…is a fast rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is LMAO, with a post on Democrats being stunned a lot.

…is a fast rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is LMAO, with a post on Democrats being stunned a lot.
So RFK Jr contacted both campaigns seeking a job for an endorsement. The Harris/Walz campaign refused to meet with him,
He recently endorsed Trump/Vance.
Nothing to see here.
You mean the open minded leftist from the communist Democrat party refuse to sit down and talk with a Liberal Democrat icon? Why that would be like refusing to sit down with the heads of black lives matter. They’re all fellow Marxist travelers, all communists under the skin.
Of course the communist Democrat party refused to grant Secret Service protection the JFK junior so I guess they figured he’d be dead by now. The commie Democrats are really betting that everybody’s gonna get killed aren’t they? I guess if you own the Secret Service that can happen. And if you refuse to investigate completely fully to the extent of the law stolen elections then elections will be stolen.
Fortunately so far trump looks like he’s ahead cause I’d hate to wake up in a communist nation. But I wouldn’t put anything past the Democrats winning is more important than honor or trust to them.
Big Mike
Nothing to see here

The Ukraine excursion into Russia is designed for a single purpose. The EU and Ukraine are attempting to Trump proof themselves from another Trump term.
One must remember that since Trump took office and applied pressure on the EU, 23 of the 31 countries have met the 2 percent of GDP defense goal mandated by NATO. The other nine countries are also scrambling to meet their 2 percent challenge.
Additionally, the Invasion was coordinated by a dozen EU countries along with the USA in an attempt to crush Trump in the polls since a Ukraine that is not seen as losing but rather putting up an intense fight will garner support for the Democrats rather than for Trump and the MAGA movement which is decidedly anti-war after the weary 15 years of war after 911.
Trump issued a white paper on how he will end the Ukraine war. I will not delve into the specifics, but suffice it to say that it is not popular with Russia, Ukraine, and the EU and certainly not popular with people who are getting filthy rich off of the insane amounts of money currently being thrown irresponsibly towards Ukraine.
With the possibility of Trump taking back the White House by invading Russia, Zelensky will have a bargaining position, and Russia will be weakened similarly.
The starting point for all this was the July Nato summit and what transpired the following few weeks after. Trump was nearly assassinated, followed by Biden’s abysmal debate performance after the key leaders of NATO were just in meetings with the man the previous week. The betting odds dropped to 27 percent that a Democrat could win the White House. Finally, Biden was forced out after being voted in and replaced with Harris, while the pollsters began conducting suspect polls. I say suspect because my former company conducts internal election polls that do not reflect what Fox, CBS, NBC, and many other polls suggest after Harris replaced Biden. These are designed, no doubt, to bolster the potential for a cheating scandal to reemerge once again.
I do not know if there is actual cheating. Still, it does return to the days when the Democrats made significant gains because the general population was in disdain that the right could accuse their country of cheating in elections. It is a bold strategy, but one that can work quite effectively if the MAGA movement falls for the trap laid by the MSM and the DNC.
So, the invasion of Russia was not a random act but rather a strategic geopolitical event coordinated by a dozen EU countries that told the Democrats that they had to replace Biden. This is from insider information from people who are not sitting in secret meetings but rather know people who are.
Because the rich and powerful of Europe cannot afford another 4 years of Trump. The rich does not equate with the politically powerful. You can see Europe burning all over the news outside of the USA and you can see the rather judicious use of terrorist watchlists to arrest journalists who disagree with the Ukraine war being arrested. Not detained. Arrested.
There is so much at stake for the world that they cannot afford another four years of America first simply because it will be a tipping point in their personal grip on power worldwide.
I’d like to see more dimocrats stunned….. preferably with tasers. :-)
Should kids in schools be taught the stories of Lot? Lot and his uncle Abram (Abraham) kicked around the area settling in Canaan. A famine forced Abram (and his wife Sarah) with Lot to Egypt where the Pharaoh took the beautiful Sarah for his own. God afflicted Egypt with all kinds of scheisse – blood, frogs, lice, flies, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and death of firstborne. Eventually Pharaoh kicked them out. Lot made his way to Jordan and settled near Sodom (uh oh).
God did not like godless Sodom, e.g. – neglect of the poor and needy, lies, greed, and luxury – so He decided to nuke the town. Two strangers showed up and stayed with Lot. The men of Sodom wanted the two strangers to buttrape, and instead Lot offered up his two virgin daughters. The angels made the lustful men go blind and explained to Lot that his family had to leave town in the morning, AND to not look back! Mrs Lot DID look back and God turned her into salt.
Lot and his daughters journeyed on and landed in a cave. His daughters were afraid Lot was the last man on Earth and to preserve the lineage, on consecutive nights they took turns getting the old man drunk and raping him. Their offspring led to the Ammonites and Moabites.
No wonder christian men have no respect for women! They ARE devious.
You compare mankind of nearly 4000 years ago using today’s moral standards. When you compare people living in caves and huts to a morality that has evolved for thousands of years, you show your ignorance and do everyone a disservice.
There is zero doubt that the morality of 2000 BC was much different than it is today. Hell, women were not allowed to vote until roughly 100-200 years ago, and in some cultures still do not enjoy that privilege. This would be one example of how mores have changed over time.
There is no moral equivalency between mankind 4000 years ago and today. The people who lived 4000 years ago were far superior in some aspects of their morality and far inferior in others regarding personal and cultural morality.
This is why the left referred to the right as knuckle draggers a few years back. I wonder if Neandrathal man was equivalent to modern-day leftist commenters.