Much of Nigeria is arid, and has been for centuries, especially the northern areas, which tend to see 20 inches or less a year of rain. The Sahara Desert has been encroaching on northern Nigeria for at least 5,000 years, and, scientists think that the area would have been considered a desert even during the last glacial age, since it receives so little rain, do to the location. But, you know, facts are immaterial to the Cult Of Climastrology and their official media outlets
Cows obstruct Nigeria’s capital as climate change and development leave herders with nowhere to go
At an intersection seven miles from the presidential villa, frustrated drivers honk as a herd of cattle feeds on the grass beautifying the median strip and slowly marches across the road, their hooves clattering against the asphalt. For the teenage herder guiding them, Ismail Abubakar, it is just another day, and for most drivers stuck in the traffic, it’s a familiar scene unfolding in Nigeria’s capital Abuja.
Abubakar and his cattle’s presence in the city center is not out of choice but of necessity. His family are originally from Katsina State in northern Nigeria, where a changing climate turned grazing lands into barren desert. He moved to Idu — a rural, bushy and less developed part of Abuja — many years ago. But it now hosts housing estates, a vast railway complex and various industries.
Fulani herders like Abubakar are traditionally nomadic and dominate West Africa’s cattle industry. They normally rely on wild countryside to graze their cattle with free pasture, but the pressures of modernization, the need for land for housing and crop farming and human-caused climate change are challenging their way of life. To keep cattle off of Abuja’s major roads and gardens, some suggest that herders need to start acquiring private land and operating like other businesses. But to do that, they’d need money and government incentives.
Idu is right outside of Abuja. Katsina state is as far north as you can get in Nigeria, so, that area will have been mostly desert for thousands of years, hence, nothing to do with human caused climate change mule fritters.
“It’s disheartening,” said Baba Ngelzarma, the president of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, a Fulani pastoralists’ advocacy group. “Nigeria is presented as an unorganized people. The herders take the cattle wherever they can find green grasses and water at least for the cows to survive, not minding whether it is the city or somebody’s land.”
Yes, they do, and the northern part of Nigeria has been a barely optimal area for grazing for a long time, well before the industrial revolution. It’s been hit or miss for farming and grazing, being an arid area.
New study suggests climate change will make hail bigger and more costly
Hail will become less common but larger and more damaging because of human-caused climate change — according to a new study published in the Nature journal Climate and Atmospheric Science. (snip)
His group simulated future hailstorms using weather models run on supercomputers and analyzed how such storms would change as greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels increase in the atmosphere.
If it “suggests”, that is looking at a crystal ball, not science, which is facts. But, considering they used their computer models which are biased, this is no real surprise. I do enjoy that they’re trotting out the “less common but bigger” like they did for hurricanes when hurricane strikes fell way off.

Mr Teach once more whines about the language of science, typing: If it “suggests”, that is looking at a crystal ball, not science, which is facts.
Science is a method, not a collection of facts. It’s an ongoing process with continual inputs, taken together to deliver a scientific consensus. The scientific method is used to explain observations.
Is it a fact that smoking cigarettes will cause lung cancer? No. It’s more likely that cigarette smokers will develop lung cancer than non smokers. There is supporting evidence. Cigarette smoke contains suspected human carcinogens (determined by in vitro and in vivo studies). Cigarette smoke damages ciliated lining cells, harms the immune response, creates DNA adducts and induces inflammation, all responses suspected of increasing cancer risk. Smokers also are more likely than non-smokers to develop cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney and cervix. Has a reasonable alternative theory to explain the increased cancers been proposed? Taken together this evidence strongly suggests that smoking is likely to “cause” cancer. The tobacco companies pushed back for decades but the accumulating evidence became overwhelming.
Is it a fact that human generation of CO2 is causing the planet to warm? No! But the evidence strongly suggests that that’s true. Like with the tobacco issue, there are some scientific “facts” that support the theory. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation wavelengths (heat). Atmospheric CO2 has increased by 50%. The Earth’s surface and lower trophosphere is warming. The stratosphere is cooling. What “proof”, if any, do “skeptics” need to see?
First, you denied it was even warming. Then, you denied it was related to CO2. Now, you claim it’s too late to do anything (on this, you may be right).
There’s also evidence that shortwave radiation from the sun is increasing, which would cause warming.
“Hail suggested to be less common but larger…. Of course predictions aren’t evidence, but what are they trying to say? That larger hail is some kind of climate change marker? Then less hail would be the opposite of that
“It’s more likely that cigarette smokers will develop lung cancer than non smokers.” Untrue. Only 14% of smokers get lung cancer. There is a higher likelihood of non-smokers getting lung cancer. THAT’S science!
Just goes to prove: If you live long enough, something will kill you.
In the absence of evidence, I concluded that smoking is likely not good for you, just based on who I see smoking. It looks like a hobby indulged in by stupid people. Roll into that people who smoke weed. Tobacco… Weed… Weed… Tobacco, all the same to me. Stupid people don’t live long lifespans because they normally have more than just one stupid behavior competing to kill them. But I will admit that I am likely not a smoker only because I never ran with those people in High School who smoked, so I never had the peer pressure to start a stupid habit. Once I was an adult, the urge never struck me as anything that was worth my time or money. I saw no benefit and only risk. If I had even one hot girl friend who smoked, I’d probably have had a 3 pack a day habit.
It is also obvious that the state lawsuits against the tobacco companies were all about looting the profits of those companies, not about making whole anyone harmed by smoking. The one thing the settlements never considered: Eliminate tobacco use in the USA. Not even a phased withdrawal. Thus, if the lawsuits were right, that smoking causes cancer, then the US government and state governments became willing accomplices in those cancer deaths after that point. In exchange for money. Lots of lawyers and activists got insanely rich from those suits.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Science is a method, not a collection of facts
Actually we derive scientific fact using the scientific method. Part of that method requires the “theory” to be testable, that it must be capable of being proven correct or wrong. If it is not capable of being tested then it cannot be a Scientific Theory. And if any theory fails just one test then it is not a Scientific Theory. It is a small “t” theory.
That man is the cause of global warming is a claim based on what is called “observational theory.” The media, most of whom didn’t get past 9th grade General Science, loves to claim consensus although consensus proves nothing.
And any action taken on this consensus actually political and has prove wrong time and time again. Copernicus posited that the planets revolved around the sun and years later Galileo reaffirmed and popularized that fact. But the consensus was otherwise and the Pope had him stay home until he died.
A popular theory in the latter part of the 19th century was that a criminal could be found by fondling the bumps on his head.
The English language is ripe with various words. “It was a strong wind” can easily suggest that a hurricane was present or that it was a good day to fly a kite. So using it in a way that can have a huge impact on society is wrong.
And all you Lefties do this endlessly. After all, you folks are expert in “never let(ting) a crisis go to waste.”
[…] Pirates Cove calls out the nuttery […]
Another Democrat for Trump! WOW: Former Dem Tulsi Gabbard Shows Her Support For Donald Trump – Video
It would have been fun to see Tulsi as Trump’s VP. As it is, she will likely get a cabinet position. I recommend her for Dept of Labor, based on her long history of labor issues in Hawaii.