Must be nice to be an illegal alien
Oregon is offering $30,000 for illegal aliens to buy homes. This program is not open to American citizens. Only illegals.
They hate you.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 22, 2024
Good deal, eh?
(Daily Caller) Hacienda Community Development Corp. is participating in a taxpayer-funded down payment assistance program that gives money to non-citizens to buy homes in Oregon while excluding American citizens from eligibility, according to records provided to the Daily Caller.
Hacienda CDC is reportedly offering $30,000 for down payment assistance for eligible new homebuyers through their Camino a Casa program, according to a screenshot first reported by X user Oregon Citizen. “Clients work closely with financial coaches and HUD-certified housing counselors throughout the entirety of the homebuying process. In addition to mortgage readiness and financial fitness workshops, we provide various opportunities for down-payment assistance,” the organization states. (snip)
Hacienda CDC is partially funded through the Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP), an equity-based beneficiary project established through the Economic Equity Investment Act (SB 1579), which the Oregon legislature passed in 2022. The organization receives millions in Oregon state taxpayer money and federal taxes through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), according to its recent annual report.
Of course, Oregon is 9th most expensive for median home value in the US, at $511,513, so, can illegals actually afford a home?
The organization’s actions appear to violate its contract with the state by denying an application based on citizenship if the participant meets the other criteria, according to the contract viewed by the Daily Caller. “Recipient shall consider all eligible beneficiaries (meeting 2 or more economic equity risk factors) as described in Exhibit A and shall not refuse to work with individuals, families, businesses, or communities based on protected class considerations,” the contract states. U.S. citizens are eligible for these benefits, according to the EEIP guidelines.
Why are Democrats so intent on helping non-Americans with American money?

Some of the beneficiaries could be legal immigrants who are not citizens, but does anyone believe that they’d fund legal immigrants and exclude the illegal ones?
Why are Democrats continuously coming up with programs that separate Americans into groups of being beneficiaries or being donors? Why are they constantly giving one American something and taking away from another? Is that good for our country? Why can’t they treat all Americans the same?
I’m really sick of seeing programs better for one legged black people or orphans of Indian heritage or rather nonsense like that. You’re gonna start a program make a program for everybody or nobody. I can understand a program for the poor and having a cut off of let’s say nobody can get it if they earn over $70,000 a year. But under general principles if you’re gonna have a program it should be open to all Americans. I’m tired of thi is for black people, this is for white people (first of all nothing is for white people), this is for Arabs and this is for migrants and this is for this one or that one that’s enough of this shit.
Democrats are always dividing Americans into different groups and making them fight against each other Democrats are the antithesis of our Republic and always have been since the civil war.
Assistance based on need discriminates among “races” because of diffenences in need. (We realize that borders on tautology – but obvious).
Minority families tend to have lower income, less wealth, less unearned income (stocks, rental properties), home ownership, more medical debt, more education debt – and are much less likely to have generational wealth to hand down.
The reasons for these differences are complex. Minority households have generated little family wealth to pass on. They often live in “poorer” neighborhoods with higher rates of crime and fewer municipal services.
Recall that after WWII, the top marginal tax rate was over 90%. Of course, that only applied to the highest levels of income. But it generated enough to pay down the massive debt from defeating Germany, Japan and Italy, and to build the greatest middle class in history. Highways, state universities, interstates, bridges, dams, libraries, parks etc etc. Separate but equal was ended in 1954, Civil Rights and Voting Righs Acts in 1964 and 1965.
Another bullshit C&P from Rimjob.
Borders on tautology
Why should any group hold a share of national wealth proportionate to their population? No reason at all. And because it’s not equal in no way proves any discrimination.