can look like that and still eat ice cream, she is living right.

Trump: “We’re a nation in decline.” “…Third World nation.” “…Failed nation.” “… bankrupt”
No, Donald. You’re a man in decline. You’re a third rate man. You’re a failed man. You are morally bankrupt.
Advisers tell Donald to focus on issues. They are wrong. YOU know that ain’t his schtick.
Cults don’t follow their “boss” based on reason or “issues”. Their devotion is a irrational as falling in love!!
He’s a fast talking salesman. Without substance. Without admirable qualities. He is the PT Barnum of politics. He riffs. “I’m better looking than she is!” He’s not a leader, he’s a mirror. He makes you feels good about yourselves.
You’re so funny when you do your hateful psychotic rants. You, the baby killing, fag loving, child mutilating, dictator in training calling someone else “morally bankrupt” is a laugh. You’re also a compulsive liar. We all know that. We have watched you project your faults, sins and lies on to everyone else on earth yet you persist. It must be psychosis.
As your communist friends plunge the US into third world crap by allowing in millions of third world dogs you deny it. You’re a fool. You really need a change of reading and watching material. Sadly it’s probably too late.
Do you believe America is lost? A third world nation?
I happen to believe America is the greatest nation among all nations. Ever. It’s likely Mr Trump will lose and the GOP will lose the House but win the Senate. The Supreme Court will continue to support white, christian nationalist ideals. What will you do? Riot, leave, bitch and moan?
You admitted to killing two innocent babies. I’ve killed none. I do believe that LGBTQs deserve human rights equal to yours. I do not support child mutilation. Mr Trump has his dictator plans for all to see!
Mr Trump and his worshippers are compulsive liars.
Fewer humans are crossing the border today than when Donald was fired.
I have no communist friends. You can’t even define communism.
You’re a fool. Worse, you’re a vindictive, violent fool.
We get it. You’re frustrated and angry. You crave a caucasian, christian, conservative paradise – no abortions, no “fags”, no Muslims, no Hispanics. But a majority of Americans disagree. Maybe Russia is a better fit for you. Or Hungary or Turkey.
You really need to expand your reading and watching sources.
Tell me ******* are all those white Christian nationalists with you now? Are they in the closet, under the bed?
Do you ever realize how crazy you sound when you talk to LG like that? You rant and rave like a lunatic. And by the way if you bring in 3rd world people you end up living in the third world you dope. And yes you are a communist and I’m sure he knows exactly what a communist is we all do except maybe you. You seem to be the only one here who doesn’t realize you are communist.
Our loco Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) admits that he is a christian nationalist.
Christian nationalism aligns the politics of a society, such as legislating civil and criminal laws that reflect the role of Christianity in political and social life.
Do you agree that government should post the christian commandments in all public school classrooms? What do you tell the non-religious, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and liberal christian kids? “Sucks to be you”?
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” …
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” …
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” …
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” …
“Honour thy father and thy mother.” …
“Thou shalt not kill.” …
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” …
“Thou shalt not steal.”
Should the government revoke same sex marriage?
Are there other “perversions” that the government should regulate?
Should the government regulate contraception some of which could interfere with the implantation of a zygote (baby!) in the uterus?
This is why our nation is so fractured. Idiots like the dowdster here. We are quickly becoming a third world nation because the crats have brought millions of third worlders in and are pandering to them rather than taking care of our own. How many billions has New York spent on them? How many of them rape, pillage and murder and aren’t punished? What’s the point dowdster?
this will be the 4th and final time I will explain to you I didn’t kill any innocent babies. Twice during my life women have attempted to blackmail me into marrying them by using their pregnancy to do so. In both cases the women assured me they were on birth control and lied to deliberately get pregnant. In both cases I had previously told the women I would not marry them . In both cases I have assured the women that I would take care of the children until they were 21 not 18,21. In both cases knowing how abominable abortion was to me they threatened abortion if I didn’t marry them I tried everything in my power to save my children from being murdered by these women. Both were killed anyhow period
the results of the first abortion which occurred when I was 22 years old was that the following year the woman hangs herself. The second abortion which occurred 4 years later the result was I hadn’t seen the woman since but she has been married twice.
You know that I am against abortion you also know that I have had two of my own children taken from me and murdered. All of your talk about being empathetic and caring about other people seem to fall short when it comes to how much you can hurt me. And hurt me you do every time you start with this crap. Killing babies is nothing to you this was very important to me. These were my children that were killed and you’re making fun of it making it into a political point as mistaken as you are. You are a lowlife individual you have no idea the amount of pain you caused me doing that. You are a very brutal person to try and hurt me as much as possible and I don’t know why. We have our political differences and we can call each other names but why on earth would you use the murder of my two children? What kind of a monster are you? You are the lowest of the low. Just because I have a different political view than you do you keep saying that you’re a patriot well if you’re a patriot why would you do this to a fellow American? What do my two dead children have to do with this election? Why are you so fun I’ve reminding me that people who believe in what you believe in which is abortion at anytime during the pregnancy murdered my children?
You are truly a monster. You are the equivalent of every Nazi and communist that you have idolized during your life and that you are trying to bring into the politics of our country.
You do? And you think that by promoting abortion and murdering our children that’s the way to do it? What you just did the LG Brandon is despicable! You deliberately made fun of his dead children for political points. You are a lousy filthy animal. I don’t understand how you can look at yourself in the mirror and say that you care or have pity or mercy on anything. You are the worst person I have ever run across on the Internet and I’ve run across some pretty shitty characters.
Our nation is the greatest nation that has ever existed and that’s not because of people like you that’s in lieu of people like you. People like you make America a shithole. Currently you’re doing your best to make it a hellhole under a communist regime that will oppress the American people and the American spirit. But power being more important to you you don’t care.
You keep crying and moaning about what a Great American you are and yet you belong to the party that celebrates Hamas! I just watched your party burning American flags in front of the convention! I just watched your party have dozens of people carrying Hamas flags at your convention! Your party is full of extremists radicals and terrorists and that’s what you are. What you just did to LG Brandon was equal to terrorism. You were terrorizing him on this blog because you disagree with him. He’s wrong you’re not a communist you are the epitome of Nazi. I hope you don’t last much longer on this earth cause trash like you should be taken out quickly you’re death will not draw a tear from me. And it can’t come soon enough.
We clearly disagree on the issue of abortion. I agreed with the provisions of Roe v Wade, which the Supreme Court invalidated. You labeling abortion as “murder” is unhelpful, unless you expect the US to enact a complete ban. Calling those who agree with Roe v Wade murderers, communists, Nazis, trash, animals, terorists etc is not helpful. This is how you are labeling 70% of your fellow Americans.
Practically, 70% of Americans supported the provisions of Roe v Wade. American women are motivated to vote for Vice President Harris and to vote out Republicans. Several states, including Republican-dominated Missouri have referenda/amendments to permit abortion. It will likely pass in Missouri, so our ban will be kaput.
And now you wish me dead! What a pleasant christian you’ve turned into.
The Democrats do not support Hamas. Stop lying. It’s one of the Ten Things you want public schools to post. God even struck dead at least one person for lying!
Mr L.G.B. has been no angel, has he. Commenters on this blog repeatedly use personal details, some revealed, others by cyberstalking, as shillelaghs. Get used to it. A rapid anti-abortionist accusing others of murder is fair game. After all conservatives consider hypocrisy to be a deadly sin.
Do you consdider a fair criticism of Vice President Harris to call her a “cock sucker” or guilty of “sucking dicks” or a “whore”? I see that a lot at the Cove.
I do not support terrorism, nor do the Dems. Just more name calling. One could argue that those who supported the Jan 6 terrorist attack on on America are terrorists.
We understand had upset the MAGA movement has become now that Donald has fallen behind. The last time he lost he incited a riot. Do you support the use of violence to get your way if he loses in November?
Except Jan 6th wasn’t a “terrorist attack” on America. Much more terrorist-like activities were carried out over 8 months by BLM and antifa, both fully supported by liberals.
I understand how guilty you must feel for your irresponsible behavior, but you were an adult both times. You blame the women for murdering your children but shouldn’t you take SOME responsibility? Conservatives blame women for getting pregnant but men are at least half responsible, right? By the time I was 22, I was married and working hard to support a family.
The fact is, that you benefitted greatly from those abortions. Yes, you are saddled with well-earned guilt, but you’ve been free to screw around for a couple of decades without the responsibility of being a parent.
So now, you call others Nazis, communists, heathens, monsters and murderers. You now want to ban abortions for others after taking advantage of it yourself when you were a younger man. You claim your rich daddy would have paid the expenses for your two children through age 21. Including college? Would you have been a good father to them – they’d be young adults by now? About all you can do now, because of your irresponsible actions a couple decades ago is to forgive yourself, beg the universe for forgiveness (the universe is very forgiving), stop blaming others, and attempt to be a decent and kind soul from here on. Keep trying.
Regarding abortion: Roe v Wade, the law of the land for 50 years, permitted abortions through the first trimester without restrictions. During the second trimester, states could apply reasonable restrictions, but banned them in the third trimester except for the well-being of the woman. The anti-abortion crowd, striving for a nationwide ban on all abortions, adopte the ploy that Roe v Wade was unconstitutional and the nuSupreme Court agreed. And what a mess they’ve made. Many in the anti-abortion movement claim a fertilized egg is a full-fledged human, hoping to ban all abortions. To be faithful to their belief they need a way to monitor women’s cycles, since millions of fertilized eggs do not survive in the US alone. Some “zygotes as people” have mentioned they’re ready to compromise, permitting the murder of babies through 6 or even 15 weeks of gestation to help Trump win. BTW, 93% of abortions in the US are performed by 13 weeks gestation.
You can’t treat others like shit and expect them to treat you like a saint.