The crazies are telling you what they want, if only people would listen
In a new book, Nicola Twilley says we need to rethink the impact refrigeration is having on the planet.
“You really don't need to have a tomato in December," Twilley says on this week's Zero podcast. "Just don't do it."
— Bloomberg (@business) August 24, 2024
Who the heck puts tomatoes in the fridge, unless you’ve sliced one and are saving the rest for later? From the link
The “cold chain” that delivers our food is inconspicuous but vast. The US alone boasts around 5.5 million cubic feet of refrigerated space (that’s 150 Empire State Buildings!) and three-quarters of the average American plate has spent some time in a commercial fridge. Now, the developing world is catching up.
Nicola Twilley, author of Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves, says this expansion of the world’s “distributed winter” has wide-ranging climate implications.
What Twilley is primarily yammering about is large scale refrigeration for shipping, which isn’t just from in your state or from across the country, but, from around the world, which, as you can guess, is Bad for ‘climate change’, hence, the use of refrigeration must be dramatically be decreased. And, who would implement this? Government force, of course!
It’s a very long interview with Twilley at the link.

So typical of the backward thinking environmentalists of late, it’s a repeating theme. Point to some supposed huge planet heating problem, the insane arm waving and stomping of little feet regarding electrically fired toilet kilns a while back comes to mind, and burn 2 weeks of “journalistic” time and effort ginning up pathetic statue of liberty (or in this case, Empire State Building) comparisons attempting to raise eyebrows, then pat yourself on the back for your oh so original earth saving crusade until you need PT. Repeat process for some other imagined environmental evil, ad infinitum.
As with any of these boondoggles, if you take the ridiculous idea to the extreme you can easily see that the argument makes no sense whatsoever and would remedy exactly dick.
Let’s say refrigeration were simply outlawed and eliminated, today, this afternoon. Not only would trillions of dollars’ worth of food processing and transportation equipment and appliances become useless and illegal, within the time it takes a peach to rot the healthcare system, as sorry as it has become, would be overrun with people suffering and dying of food borne illnesses and fresh food costs would be off the charts.
Before long urban areas would be anarchy zones and every vegetable garden anywhere would be pillaged and their owners killed should they attempt to defend them.
All for zero effect upon climate. ZERO. So, when you think about it the podcast is very aptly named.
If you want to go after cooling in a big way, focus on government office buildings and data centers. The cooling efforts on each of those is enormous. We could shut off government office building AC overnight and it won’t affect anyone but government employees. At the very least, bump the temperature to 78 in the summer and 65 in the winter instead of constant 72.
Without all those data centers, it will be harder for big tech to store massive volumes of data about everyone, like your 20 ear history on facebook, instagram, snapchat, blogger, YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter. Imagine the global catastrophe of all that history were lost. No one would know what you had for breakfast 8 years ago or how awesome your vacation was in 2015.
its way past time for the environmentalists to be stripped nude and shipped to amchitka island to live as gaia intended.
Nicola Twilley really ought to be renamed Nicola Twitty, because he’s a supercilious twit!
Is he willing for us to go back only as far as the 1920s, when people would be able to go to the local ice house, and bring back big chunks of ice to use in their vintage ice boxes, or just forego refrigeration and air conditioners altogether?
There was a large, vintage icebox in the kitchen of the Shady Rest Hotel in the classic Petticoat Junction, bit I was unable to find an image of it online.
My parents’ generation referred to fridges as the “icebox”. My wife’s paternal grandfather (with a German accent) delivered ice in south St Louis.
“And that’s Uncle Joe, he’s movin’ kinda slow at the junction. Petticoat Junction.”
Humankind will not go back en masse. The key to reducing CO2 emissions is to change our methods of generating electricity. Right now, China is by far emitting most of the world’s “new” CO2. Over 50%! If China (and the rest of developing Asia) were emitting CO2 like Europe and the Americas, CO2 emissions would be decreasing.
I worked my way through college working for a fruit, vegetable and frozen food wholesale distributor with huge refrigeration rooms for storing produce and a separate huuuuge 2 story freezer room.
Like anyone really cares why you’ve turned out to be such narcissistic asshole.
My thoughts exactly drowningpuppies.
The grandson-in-law of an ice deliverer wrote:
China’s proven coal reserves rank fourth in the world, but the nation is still a net importer of coal, at 272,221,858 tons per year. They are first in the world in both the production and use of coal. They have a valuable resource, and are using it, while the US has the world’s greatest proven coal reserves, but the American left want to leave it in the ground, wasting our resource and keeping coal miners, who had those good, union jobs about which the Democrats so love to talk, unemployed . . . unless, of course, they can Learn To Code!
As the US has started reducing CO2 emissions our economy has stayed the strongest on Earth! We’re creating millions of jobs a year. Is Mr Dana suggesting we start exporting coal to China to save a few thousand coal miner jobs?
In 1980, the number of coal miners was over 200,000.
Yes, due in part to Clean Air regulations but mostly for economic reasons – 1. Natural gas is cheaper (and less polluting) and 2. Coal in the western US is easier to mine, the US coal industry is less important. It takes fewer miners to extract the same amount of coal.
Besides CO2 emissions, burning coal releases other airborne toxins such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, lead, and particulates. Sulfur dioxide contributes to acid rain and respiratory illnesses, while nitrogen oxides contribute to smog and respiratory illnesses. Particulates contribute to smog, haze, respiratory illnesses, and lung disease. Mercury and other heavy metals can cause neurological and developmental damage in humans and other animals.
As for union jobs, no self-respecting conservative gives a shit about conserving union jobs.
Pity the poor telephone landline workers!!
Pity the poor beeper manufacturers!!
What happened to the wagon-makers?
Like Communists living in capitalist countries, environmentalists whackoes can only make a living in countries that actually care about the environment. It is easy to see why the activist spectrum includes so many of each. It is a venn diagram with only one circle.
“Global boiling”, but cut back on your refrigeration, peasants
These are the same Luddite morons who would bring back bloodletting and blowing smoke up someones ass as medical treatments….