…are horrible Bad Weather clouds approaching, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on one last look at Biden’s Gaza pier.

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds approaching, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on one last look at Biden’s Gaza pier.
Great news for Ted Cruz (R-Cancun)!
Republic of Texas (ROT) Governor Greg Abbott (R-China) announced on Monday that over 1.1 million people have been removed from the state’s voter rolls as part of an ongoing effort to cut out ineligible people. Some were undocumented, some were felons, some had moved out of state, but over half were on a mysterious “suspension” list, had not returned cards mailed to them or hadn’t voted within a certain time period.
All Americans, especially in Red States, need to confirm their voter registration before the election.
How did Donnie, a convicted felon, vote?
You claim the suspension list be mysterious and then you turn around and explain what you have to do to get on the suspension list which is not returned your voter certification cards! So there’s nothing fuking mysterious about it is there? Except small minded bigots like you.
Well that’s simple, he just registered Democrat and voted republican after all there are two different levels of law. One for Democrats communists and Nazis and one for those damn Republicans, conservatives and Trump followers.
In other words, the rule of law was complied with, just as it should be in every state. Just as it used to be before foreign citizen voting became a massive way for democrats to cheat in American elections.
How it’s done: Even if zero foreign citizens cast a ballot, their registrations create raw materials (blank unused ballots) that can then be harvested, filled out and returned by faithful members of the Party. This is why motor voter law was passed. It was never about making voting easier. It was about increasing the number of blank ballots available for the Party in those places where the Party dominates the machine. Democrats don’t care if foreign citizens vote for them because democrats can manage filling out the ballots themselves, if only the ballots were already in the system. Filling out ballots this way prevents those embarrassing little foibles where more ballots were cast than registered voters exist.
Now, if the losing politicians could just find even a tiny shred of evidence to support their conspiratorial hyptheses.
The idea that Republicans are just too honest and decent to cheat is laughable.
Various red states have investigated voter fraud (e.g., TX, KS, IA) and have found prosecutable cases to be in handsful, not hundreds, not thousands. In a multi-year study Iowa found 5 cases out of millions of votes. A common crime is that felons, like Donald Trump, vote.
In Kansas, they found several voters. who also held an address in a separate state. Some famous people to have multi-state voter registrations are Steve Bannon, Jerrold Kushner-Trump, Tiffany Trump, Steve Mnuchin… It’s not illegal.
Should Donnie, a convicted felon, be allowed to vote? Or does that rule only apply to black men?
Just one of many.
(Or would you prefer to discuss the failure of yourcompany, Galera?)
Heckuva of a Rimjob.
Dickbreath: Just one of many.
An allegation from the likes of Joe and Jim Hoft (Gateway Pudenda) hardly qualifies as evidence. Sorry old chap.
Do you have anything credible? Thanks!
Oh, so now Rimjob who helped run his company (Galera Therapeutics) into the shitter (“losing” $70M along the way) gets to decide what is evidence and who is credible in their reporting.

A tad ironic, hey Rimjob?
Doing the job the Biden-Harris DOJ won’t do.

Re: the Gaza pier: The great failure of the Gaza pier was not Biden’s fault. Besides him being senile and totally uninterested in anything by growing his family wealth, the failure is due to a long term trend of underfunding the requirement for watercraft of this type in the Army. Good news though. Based on this massive failure and political embarrassment, the Army has decided to … do nothing because it doesn’t have any money to buy, crew, or operate the 25 new ships it says it needs.
It seems that all of the Army’s extra money went to a different country and to defense contractors to buy stuff for the Army, that then also went to that other country. Whover is running the US government (not Biden) decided to do that. We don’t know who it is because there was no election for that person. No campaigns where fighting in Ukraine was on the agenda.
You got your finger on the pulse Professor. By stealing an election or by not having one all together is the way theses commie sic democrats take power now a days.
A while back rimjob got all up in the air about somebody here saying BJ harris was never elected. His blind retort was she got “81 million votes”. Tee-hee. No she didn’t, biden did and he didn’t either.
But you’re right Professor: Who exactly is running this shit show? I also find it amusing that elwood and his commie travelers keep blaming a guy who hasn’t been in office for 4 years for everything from inflation to all the democrat wars as well as all the biden/harris failures. They really live in an alternative universe.
The Abortionist just can’t help itself. Just be decent. Don’t be an asshole.
If the Abortionist had availed himself of BJs he wouldn’t suffer from so much self-loathing projected onto everyone else today.
The conspiracy tale that a secret society (Trump? Trading Card Cabal?
Obamas? Clinton? UN? Hamas? Trilateral Commission? Pedophiles of America? Joe Scarborough? Davos? Illuminati? Freemasons? Bilderberg Group? Build-a-Bear Workshops, Knights Templar? Jesuits? Skull And Bones? NATO?) is hilarious.
We happen to believe it’s the over 2,000 super-billionaires like Gates, Musk, Bezos, Buffett, Zuckerberg, Arnault (Fr), Ellison, Lam (Taiwan), Helu (Mex), Putin, Ofer (Isr), Thomson (Can), etc etc etc. Pick a nation, find a person with over $10 BILLION in resources. How influential are they? 11% of billionaires are politicians! 36% of Chinese billionaires are politicians!!
One of the most influential persons on Earth is Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He controls the price of petroleum. Let’s repeat that. He controls the global price of petroleum. From 2017-2019 he decimated the political opposition in Saudi Arabia seizing nearly $1 TRILLION from opponents. He is cementing the Saudi relationships with China and Russia. He had Washington Post columnist Adnan Khasshogi murdered in Turkey in 2018. He gave the Trump family at least $2 BILLION.
This group stays in constant contact and they control global economies, governments, global trade agreements; they influence wars, famines, taxation (to their advantage, duh), treaties, presidents, prime ministers, agreements…
Anyway, the US government runs on auto-pilot for the most part. Checks get sent. Decisions made at all levels (unelected Deep State bureacrats). But the MAGAtonians, who are authoritarians at heart, need a strongman making every decsion for them.
Wisdom and business experience as only Rimjob can offer.
(Galera has not reported a quarterly gain since the initial public offering.)
Heckuva track record, Rimjob.
What are you going on about, Dickbreath?
Yes-I saw there were over 400,000 dead people on the voter rolls in Texas. No big deal, though….
I didn’t realize so many people had dirt on Hillary.
Even if true it’s a non sequitur, don’t you agree?
So Rimjob what are you going on about now?