Our Environmental Promise: Give more than we take
At Starbucks, we promise to give more than we take from the planet. Our comprehensive approach is built on our commitment to build a more sustainable, equitable and resilient future for coffee, farmers, communities and our planet. Across our company, we are testing and scaling innovative solutions to support partners, farmers and communities in the face of global climate change.
How about the guy they hired?
Starbucks’ new CEO faces backlash over 1,000-mile commute by private jet
Starbucks’ incoming CEO, Brian Niccol, is facing environmental criticisms following the company’s offer for him to commute from his home in Newport Beach, California, to its headquarters in Seattle via a private jet instead of relocating.
In Starbucks’ offer letter to Niccol, the company said, “During your employment with the company, you will not be required to relocate to the company’s headquarters … You agree to commute from your residence to the company’s headquarters (and engage in other business travel) as is required to perform your duties and responsibilities.”
Speaking to CNBC, a Starbucks spokesperson said that Niccol will be expected to work from Starbucks’ Seattle office at least three days a week in line with the company’s hybrid work policies.
Following reports of Niccol’s super commute, people were quick to point out the apparent hypocrisy in the use of private jets in the context of the company’s sustainability efforts, including its ban on plastic straws.
“The new Starbucks CEO is ‘supercommuting’ 1,000 miles to Seattle on a private jet to work, so don’t be too harsh on that waitress who gave you a plastic straw when you didn’t want one,” one user wrote on X.
Starbucks has banned straws at their stores. I can’t find anything where Niccol is yammering about ‘climate change’: he’s being brought in to revitalize Starbucks, which is having issues, having done the same for Taco Bell and Chipotle. Starbucks has apparently realized that a sound business model is more important than climasignaling.

The rules are for thee, not for me!
Fox News cut off Donald Trump – so he calls into Greg Gutfeld’s cell phone to finish his thought – Videos