Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State”

It really shouldn’t be a surprise to Chicagoans that the streets are shut down and law enforcement is everywhere, this is what happens during a political party convention. And certainly when tens of thousands of their wacko comrades will be showing up and creating problems

New DNC security measures in downtown Chicago have some feeling “like a police state”

With street closures and restrictions already in place at both the United Center and McCormick Place ahead of the Democratic National Convention, new security measures that went into effect this weekend have left parts of the downtown area in a state of lockdown.

Residents and businesses were still trying to navigate the new restrictions on Sunday, after large security fences went up along sidewalks in parts of the Loop, Gold Coast, and Magnificent Mile – with a handful of downtown streets also closed off.

Unlike those closures announced in advance around the United Center and McCormick Place, the new restrictions downtown were not formally announced until Saturday morning, after they were already in place, blindsiding many who live and work in the area.

Well, yeah, they either didn’t want to give the wackos advanced warning or didn’t realize how many would show up

The heightened security in and around the Magnificent Mile, Gold Coast, and other parts of downtown all went into effect this weekend due to what police call “DNC activity.”

The Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas as well as Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are staying in downtown hotels during the convention, prompting the security hot zones.

Street closures downtown include (they’re in the story)

People who live and work in the area also should be prepared to show identification to gain access to certain buildings.

Wait, what? Free citizens will have to show identification to go to their home and/or work? That’s weird. We’ve been told that identification is unnecessary in order to vote, but, it is to go home?

“Wow, this is like crazy. A lot of important people are gonna be here, and we are happy that they’re gonna be safe. But, yeah, it does feel like a police state with all the big walls going up and everything. It’s a little crazy,” Michael Tenniswood said.

Walls, eh? We’ve also been told they do not work.

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15 Responses to “Chicago Residents Feel Like They Are In A “Police State””

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago,” then run for the hills.

    After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens.

    Burn baby burn!

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      And all those problems are exactly what communists like BJ harris and her mindless followers like rimjob want to do to the rest of the US. You know that promised “fundamental transformation” the biden/harris junta swore “build back better” would create. Have they built back better yet?

      Chicago can scrape the schvartzes, their needles and their shit up all at one time and move it somewhere else. How about St. Louis they are already filled with commie pigs.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        L.G. still whining about the schwartzes!! Are you Jewish? That’s an old yiddish term.

        Did a black guy get promoted for a job you deserved?

        The Biden admin had several successes.

        The number of Americans without health insurance hit an all-time low of 7.2%

        We are no longer at war.

        Wages are up. 14.8% million jobs were created.

        After a peak, the CPI is plummeting.

        Personal wealth has increased. Expanded overtime pay for workers.

        OTC oral contraceptives. He DIDN’T overturn Roe v Wade.

        Stock market is soaring.

        Violent crime rate is falling.

        We ARE building back better. Highways, local infrastructure, broadband, bridges. Infractructure work everywhere!! And the work continues in both Red and Blue states!

        Renewables passed coal generation as the number 2 source for electric energy, after natural gas.

        Anti-redlining law effective in 2026.

        Crude oil boom.

        Biden avoided becoming a convicted felon.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Nice KJP talking points ya got there, Rimjob.
          Very little to none of it is true.

          • CarolAnn says:

            And none of it is due to biden/harris policies.

            rimjob has Asperger’s syndrome, the milder, high-functioning variant of autism, which rimjob personally considers a “superpower,” although many ignorant people still see it as an ‘illness,’ or something negative. He reminds me of a big fat Greta Thunberg. He lives his life with that stupid grin on his brain and thinks it makes him smart. Which I assume is also the reason he’s an atheist commie.

  2. Dana says:

    We’re hoping for a reprise of 1968! It would be good for America to see just what the far left really are!

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      We saw what the far-right really are in Charlottesville! And again on Jan 6 2020!

      We see what you are by your support of Trump. We have enough information.

      • Jl says:

        We saw what the far left really are in 2020 and continuing today with Antifa and BLM. Would you like to compare number of deaths, injuries and monetary damages between them and Charlottesville and Jan. 6th? Thanks for the laugh, though!

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          The difference was that George Floyd was actually murdered by a policeman inciting the riots.

          Jews Weren’t Trying to Replace You, so no reason for the Charlottesville riot.

          The election wasn’t stolen, so no reason to try to overthrow the nation.

          Herr Donnie has pledged to be a dicktater.

          • Jl says:

            George Floyd wasn’t murdered by a policeman, he died of a drug overdose after passing a bad check and resisting arrest. See “The Fall of Minneapolis”. First ME’s report (the copy is shown) showed drug overdose, then changed conveniently to homicide, So with your logic, no reason to riot, and especially no reason to riot in all the other cites. So are you saying it’s ok to riot if one has a “reason”? Everyone always has a reason. BLM thought Floyd was murdered, just like the Jan. 6th ones thought the election stolen. Still, care to compare body counts and monetary destruction? Why are libs so destructive?
            And no, Trump hasn’t pledged to be a dictator.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            A jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering Mr Floyd. Chauvin was sentenced to 22 yrs in prison. Two autopsies found Mr Floyd’s death to be a homicide.

            JL: Like most MAGAts, you refuse to understand truth. The Earth is not warming. Donnie won the 2020 election. The Deep State tried to assassinate Donnie.

            Revisionists like you claim that Martin Luther King, Jr was a Republican. Well the Republican said:

            And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met.

            Are you claiming the Jan 6 mob was unheard? Donnie had over 60 lawsuits seeking to prove that he won the election. If Black men and women had violently stormed the Capitol to force Congress to kick Donnie out, Donnie would have had them shot.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    We appreciate the right-wing desire to see Democratic politicians murdered, but the DNC and police are trying to prevent that.

    Chicago is not even in the top 10 of most dangerous US cities.

    Residents of the 550 Ultra Loft Condos will be able to access their residence via a pedestrian gate at the northeast corner of 6th Street and McKinley Street, which is marked by a blue square on the public security map. Residents will be asked to present identification and have their names confirmed on a list provided by the Building Management.

    Those who live in the Vehicle Screening Perimeter will be able to access their home as normal. If driving a personal vehicle, they will just need to enter the perimeter through a vehicle screening point, which are marked as black circles on the public security map.

    No commercial or recreational vessel traffic will be permitted on the Milwaukee River between Cherry Street. and Michigan Street. Road bridges on the Milwaukee River in this area will remain in the down position.

    Outrageous that American citizens are forced to show ID to enter their own homes!!!

    There is a huge area with restrictions on automobiles, and even a large area where pedestrians are prohibited! It’s like Nazis!!

    As you know, these are just a few of the restrictions for the RepubliCon convention in Milwaukee.

  4. DCE says:

    They feel like they’re in a police state? That’s because they are, the very police state they voted for. Now they’re complaining?

  5. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Outrageous that American citizens are forced to show ID to enter their own homes!!!

    when you consider that they don’t have to show ID to vote it is outrageous that they have to show ID to go into their home.

  6. Jl says:

    No businesses boarded up when the RNC came to town-very civilized.
    Where libs go, destruction usually follows….

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