Once again I will mention that I am no fan of coal. Not from a ‘climate change’ point of view, but, from the ecological damage it does. But, until it can be replaced, it is needed. If Warmists would just let us use natural gas and nuclear power, coal wouldn’t be necessary
SCOTUS could deal another blow to climate action
The Supreme Court could stall action on climate change yet again as it weighs whether to pause new pollution regulations for coal-fired power plants.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized rules this year aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants. But red states and industry groups are challenging the EPA in court and have asked SCOTUS to step in and stop the rules from being implemented while they duke it out.
The request is now in the Supreme Court’s so-called “shadow docket” — meaning SCOTUS can essentially issue a stay on the rules at its whim. The court has already made it way tougher for federal agencies to regulate industry since Donald Trump packed it with conservative-leaning justices. This is another opportunity to gut the EPA’s efforts to limit the pollution causing climate change.
The rules are a cornerstone of the Biden administration’s efforts to meet climate goals set under the Paris agreement. They require coal plants expected to continue operating for at least 15 years to reduce their climate pollution by 90 percent. Coal happens to be the dirtiest fossil fuel, creating more planet-heating carbon dioxide when burned than oil or gas.
Except, there really is no way to do that, meaning most coal plants would have to shut down. The suit is, as usual with the Biden-Harris administration, about their vast over-reach and failing to go through the duly elected Legislative Branch. Instead, they simply made up the rule using dubious language in other legislation. This was not specifically authorized.
When the EPA finalized the plan in April, it was arguably only a partial victory for environmental and health advocates. The rules had to comply with the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision on West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. It was a monumental opinion that strengthened the “major questions” doctrine, the idea that federal agencies shouldn’t have the authority to call the shots on issues of major national significance without Congress passing legislation explicitly allowing the agency to do so. The decision meant that the EPA wouldn’t be allowed to determine whether the US gets its electricity from fossil fuels or cleaner sources of energy like wind and solar.
And this rule blows past the doctrine of major questions. But, I guess we’ll see what the Court rules.

Goosebumps and chills – RFK Jr. joins President Trump on stage and is welcomed like a Rock star! Video
The non-binding agreement? Why would we need to comply with that? No one else is. The prestige of the United states is not at stake, only the prestige of John Kerry. Diplomats should not make personal agreements that their nations are not willing or able to back. Besides, the whole planet knows that climate agreements are nothing more than virtue signal stages for Leftist diplomats to use while they get wined and dined at another 5 star event… using other people’s money.
If the Biden administration believes in the policy of crippling American energy production, they should just say so and get the Harris administration to run on that as a party platform plank. I am sure the groundswell of support from the American people will speak for itself and sweep a super-majority of democrats into Congress, state legislatures, and the oval office and be able to sign that into law on day one.
Finally, ask your local indigenous person what America’s track record is on treaty compliance. Why would anyone think climate agreements would be any different. The US government is agreement incapable and the whole world should see us that way.
Mr Hale says the United States is “agreement incapable”. After all, the United States of America is a third world nation, a failed state, not respected by anyone on Earth, even a shithle country.
Mr Hale is correct in his assessment that white christian men committed genocide against the indigeous peoples of America, and violated multiple treated. Let’s hope we’ve learned something since.
MAGAts have been persuaded by their cult leader that America is a depleted state, even a shithole country with – a failed economy (but the world’s strongest), a land of woke perverts, DEI heathens and murderous communists, oh my. Only Trump can rid nation these woke perverts, DEI heathens and murderous communists.
Can Mr Hale explain communism?
With an estimated 252 billion short tons, the United States has the world’s largest reserves of recoverable coal in the world. The Biden-Emhoff regime would just waste all of that natural wealth.
High sulfur “eastern” coal took a bullet to the brain with the advent of regulations on sulfur emissions. Western coal is cleaner and less labor intensive to mine. And railroad deregulation made it easier (and cheaper) to ship.
Fracking led to a boom in cheaper natural gas, which also has the advantage of burning cleaner than coal, a boon to environemtalists.
And the US is ramping up “nucular” power.
President Trump promised to revive coal, and had 4 years to do so but didn’t.
In the US nuclear, renewables and hydro now generate close to 40% of electricity. Natural gas passed coal and the leading source.
Regarding CO2 emissions, the bête noire is China. Their expansion, mondernization, and intenese energy production. largely reliant on coal, has led to an explosion in CO2.
Rimjob be Googling again along with using his bête noire CO2.

[…] prenatal infanticide. In everything else, they want the government to take control of your lives. William Teach noted that the Biden Administration are trying to shut down existing coal-fired electricity generation […]
[…] prenatal infanticide. In everything else, they want the government to take control of our lives. William Teach noted that the Biden Administration are trying to shut down existing coal-fired electricity generation […]