Now, why wouldn’t they mention what they Believe? Also, I wonder if these ads violate their non-profit status by endorsing a candidate?
Why climate is missing from climate groups’ ad splurge
The first three spots in climate groups’ new $55 million, swing-state ad buy supporting Kamala Harris don’t mention climate change or global warming.
Why it matters: It’s a striking example of a wider — and longstanding — strategy from Democrats and allies to make economics and jobs the tip of the spear.
And it’s one that emphasizes consumer costs right now as inflation is high on the political radar.
Driving the news: The political arms of the League of Conservation Voters, Climate Power and the Environmental Defense Fund unveiled the campaign on Monday.
You mean inflation fueled by Biden-Harris energy policies?
What’s inside: One spot backs into energy, opening by touting Harris going after banks that “unfairly foreclosed” on people when she was California’s AG.
It then cites her prosecution of oil companies’ environmental violations, while saying Donald Trump “has always stood with corporations that rip us off.”
Another starts with “prices are too high” and says Harris will attack oil industry “price gouging,” and that growing “clean” energy production will cut power bills.
Except, despite all the billions and billions dumped into “clean” energy, energy has gone up during the Biden-Harris administration, to the tune of about 30% higher.
A third begins by saying the goal of Harris’ presidency would be strengthening the middle class. It lists “advanced manufacturing and clean energy” as ways to get there, alongside capping drug prices and strengthening social security.
Except, the Biden-Harris admin has decimated the middle class. Are they trying to force everyone into a manufacturing job?
The big picture: The ads are consistent with the pocketbook topics central to the race and voters’ longstanding concerns — and efforts to help Harris on the economy, where polls show her lagging Trump.
Danielle Deiseroth, executive director of the lefty polling outfit and think tank Data for Progress, notes “kitchen-table economic issues have been a major concern this cycle.”
“So communicating to voters how clean energy will help relieve the pain in their wallets is key to defining the vice president’s broader narrative around curbing high prices,” she said via email.
In other words, they are attempting to hide their actual agenda. Unsurprising, since poll after poll after poll shows that Americans may care about Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry in theory, but, in practice it mostly fails to move the voting needle.

This is what “above the law” looks like. Knowing that all the prosecutors and IRS enforcers are on your side so you know there won’t be any consequences. If the ads directly name a candidate, they are in-kind contributions to one or the other candidate and that is how the FEC looks at it. Chairman of the FEC is Biden appointed this year so, no problem there.