How can this happen, when so many wear masks and got the initial shots and multiple boosters?
Maybe there was a surprise guest at the Democratic National Convention after all.
Multiple attendees at the convention in Chicago last week subsequently tested positive for the COVID-19 respiratory illness, as health officials worry about infections spiking across the country.
“When you spend five days in Chicago for the DNC and come home with COVID-19. Womp womp,” Christopher Wiggins, a reporter at The Advocate, an LGBTQ magazine, posted on X.
Several others also shared their diagnosis on social media.
“Indeed. I arrived at the DNC healthy and hopeful and left very sick and disillusioned,” human rights lawyer Yasmine Taeb wrote on X.
How is this possible? It’s so weird that the people who have taken the most number of COVID shots (can’t call it a vaccine when it doesn’t seem to actually stop Wuhan Flu) seem to get it the most. Especially when they wear a mask.
Why do we have to keep getting COVID?
Nearly five years into life with COVID-19, I find myself selfishly wondering how many more times I – by which I mean, all of us – need to get it before we acknowledge that allowing multiple reinfections poses a very large problem? I thought my second bout of it (or was it my third?) in February, 2023, was tough – that one set me back a few months. But this nasty little bug, which is again surging here, there and everywhere, has bitten me once again, and has been a beast to overcome.
My latest infection – which began in June and is mild by medical standards – surprised me. I’m an active, healthy woman in her 40s. In addition to having been infected previously, I’ve gratefully received every single vaccine offered, including the booster shot only about 18 per cent of Canadians got last fall. I’m not sure I blame those who didn’t rush out in droves to get it. There was little public push to do so, and a general sense that infection after vaccination was okay so long as you’re “healthy.” Continued protection against a virus that makes swift and powerful adaptations is a hard sell when you don’t invest in the power of prevention, too.
Well, that shot sure isn’t protecting, nor do masks. I have yet to get it (knocking on my wooden table). I do not know anyone who got it a second time, and even most of my liberal friends and coworkers did not get more than the first booster. I only know a few who got it bad, like a bad flu, but, no one who had to be hospitalized.
(The Hill) Health experts are urging school staff and families to take active steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 amid rising infections as school districts stick to their previous plans to combat the virus similarly to how they would the flu or strep throat.
They’re really trying to ramp up the scaremongering over what is mostly like getting the flu or a cold pre-election, eh?
(NBC News) Free Covid-19 tests will be available once again come late September, the Biden administration announced Friday.
“These tests will help families and their loved ones stay safe this fall and winter season,” Dawn O’Connell, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services, said Friday at a briefing on the upcoming respiratory virus season.
Yeah yeah yeah.
(CNN) Newly updated vaccines against Covid-19 will be in pharmacies soon, just as the US is experiencing a surge of infections. But is it a good idea to get in line for a new shot pronto, or should you wait a few weeks to get optimal protection against a possible winter wave?
Experts say it depends on your health, whether you’ve recently had Covid-19, which vaccine you plan to get and when it’s convenient for you.
Will these work as poorly as the previous ones?

VIRAL VIDEO – 8.24.24: RFK Jr. surprise! The End of the [D] party! They will JAIL many so-called UNTOUCHABLES together, Pray!
Hmmm. Gay activist goes to a convention with a bunch of other gay activists and comes home with a disease. No one saw that coming.
Maybe he caught the Rhona from some unvaccinated person at the airport.
Our esteemed host wrote:
The vaccines did not stop people from contracting the virus, the way we were initially told they would, nor spreading the virus if they did contract it, which was what we were also told would be the case. At the very best, the ‘vaccines’ might have been prophylactic treatments for symptoms, ahead of contracting the virus, but even that remains unproven. Long term effects? They haven’t been tested yet, since the ‘vaccines’ weren’t even developed until late 2020, just four years ago. Will there be any responsible study of the long-term effects in 2030 or 2035?
Despite the hype, the ‘vaccines’ negative side effects hit a relatively small percentage of people, though they were often serious in those who were affected.
We are going to be told that yes, the ‘vaccines’ didn’t do what was originally promised, but, not to worry, the general resistance of the population to COVID-19’s most serious symptoms was provided by the ‘vaccines.’ Yet, if that was the case, wouldn’t we be seeing that general immunological resistance being significantly different between the ‘vaccinated’ and ‘pureblood’ segments of the population? Wouldn’t the unvaccinated still be dropping like flies?
Regarding the Trump SARS-CoV-2 vaccine:
The unvaccinated died from Covid at a higher rate (2.5x) than the vaccinated. It’s estimated that Trump’s vaccination program saved more than 3 million Americans and prevented more than 18 million hospitalizations.
The vaccinated were less likely to contract Covid than the unvaccinated. The protection from the vaccination was 3-6 months, requiring frequent boosters.
Side effects were infrequent.
We know, we know that nuConservatives have no faith in scientific, medical and government reports.
Again Rimjob doesn’t provide any legitimate citation for any his claims.
dickbreath doesn’t believe (or even read) any scientific papers, anyway.
Here’s a general media article.
And a meta-analysis
And from the CDC:
Knock yourself out, dickbreath. Do your own research, LOL!!
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
That article stated:
70% of the population are considered fully vaccinated, though 80% of those eligible to receive the boosters last fall did not. This raises the obvious question: are those who received the initial two-dose vaccination still considered ‘fully vaccinated’, even if they haven’t taken the boosters? If those who received the initial two doses are considered ‘fully vaccinated,’ then what purpose do the boosters serve? And if the boosters are necessary or even meaningful, how can 70% of the population be considered fully vaccinated if 80% haven’t been getting them?
Something like 25% of the population never got even a single dose of the ‘vaccines,’ yet COVID, though now ‘endemic,’ simply isn’t seen as a serious threat. How did the 25% of us who never took a single dose not dropping like flies, if their protection from the virus is less than that of the fully vaccinated?
Remember how we had our dementia-ridden dictator from Delaware tell us, in the fall of 2021, that the unvaccinated would suffer a winter of death and disease? Somehow, that didn’t happen. Perhaps the effects of vaccination by the fully vaccinated were as communicable as the virus?
At 70% fully vaccinated, we never reached the threshold at which the experts told us we would need to be to reach ‘herd immunity’!
Yeah, I saw your citations, and what did I notice? Two are government organizations, which support the dummkopf from Delaware and the Communist from California, or, in one case, a politically liberal organization.
Is it surprising that with 20,000 largely unmasked citizens crammed into an arena during a summer surge in Covid that some of the attendees contracted Covid?
Mr Teach asks: Will these (new vaccines) work as poorly as the previous ones?
The old vaccines prevented some 3.2 MILLION deaths in America.
We recommend strongly that NO MAGA movement person receive the vaccine!! LOL.
Rimjob: Is it surprising…
Not surprising at all.
Rimjob: Is it surprising…
Not surprising at all.
Mr Teach typed: Well, that shot sure isn’t protecting, nor do masks.
Actually, both the vaccines and masks reduced the spread of the virus.
Neither the vaccines nor the masks offer 100% protection, duh.
By comparison, according to the CDC (we know, we know, blah blah blah):
Those receiving the influenza (flu) vaccine are –
27–46% less likely: to visit a health care provider due to the flu
40–42% less likely: to be hospitalized due to the flu
So the influenza vaccine is not a vaccine???
Anyway, read this for an of why some vaccines are more effective than others (2020, so pre-Covid).
Those vaccinated were less likely to die from Covid than the unvaccinated.
Althougn the majority of Americans were vaccinated, more vaccinated die than unvaccinated!!! How can that be, you ask?
Mortality rate. Extrapolating the mortality rate of the unvaccinated to the vaccinated population would have resulted in 3 million more dead Americans.
Cureus is not a govermnent organization. (Nor is it the best journal around)
You’ve repeated the error of assuming any article included in Pubmed is a government publication. NIH does not evaluate the articles it just makes it easy to search for them. Please do.
As we said, nuCons no longer trust America. Or science. Or medicine. Or organizations.
You never complain about Mr Teach’s lopsided reliance on right-wing organizations.
Chicken Little Karen Man
As we said, nuCons no longer trust America. Or science. Or medicine. Or organizations.
And the sad part is that the Left is responsible. Remember that before the vaccine was available in late 2020 the Left attacked the vaccine. Why? Because they didn’t Trump to succeed. When the vaccine was released, around 12/20, with an efficacy of around 92% and an effectiveness of around 85%, they decided it was great and decided that everyone must take it and that it was perfect.
Actually, those in the most danger was the elderly, immune compromised and obese. But, in a desire to control, that wasn’t pointed out. So when 10% or so of the vaccinated turned out to not be protected and caught the disease the general public, pushed by the anti-vaxers and some general nut cases, lost confidence. Many people started saying, and still do, that the vaccine didn’t protect.
That’s true, like some flu vaccines, the 10% or so whose body didn’t accept the vaccine, weren’t protected. But instead of explaining what all your hero’s did was first say that masks didn’t work and then say they did while never explaining that the purpose of the mask was not to protect the wearer but reduce the viral spray from the wearer which did reduce the infection rate. Slow the spread.
They didn’t want to tell the truth to us. They didn’t trust us to understand that the vaccine was not 100%. And when they started to see that even if the effectiveness of the vaccine, again like the flu vaccine, wore down but still saved lives by reducing the symptoms.
Of course by then, and even until now, some wouldn’t take the vaccine and died unnecessarily.
That’s the shame. Your inability to properly inform the public caused by your desire to have 100% control, killed people.
And it wasn’t properly explained that viruses mutate so, again like the flu, boosters were needed.
Your really nasty control freaks wouldn’t admit that the boosters were needed because the original vaccines were not effective against the new virus.
So congratulations dummies. You’ve poisoned the well. So don’t bitch when no one believes anything from any government official.
Little Lewy Body,
They gave the best information they had at the time. Many viruses mutate. Some rapidly. Some not. Why do we need a new influenza vaccine every season. And Covid mutates faster than influenza.
Widespread immunization is the best approach for addressing a spreading pandemic.
People like have decided that science, medicine and the government cannot be trusted. We can only hope when your Dear Leader is gone the blinders will fall from your eyes.
Rimjob: They gave the best information they had at the time.
Are you sure about that, dipshit?
They were telling the world the virus came from fucking bats!
You’re an idiot.
And lying about Fauci and the NIH funding the Wuhan lab for “gain of function” research.
Did you just forget about that, dipshit?
That argument may have worked before the Democratic party based their entire 2020 campaign against Trump as his failure to address COVID (without saying what they would have done differently).
Once a government politicizes the truth about anything, they lose credibility about everything. Just like anyone who comments here year after year with nothing but lies and talking points, then expect anyone to take them seriously with the latest cut-paste.
When you say we no longer trust America I assume you mean the government not the country. With that definition in mind why would anybody trust a government a science organization a medical organization or any other organization that has continuously lied to us for the last eight years?
That’s why we don’t trust you. All you do is cherry pick information from left wing organizations who are paid to crank out the information you want. Then you gaslight us for everything else and if that doesn’t work you go to your old standby which is projection. You start pointing fingers at us and blaming everything on us or saying that that’s what we believe and you have absolutely no idea what we believe. It’s easy to know what you believe all we have to do is read Das Capital like LG suggested. Then we know the whole program.