I wonder why?
Harris Goes Light on Climate Policy. Green Leaders Are OK With That.
In the 2020 presidential election, climate activists demanded that Democratic candidates explain, in detail, how they planned to tackle the planet’s greatest environmental threat.
But in the weeks since Vice President Kamala Harris ascended the 2024 Democratic ticket, she has mentioned climate change only in passing, and offered no specifics on how she would curb dangerous levels of warming. Climate leaders say they are fine with that.
“I am not concerned,” said Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington, who made climate change the centerpiece of his own 2019 bid for the presidency. Mr. Inslee said he believes it is more important for Ms. Harris to draw a distinction between her and her Republican rival, former President Donald J. Trump, than to drill down on policy nitty-gritty.
“I am totally confident that when she is in a position to effect positive change, she will,” Gov. Inslee said.
If only there was some sort of outfit that could demand that a person running for President of the United States Of America answer questions on her policies and plans, instead of simply writing an article from hundreds of miles away while never leaving the office/living room.
While President Biden has made climate change a signature issue, signing into law the largest clean energy investments in American history, Ms. Harris has yet to detail for voters her climate or clean-energy positions. Some analysts chalked that up to strategy and said new promises to slash greenhouse gas emissions or rein in fossil fuels could alienate voters particularly in the energy-rich swing state of Pennsylvania.
“This doesn’t look accidental, it looks like a deliberate choice,” said Kevin Book, managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based research firm, referring to the sparse mentions of climate change in the speeches of Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz.
“I think they are worried if she takes a strong position on climate, even it fits the same position that Biden took, it will make her look too progressive,” Mr. Book said, adding, “It’s a divisive issue and they need both sides as much as possible to win Pennsylvania.”
In other words, she’s hiding what she plans to do from the American citizens, and the Credentialed Media is failing at the job they were given a specific mention in the 1st Amendment to do.

Kamala Harris Opens Up Biggest Lead Over Trump in 538 Polling Aggregate
Everyone understands what’s going on. That is why they are OKAY with anything harris says. They know its lies, lies and more lies to get back to the White House. The Democrats will lie and say anything to get the poll numbers up so they can massively cheat in PA, WI, and MI.
These are the only three states they must cheat to prevent Trump from the white house.
They also need to highly inflate the polls to convince people around the country that Kamala Harris got 155 million votes this time compared to Trump’s 75 million.
That’s all they need to do is cheat in 3 states, and it’s game over because the other 47 states will vote how they always vote. Red states would vote for a glass of water, and blue states would vote for a raging lunatic communist.
The GOP has done almost nothing for four years because they were scared off of by the MSM to even hint at or suggest the Democrats cheat in three or four states…Georgia and Arizona, in particular, in 2020, but hey, they don’t need that this time around. So they have done nothing. Meanwhile, Trump and his MAGA supporters THINK they are going to smash the Democrats.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL……..perhaps Trump and Maga really is delusional. The powers that be will not let Trump into the White House again, even as a guest.
Mr Teach (scam) typed: the Credentialed Media is failing at the job they were given a specific mention in the 1st Amendment to do
The 1st Amendment does not detail what questions to ask.
Since Mr Teach supports the Fascist from Florida, we take with a grain of salt his advice to Vice President Harris and Governor Walz.
USA! USA! USA! vs “America is a 3rd World country”.
Chicken Little Karen Man
The 1st Amendment does not detail what questions to ask.
Indeed. But what does that have to do with the point that the media is shirking their duty and not asking questions that are important?
The answer is….. NOTHING!
But nice try and confusing and hiding the fact she can’t answer hard questions because she is dumb.
And that is scary.
Donnie told you to say that! You’re a good little drone.
Have you actually listened to any of Donnie’s media “interviews”? LOL. Jibberish.
Have you actually listened to any of Donnie’s media “interviews”? LOL. Jibberish
Well, at least he has them.
Your gal? None.
Of course the activists are fine with Mrs Emhoff soft-peddling her
global warmingclimate change fighting proposals, because they understand that their hard-left proposals are vote losers. They want the Communist from California to win, believing that she’ll move harder left once she’s elected.True. Everyone knows how the game is played. Democrats need to lie and cheat to get elected. They lie about government statistics. They lie about their opponent. They lie about their own resumes. Democrats especially lie about all the things they intend to do once they get into office. Promoting climate change is a natural for them because lying is already so totally ingrained in everything they do.
We want Vice President Harris to win because she’s a patriotic American unlike the Fascist from Florida. They want Damnable Donnie’s Project 2025, a far-right wetdream of authoritarianism, to be enacted. Of course dumb Donnie and jerky-boy JD deny any and all knowledge of their plans although it was largely written by Donnie’s staffers with an intro/forward by JayDee.
Hahaha. Democrats cheat in every state. Even when they don’t need to, just to keep in practice. When you are the party of “by any means necessary”, why balk at a little voter fraud?
Once you understand just how much democrats cheat and have been cheating for a very long time, it makes you wonder when the last time they won anything, anywhere.
Has Mr Hale finally uncovered the evidence of all the cheating? If it is so obvious it should be easy to reveal.
Elections are controlled by the states and most states are run by Repubs. LOL.
We seem to recall Donnie telling GA Sec of State Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes to make Donnie the winner. Can you explain that?
Donnie, of course, is devoted to Donnie, and will gladly sacrifice America to help himself. What’s so surprising is that 45% of Americans hate America so much that they go along with him.
MAGAts are lining up their excuses… “Demoncrats only win by cheating!” “The Demoncrats always lie!” “The media are in bed with the Demoncrats!”
MAGAts are unmoored to reality.
YoU cannot believe anything or anyone!!! All churches, all government, all media, all scientists, all corporations, all organizations, all universities, all courts… all elections!!!
You can only believe what YOU FEEL INSIDE! Trust your gut!! If YOU FEEL Donald won, he won; all other evidence is fraud! Everyone YOU talk to is voting for Donald! YOUR poll of friends finds 22-0 for Donald!
The Donald is all you need.
Well, we certainly don’t need the retro communist crap your party of pathological liars are selling…AGAIN!!
And we certainly don’t need the neo-nazi crap your party of pathological liars is forcing down America’s throat.
Please, list what you think is the “neo-nazi crap”. Good luck
I forgot that you can’t read.
Rimjob started drinkin’ early.

Probably trying to keep up with Kumala.
And his rant-o-rama has been going on all day and he hasn’t made a lick of sense.
Kinda like Kumala.
Yeah right.
Just a coincidence.

Last night during Governor Tim Walz’s speech, his 17 yr old son, who is “neurodivergent” and ADHD, was crying, stood and mouthed, pointing, “That’s my dad!”
The god-awful conservatives, no doubt good christians all…
Former Republican strategist Rick Wilson said of Coulter: “You’ll die alone and the coroner will find your withered husk to be nothing but Marlboro reds and box wine.”