It’s not often that a politics article gives me a good laugh. I’m not sure how Politico writer Adam Cancryn could write this. He must be a Believer
Harris goes after Trump on economy and inflation in new ad
Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to make up ground with voters who still give former President Donald Trump an edge on the economy, airing a new ad this week that attempts to go on offense on inflation.
The ad, titled “Everyday” and first shared with POLITICO, features clips of Harris’ speech earlier this month in North Carolina, where she unveiled a series of proposals aimed at making housing more affordable, targeting corporations over price gouging and expanding a tax credit for families.
“Prices are still too high,” Harris said. “I will be laser-focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity.”
The spot, which will start running on Tuesday, is part of a $150 million ad blitz targeted at battleground states surrounding last week’s Democratic convention, and the second in the last few days to focus on cutting costs and taxes. An earlier 30-second ad made only broad references to bolstering the middle class; this newest, one-minute one outlines Harris’ main focus areas, while also attacking Trump by name as siding with “billionaires and large corporations.”
Shame Adam failed to mention
With the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, Kamala Harris made her green agenda the cornerstone of the administration’s legacy — leaving hardworking Americans to foot the $1 TRILLION bill as they grapple with soaring high prices and raging inflation.
— Advancing American Freedom (@AmericanFreedom) August 22, 2024
Where was her laser focus the past 3 1/2 years? Also at Politico
Hill Dems try to tamp down backlash to Harris’ grocery price gouging pitch
Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress.
The Harris campaign’s proposal, unveiled as part of her first big economic policy speech, has become a focal point for her presidential rival, Donald Trump, and fellow Republicans, who claim she’s pushing “communist price controls.” It has also alarmed food industry officials and even some left-of-center economists, who’ve warned such policies can hurt more than they help.
A lot of Democrats, particularly those who are not wacko leftists, and have to deal with tough re-election campaigns, know that this policy, which Harris is still pushing (I heard the commercial here in Raleigh yesterday or today), is really bad for them, and they do not want to hitch their wagon to something being called a communist policy.

In other words, Harris was lying. The Democratic party is disingenuous telling voters that they are going to do something when they already know for a fact that they are not going to do that. Telling voters “don’t worry about our idiotic agenda because we were just lying to get elected” is not a very strong campaign strategy.
It is when it’s all ya got, professor.
It does go to show just how strong the Democratic party is that they can run a ham sandwich, then a baloney sandwich, and still get “81 million votes”. It’s not like the democratic party doesn’t have any more reasonable centrists who could have run.
Big party politics guarantees a certain number of votes are in the can and don’t need to be convinced or fought for. That number used to be about 43% of the vote. In 2020, Democrats boosted that “just enough to win, but not make it look like we are obviously just manufacturing votes”.
Blah, blah, blah. Get back to us when Trump acknowledges the simple truth that He lost in 2020.
When He admits that truth, it releases you to admit it.
Close your eyes and envision that freedom!
Chicken Little Karen Man
You first.
bellows the man who repeats every lie the Democrats the media and the rest of their allies spit out without question. In the five years I’ve been reading this blog I have never seen him disagree with anything any commie/Democrat ever said.
We will tell you what, have an actual audit and recount of all the legitimate votes from 2020 and prove to us you won. You can’t can you? Cause you didn’t win you cheated. Then you lied to cover up the cheat. And now you’re still cheating to cover up the lies. I have a bet that you’re gonna get 100 million votes this election and then you’re gonna start Counting the illegal aliens.
Nobody believes you rimjob because all you do is lie nobody believes the Democrats because all they do is lie and nobody in their right mind would let them count votes cause all they do is cheat.
There’s no election interference by the media when they have 84% positive for Harris an 89% negative for trump?
Carol Ann,
It is obvious Trump lost the 2020 race. Trump knows that too since he left the White House on time and participated in a peaceful transition of power. You know who didn’t participate in a peaceful transition of power? Democrats. They established a shadow government to continue to undermine the Trump administration and use all the levers of government power against trump: arresting his appointees, threatening the employees of his private companies with legal action, using the FBI to spy on him, using the CIA to manipulate foreign governments to participate in the Russia-gate hoax, and using the FBI and CIA to manipulate social media companies to cover for Biden’s corruption leading up to the 2020 election. Biden took bribes from Ukraine, got caught, used his power as VP to intimidate the Ukraine government to fire the prosecutor, bragged about it on video tape, THEN DEMOCRATS IMPEACHED TRUMP for noticing.
I know many of my fellow Republican voters care about the massive voter fraud by Democrats but the Democrats played it fair in the one place it mattered: The Electoral college. The states certified the fraudulent counts, thus making them official and valid. What happened afterwards was by the book. The house of representatives had the option to challenge those votes and chose to not exercise that option. Thus, by the only metric that matters, Biden won and Trump lost and even Trump knows that. This idea that “Trump never admitted he lost” is just another lie that democrats tell themselves. Trump left town in 2020. Obama never did. Obama’s principle staff never left town. he continued to run the government as if he had been elected in 2016 and 2020. Which one really never admitted defeat? Which one is really the threat to democracy? The one who leaves office on time or the one who never leaves and installs himself as “presidente for life” in the shadows?
Just another lie that Democrats tell about Trump. Add it to the narrative they tried to create that he is angry and out of control all the time.
Mr Hale,
Blah, blah, blah. Get back to us when Trump acknowledges the simple truth that He lost in 2020.
Carol Ann,
Blah, blah, blah. Get back to us when Trump acknowledges the simple truth that He lost in 2020.
Then, and only then, we can talk.
Good! Then STFU, fatso!

But everyone here knows how you keep your promises.
Admit it, Rimjob, you can’t stay away from this blog because you’ve nothing better to do with your miserable little life.
Hi CarolAnn,
Just so you know, a “rimjob” is the stimulation of the anus with the tongue.
Anyway, you’ve become a lost cause. Just another nasty-talking member of the Trump Kult.
Rimjob couldn’t stay away for all of 14 minutes.
I don’t wanna talk to you Elwood. You’re a filthy nasty slob you’re a commie pig. The way you treated LG you shouldn’t treat anybody that way. I still can’t figure out what your point was. The two women murdered his children and what you can do is point the finger at LG Brandon. He couldn’t stop it he couldn’t even stop the he couldn’t stop anything. Remember their body their choice. He would have taken the children he would have raised the children he would have brought him into his home but for some reason you point the finger at him when they’re the ones who murdered the children. Well you’re a bully so I guess it makes you feel good to bully LG Brandon because I know that if a 6 foot something 240 LB 40 year old guy was in your face he would probably beat the living crap out of you but you’ve got you know how many miles between the shithole you live in and Tampa I don’t know. But at least you’re safe that way right so you can mouth off because you can’t get to you. It’s just like the way ohh you left this mouth off at Christians but you wouldn’t say the same thing about a moslem because they’ll blow you the hell up. Cowards, bullies, liars, that’s all you left this are. That’s why you’re such a good leftist you fit right in with the rest of the slime in the sty.
You’ve gone TrumpKultKrazy, so there’s little to discuss.
Regarding L.G.B., according to him, he had irresponsible, unprotected sex with two girls, impregnating both. He had no intention of taking responsibility for his actions. He SHOULD feel guilty for what he has done. Now he supports banning all abortions, punishing women for actions that are at least 50% the responsibility of a MAN!
And when you slur someone you should at least understand the nature of your slur. Why would you accuse me of stimulating an anus with my tongue? How gross are you?
He has repeatedly threatened me and my family. He claims he is a government employee and can use his contacts to get our personal information, credit card numbers etc… even of my adult children. Even you suggested SWATTING.
If L.G.B. shows up to beat me to a pulp I would defend myself and my family.
Why is it always violence with you people… so emotional.
BTW, in my opinion, Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all silly religions based on magic. But I could be wrong. I have more respect for Sun worshipers – at least the Sun is real.
So. Don’t address me, don’t talk about me and we’ll have nothing to discuss.
Best to you and your family.
A tad overly dramatic there, Rimjob.
As usual rimjob you are a filthy fucking liar. Both of the women that’s both we’re on birth control. So I did not have irresponsible unprotected sex with 2 girls. I had quite responsible birth control sex with two girls. As I previously explained they both got pregnant deliberately by cutting off their birth control without telling me in order to deliberately get pregnant trying to force me to marry them. They had both been told that I would not marry them and I had no intention of marrying. They were also both told once they came to me pregnant that I would take care of the child since he is mine I will bring him to my home he will have a nanny you will have anything he wants and I will take care of him all the way up until 21 years of age. They knew my father was a very rich man and I knew I had an $8 million trust fund. The second one knew I had a $2,000,000 house free and clear in my name. I begged both of them to deliver the baby and give it to me and I would raise it if they don’t want it they chose to kill it instead. Now you may call that abortion I call that murder because they had an alternative. I have always owned up to everything that I’ve done even though these pregnancies were not my fault because I was deceived. These two women broke my heart not because of breaking up with me but because of killing my children. And every time you blame me for what they did you break my heart again. I wanted these children so bad but I didn’t wanna be blackmailed into it because I knew they were living a lie and as soon as they could they would leave and leave the child too. But rather than let the child be with their father they chose to kill the baby. I assume you’re you’re good with that because you want abortion 100% of the time.
I’ve explained the situation to you this is the fifth time. You choose to ignore my words because you’d rather hate me and persecute me and hurt me that’s exactly the kind of a person you are a bully and a creep. You made another comment before about me being rich and coming from a wealthy family like it’s some kind of freaking crime. It’s not. I think your whole problem with me with the Republican Party and with America in general is it you’re a jealous, envious, covetous, stingy, greedy, pig. Like all leftists. And being a communist that fits in perfectly.
So you got it wrong asshole I did not have irresponsible sex with two girls and I did step up to take my responsibility but it was the women who decided to kill the babies even though I made myself and my assets available for my children.
I’m no longer arguing with you…
Have a nice life.
Perhaps you should wipe L.G.’s shit off your lips before leaving.

Maybe Teach should wipe your shit of his dick.
Don’t let him get in your head. He is a fat loser who is constantly on the booze. His whole purpose is to upset the people who comment here. He has never ever said something that is true or associated with reality.