Now, imagine had this happened during the Trump years: would this be a huge story, or mostly ignored by the media?
DHS Watchdog: 30,000 Migrant Children Missing
The internal watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Tuesday that that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency lost track of tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children, ABC News reported.
The interim report sent to Congress and obtained by ABC News states that in the past five years, more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children failed to report for their immigration court hearing and that ICE was “not able to account” for their whereabouts.
Inspector General Joseph Cuffari wrote in his report: “Without an ability to monitor the location and status of [unaccompanied migrant children], ICE has no assurance [they] are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.”
Cuffari also urged ICE to “take immediate action to ensure the safety of [unaccompanied children] residing in the United States.”
During his investigation, Cuffari found that immigration officials had moved over 448,000 children from ICE custody to the Department of Health and Human Services, which is tasked with placing them with sponsors or in foster homes.
Those are two disturbing issues: first, that almost half a million children arrived in the United States without their parents, and that the Biden-Harris administration lost track of 32,000. Where are they? What is happening to them?
The issue of immigration figures to be one of the top concerns for voters in the upcoming U.S. elections. Since being chosen as the Democrat presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris has presented herself as tough on illegal immigration, according to her campaign staff.
Most of this occurred during the Biden-Harris years, especially since everyone involved at the federal level has been over-run by the staggering number of illegals pouring across the border.
(ABC News) In his interim report, Cuffari said that as of May 2024, more than 291,000 unaccompanied children had not been placed into removal proceedings because ICE had not served them notices to appear or scheduled a court date for them. Accordingly, the number of unaccompanied children who failed to appear for their court dates “may have been much larger” than 32,000 had ICE issued notices or scheduled court dates for those 291,000 children.
It’s hard to serve them notice when their are so many millions and millions who came since Biden-Harris opened the floodgates.

The Department of Fatherland Security ain’t making us all that secure!
“(T)tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children,” huh? Does this mean that we have been allowing minors to just walk in, give them a court date, and let them go? If an American family were not taking care of their underaged children, the parents would be arrested for child neglect!
Our last sensible President was excoriated for ‘children in cages,’ but at least we knew where they were, and their cases could be processed! The more sensible response, to put them on a bus and send them back to Mexico would have, at the very least, made us not responsible for them!
This is what happens under the dummkopf from Delaware and his Border Tsarina! Let ’em in and lose ’em hardly seems like a wise policy, and certainly not one that the Democrats would ever have enunciated, but through stupidity, neglect, ineptitude, or deliberation, that’s what they’ve done.
Mr Dana referred to Donnie J Trump as sensible. LOL.
Btw, the IG report included the years 2019 and 2020, when sensible Donnie ruled our lands.
Does Mr Dana really believe that even little brown children are better off alone in northern Mexico?
“Loses track” is not exactly what happened. That implies there was ever any intention to keep track. The policy (not law) intentionally allowed unaccompanied children to be released to a “sponsor or family member”, knowing that such an adult might themselves be illegally in the country. So no record of the transaction was kept in order to prevent a future Trump administration (or similar anti-immigrant administration) from using those records to round up the illegals (and their children) and sending them home. No records = aiding and abetting fugitive illegal aliens to remain undetected inside the USA, despite substantive contact with ICE authorities. As with any system established by good intentions, the system was immediately exploited by criminal gangs to traffic children into the USA. Instead of the children being handed over to an illegally present parent, they were instead handed over to other traffickers to go on to their new lives as slaves, with the full collusion of the Biden administration.
During the Trump administration, the policy was to identify children using DNA to ensure the adults they were traveling with were indeed related to them. At that time, 30% were found to not be related. The Biden administration stopped DNA testing on day one. Almost as if they didn’t want anyone to know if children were being trafficked. In the Trump administration, children were separated from their families until the DNA results came back. Then if they were found to be a victim of trafficking, they were further detained until an actual relative could be found, either in the USA or in their home country. The Democratic party screamed “HE”S PUTTING CHILDREN IN CAGES!!” and “HE’S SEPARATING FAMILIES!!! JUST LIKE HITLER”. It’s as if the Democrats cared more about winning the White house than the lives and safety of tens of thousands of “unimpowered” children. But more likely, the Democratic party was in on it with the slavery industry and Trump was interfering with that. Why do Democrats enable and defend child sex trafficking?
Wow. I almost feel bad about 6,000 illegal kids a year that the gubmint “lost track” and don’t know where they are. Tragic.
How about starting on the 2,300 kids A DAY that go missing in the US?
The adrenachrome must flow…
Commenter: The adrenachrome must flow…
Yep. Hillary Clinton processes over 2,000 kids a day out of a pizza parlor in DC for their “adrenachrome” which they use to keep the dead Joe Biden appear alive.
And we thought the QANon bullshit was past…
The website you cite has inconsistencies in the data regarding actual non-family kidnappings versus “missing children”. Actual kidnappings limited to a few hundred per year is substantially less than the tens of thousands that disappeared from government custody. Regardless of if you agree with the immigration policy or not, once a child is in government custody, the government then has a moral and legal obligation to safeguard that child. That includes ensuring the child is reunited with actual living relatives in this country or in their home country. That may take time to accomplish. In the mean time, the US government retains full custodial responsibility, and all the costs that go along with it to do it properly.
The term used to be “missing or exploited children” to show that there was a clear connection between them and that connection between trafficked and exploited is near 100%. Children should not be exploited. Governments should have policies that protect children from exploitation, not create opportunities to massively increase exploitation.
Children being raised by the wrong loving parent in violation of court order is not “exploitation”. It’s a family custody matter.
from MLM ABC News, from which Newsmax took their information:
I betcha the MAGAts now regret not passing the conservative Senate immigration bill! LOL.
As if a MAGAt cares about any child, much less a brown child!!!
and yet it is you and your party who supports murdering 800,000 children a year most of which are brown and most of which were Democrats and females. And you just love it. It’s your legacy you go down in history is the people who have done the most to kill the youngest contingency of its own civilization. So when you’re done trying to kill all the black people and brown people in the world give us a call. Will do for your murderous rampage what we did for your slaveholding rampage, put it to an end.
Commies or murderers it’s in their nature and it’s in yours too Elwood.
We assume you are falsely claiming therapeutic abortion is murder.
1/3rd are Black, 1/3rd caucasoid, 1/3rd Hispanic.
93% are performed by 13 wks.
The abortion rate has dropped dramatically since 1990 to less than half the rate.
2/3rd are now medication abortions.
Since the most frequent reason given is economic, are you willing to pay into a fund to pay for the medical expenses for the mother to be and to support the child’s upbringing in state housing, adopted or foster home?
17% of abortion patients identified as mainline Protestant;
13% as evangelical Protestant;
24% as Catholic;
38% reported no religious affiliation; and
8% reported some other affiliation.
54% of Democrats say abortion should be legal but only under certain circumstances.
64% of Repubs say abortion should be legal but only under certain circumstances.
You’re losing it!! Can there be any compromise on abortion? Many red states are considering allowing baby murder up to the first 15 weeks, which is less restrictive than Roev v Wade
Already is a compromise on abortion and what you’ve done is whine and cry about it. Each state can allow its voters to vote on the rules and regulations they want for abortion. Just as it was and was supposed to be from the very beginning. Can’t get much fairer or more democratic than that. But for some reason that doesn’t seem good enough for you. It seems if anybody disagrees with the rules you want then they shouldn’t be able to voice their opinion and they shouldn’t be able to run their state their way they have to do it the way you want. Sorry that’s not the way a Republic works. So I guess there can’t be a compromise because that is a compromise. If you’re not gonna allow the states to decide among themselves what would you do?
We no longer believe the BS statistics you promote from leftist and government websites. And it’s like you said you’ll notice how many red states are compromising it’s just the blue states who are the Nazi despots and refuse to compromise. Thanks for proving my point.
Something else the Biden administration lost.
Yeah, ” far less robust” means they lied.
They are not “lost”. They are all in the possession of wealthy Democrat individuals and businesses, sex traffickers, and Adrenochrome extraction facilities.