…is a horrible flower garden which uses lots of water, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on fraudulent jobs numbers.

…is a horrible flower garden which uses lots of water, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on fraudulent jobs numbers.
“Bidenomics is working!” – Kumala 2024

You go girl! (Hic!)

We notice Margolis of BJ Media overlooked saying the total jobs Biden created overall.
Let’s see, 15 million minus 800,000 = 14.2 million jobs! Way to go, Joe.
Under Mr Trump our ecoonomy lost 2.7 million jobs! Another Trump fail.
Unemployment rate stands at 4.4%.
When Trump was fired by the American people, he left an unemployment rate of 6.4%.
DJIA today: 40,852.22
DJIA Jan 20, 2021: 31,458
sadly still short of the amount of jobs lost due to COVID and the Closings and out of business problems that the Democrat caused during that. A good try
to the commie Democrats create a fake flu millions of jobs are lost you spent three years blaming it on trump when do you economy comes back which is going to do as soon as you allow everybody to go back to work and open their businesses you take credit for it. Because you’re liars. You then bring in millions of illegal aliens put them in thousands of part time jobs all over the country and claim he got full employment liar. There are currently not as many people that is American people working full time jobs as there were before the scam demic.
everyone understands that the unemployment rate stands at whatever that Democrats say it is. Just like employment and all the rest of the fake numbers generated out of Washington that have been doing that for the last 10 years. By the way the Dow Jones has absolutely nothing to do with this in the White House. Never has never will. Right now we do not have a political leader running the show and the Dow is up so it’s really saying to us that if we don’t have a president we’re better off, right?
You lefties are so easily directed and lead so easily lied to and you buy everything as long as it’s from a Democrat Or a communist you’ll buy anything.
It was a smart move to not start your rioting during the Democrat convention. You got plenty of time to burn down cities before the election. Besides in all the confusion it can enable your cheating to get off without a hitch.
When confronted with a truth, a MAGAt just DENIES!
Wah!! “The Democrats caused Covid and shut down Trump’s government.”
Wah!! “They stole the election!”
Wah!! “The Democrats fudge the numbers even when the Republicans run everything! How do they do it?”
Wah!! “The Deep State!!”
Unlike Donnie, President Biden surrounded himself, not with hacks, toadies and sycophants, but talented, patriotic Americans!
Here’s the good and the bad of Trumponomics:
Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.4% after inflation.
After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.
The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 36.3% from 2016.
The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year (2020) compared with 2016.
Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 25%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.3%.
Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats.
Another meaningless Rimjob C&P without citation.

You’re not fooling anyone, dumbass.
Now repeat tha5 back to me.
He never needs a citation. We already know where he gets everything he Cut-Pastes.
You dainty flowers should do what I do when confronted with some of your “facts”. Copy and do a internet search. It’s not that hard.
Rimjob: Do an internet search.
It’s not that hard.

Blame Trump one would guess.
If the media and Labor Department was in the tank for Vice President Harris, why on Allah’s Green Earth did they revise the job number NOW??
Was there a Deep State MAGAt who courageously released the data???
Your conspiracies are devouring each other.
Rimjob says his.
No biggie according to Rimjob.

Suck it, fatso.
And it’s still record job growth, dickbreath! And why, if they fudged the data, didn’t they keep it hidden.
It’s a conspiracy!!! Only Donnie can kill the Deep State!!!
What was job growth during Donnie’s reign? Almost -600,000, i.e., job losses/year. Good job, Donnie!!
The MAGAtonians blame China, powerless red state Democrats, doctors, the media, brown immigrants… the buck stops over there! But not “their God”. How courageous.
Rimjob: And it’s still record job growth…

Again the only citation provided is…???
Suck harder, fatboy, like you’re Kumala needing a job.,