…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on the truth on the Trump tax cuts.

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on the truth on the Trump tax cuts.
Hmmm… wonder why.

What possible non nefarious motive could anyone possibly have for wanting non American citizens to vote in elections? I’m gonna pass that question to rimjob.
dickbreath and the neoNazi want to know why being forced to prove citizenship at the polls is objectionable. Can non-citizens even register to vote?
The Republicun bill would require a passport to register to vote! Less than 50% of Americans possess a US passport (which must be renewed every 10 years).
What else could you use to prove citizenship?
Republicuns hate the principles of democracy.
Rimjob: What else could you use to prove citizenship?
Are you really that dense, fatboy?
dems like to cheat.
It’s the only way they can win.
The week for “Ladies dressed to go into court to contest their public intoxication charges”?
Oh my, another conspiracy.
Poor old Nanzi.

Keep cities heavily fluoridated! The Retard must flow…
From my observations, I see plenty of people who have never consumed city water or been inside a dentist’s office who still act totally retarded.
If I were on city water supply, I think I would get my own water tested just to se how much fluoride there was in it. I suspect it isn’t very much. One may need to look into other sources for City-people retardation than the old “something in the water” dodge. Since eating lead paint chips stopped being a thing, and the USA went to unleaded fuels in the 70’s, I am going to guess the causes may be more related to sociological conditions rather then toxicology. Specifically, living in and around other people’s filth 24 hours a day. Public schools doing what they do and immigration importing particularly stupid people, primarily into the cities, bringing the average test scores down for everyone who just happens to be using the same water supply.
“PBS correspondent Judy Woodruff apologized Wednesday after falsely telling her audience that Trump tried talk Israel out of a cease-fire agreement….”
Could have happened to anybody, right? Wrong. But is anyone surprised? No
Did you watch the embarrassing VP pick Tim Walz last night at the Dem Convention? Wearing a cheap suit, all the talk about neighbors, small towns, helping one another, teaching and coaching. His unglamorous wife and teenage kids. Get this. He’s not even a millionaire! He gets $127,000 a year as Governor, has a teaching pension, and a whole life policy. Loser! Not sophisiticated and oozing wealth like the Vances!
Governor Walz was born in Nebraska and lived in rural Minnesota. A true hayseed! He probably pumps his own gas, LOL. He drives a 1979 International Harvester Scout and works on it himself!
In contrast, JD Vance wears $3,000 suits, made millions as a venture capitalist, has a close “friend”, billionaire Peter Thiel who financed Vance’s Senate run. Senator Vance exudes high class, wealth and sophistication. He clearly deserves to rule us. You can tell he’s better than the rest of us. JD even somehow lost his Appalachian accent!! He knows what fork to use and when!!
We want leaders who are much better than we are and who know it!! Mr Trump turned a billion dollars from his daddy into a billion dollars. He has never had to work a day in his life. We hoi polloi have worked our entire lives and know there’s little to recommend it!!
Sorry Rimjob missed it.
Americans want tampons in boys bathrooms! Tampon Timmy for the job.
Actually, JL, that’s not what the laws state. For example in CT:
Of course, in one CT school vandals, threatened by a tampon dispenser in the boy’s restroom, tore it off the wall.
You may not like it, and you may desire that all trans kids hide or ever die, but it’s a fact that there ARE trans-boys who require menstrual products. Why does that upset you so?
It doesn’t impact you.
You may not like it, but it’s a fact that there is no such thing as a “trans-boy”. If you require menstrual products, then you are female. Why does that upset you so?
It doesn’t impact you.
In the “I Shit You Not” category of this mis-administration:

IQs run higher in urban than rural areas, but only slightly. Girl’s IQs are higher than boy’s, but that’s obvious.