…is an island that will soon be swamped by the rising seas, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Jack Smith not giving up on his TDS prosecution of Trump.

…is an island that will soon be swamped by the rising seas, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Jack Smith not giving up on his TDS prosecution of Trump.
10 questions leaked from CNN’s Harris/Walz interview: #4
“Is it difficult being a woman in politics? Same question for you, Vice-President Harris”.
The BB for the win……
Not that’s funny!
Of course, the Republicun ticket wears more make-up than Vice-President Harris and Gwen Walz combined. Prissy JV Vance still can’t give up his eye-liner, and Big Donnie has his hair colored and pompadoured every morning, has a quarter inch of orange latex spackled on his rapidly deteriorating face, gets manicures, has his middle trussed up and wears at least one inch lifts like Tom Cruise.
You keep repeating the same crap about Trump and Vance. You know rimjob all of those guys wear makeup since they are up in front of people under hot lights and they’re acting. Sadly you believe they’re not acting and they’re telling you the truth but they’re lying to you and they’re acting. That’s why you believe stupid things like they got 81 million votes. You’re convinced that nothing’s gonna change your mind.
We also notice that you only have peccadillos about Republicans those filthy commies that you hang with you go around doing anything and that’s OK with you. Of course generally commies don’t even take a bath so you’re used to people that don’t shower don’t use makeup don’t clean up don’t brush their teeth and are generally filthy animals so I mean I can understand you being jealous over people being overly fastidious.
We can also understand you being jealous over other people’s wealth after all a peasant like you with no couth can’t understand the effort necessary for a good presentation. I mean look at yourself you’re sitting there commenting on other people’s looks and you could probably use losing a good 200 lbs., a hair transplant and significant facial plastic surgery. I realize you’re an old guy but nobody has to look like that. Trump doesn’t. Even that old bitch Nazi Pelosi doesn’t.
Tell you who could use a lot of makeup Rachel/Richard Levine. That is one ugly gender confused individual. Of course most of them are so
Spackles Donnie and I weigh the same! I don’t wear makeup – I have a naturally luminous complexion!
You are right that all that testosterone has caused me to lose my mane!!! You won’t have that issue. Plastic surgery. Never..
We understand that your anger stems from your well-earned guilt. You need to see a therapist and talk it out. But first, forgive yourself, and make amends to those you’ve wronged. And then you need to commit to a plan to give up childish things and to start living like a grown man.
The Mrs and I have earned our millions. Our moms and dads had nothing to pass along. That you’ve been handed everything also makes you feel guilty.
Seeing as you like it, Question #5
“Where did you come up with your brilliant idea to build a border wall? It just came out of nowhere!”
Spackles Donnie told his toady “Dr” Phil that if Jesus counted the votes he would win California!!
Thanks Barry!
You’re a pal.
Aw too bad for Brandon-Kumalla.
Can’t just decide that shit on your own, Joey. Ya know the Constitution and such.
This isn’t even from Biden or Harris. They aren’t in the office enough to do anything like this. It’s the 25 year old interns with $250,000 student loans and access to the autopen while the adults are away. This is just grand theft, not policy. We don’t know who is running the white house. We just know who it isn’t. it’s not Biden. He has been on vacation since he stepped down without resigning.
0 for 2. You just can’t make up your own rules, Joey.
Gosh, the Constitution what is it good for?
So Spackles Trump, who previously called dead American soldiers “losers and suckers”, decided to visit Arlington Nationary Cemetery for a campaign photo/video op. His staff got into an altercation with cemetery officials.
Circling-the-drain JD Vance said if the Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, didn’t like it, she could “go to hell”! Harris had not commented on the kerfuffle. There is an unconfirmed report that the Harris campaign responded that Vance “can go fuck his couch”. Whatever that means.
The story of the Trump campaign event at the cemetery…
Classic bullies. Two male campaign officials rough up a female Arlington official, claim they filmed the whole thing but neglect to release their “film”. The official refused to press charges out of fear of the Trump brownshirts. Trump campaign operative, Chris LaCivita, an ex-Marine, and dirty tricks expert (an original Swift Boater of Kerry) was one of the Trump thugs.
Says our own classic bully, narcissist and all around communist thug. You treat other Americans like pigs because when they don’t agree with you fuk you!
But we do love guys like you you’re gonna win the election for Trump if we can over come the theft factor on votes.
You poor thing. I’ll stop bullying you.
Gabby Thomas (3 Golds in track), Caitlyn Clark (WNBA Great), Simone Biles (3 Golds + 1 silver in gymnastics) at a Indiana Fever win over CT WNBA game.
This article covers every ploy used by science deniers.
As we described years ago, global warming deniers opposed the likely solutions to global warming, so that erect(ed) road blocks along the way.
BS. The purveyors of science for political purposes need victims and they have chosen society at large. They have inducted the media to spread the lies and use corporations to spread the money. As a communist rimjob is automatically a fool for that. Don’t be a fool with him.
“No one likes to admit they’re denying science:. What a bunch of BS-first of all, “science” isnt a thing, it’s a process. Second-listen to the continued wording of hiding behind a Holocaust slur-“denier”. By the way, having a difference of opinion in matters of science isn’t “denying” anything. It’s a difference of opinion. So when the alarmists can’t counter the skeptics arguments, out comes “denier”. Maybe just come up with a better argument instead? Nah….
One can’t deny something that hasn’t been verified in the first place.
Yikes! Spackles McPigBoy who Grabs ‘Em by the Pussy has reached a new low, even for him! On a Truth Social post he has a photo of Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris with former Secretayr of State Hillary Clinton captioned, “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently!” How low can he go? We’ll find out…
I bet you can’t see that on FOX!
Haha! A person seeking to be the leader of the free world is making blow job jokes about two women more accomplished than he!!
Conservatives are obsessed with oral sex!
Do you think that Melania Knavs still takes that shriveled tiny mushroom of a dick of Donnie’s in her ruby red lips? If he cums in her mouth, do you think she spits or swallows that vile spunk? LOL.
That sophisticated VP candidate, Jaded Vance, told the Vice President of the United States of America to “go to hell” for saying absolutely nothing about Stolen Valor‘s trespassing on the graves of the brave men and women at Arlington National Cemetery. Then, like his pig just won the blue ribbon at the county fair, Stolen Valor gives a big thumbs up along with than phony smile.
Actually it’s pretty funny and true.

Oh, and again you’re one to be talking about Stolen Valor “in ’71, ya know during Vietnam”.
Heckuva Rimjob.
I volunteered. Cadet Bone Spurs McSpackles is a draft dodger.
You were drafted.
So you changed your story.
Fuck you, liar.
“Stolen Valor” Jeffery.
Find where I said I was drafted you lying piece of shit, Porter!!
My draft number was #1 so I would have been drafted, so I volunteered.
Where did you serve, Porter? You’ve been a big supporter of all the wars.
Rimjob, why do you keep calling me Porter?
Are you drunk again?
If you had read the tutorial you’d realize that besides outright lies, science deniers rely on conspiracy tales! “There’s a massive conspiracy between the US commie govt, commie media, commie corporations, commie universities and commie scientists who all want to make you drive a tiny Tesla!!”
Lies, fake experts, seeking “proof”, conspiracies, false equivalence, consensus is not science…
You guys are winning!! The people of Earth don’t want to do the hard work to make a better world for their kids, grandkids and great-grandkids.
I kind of agree with Jaded Vance that people without children should just STFU.
Speaking of whom…Just read where Jaded Vance got roundly booed by a gathering of firefighters when he claimed he and Spackles were “the most “pro-workers Republican ticket in history.” LOL.
Aren’t you a union man?
So Rimjob what do you have to say to the kids of those investors whose money you squandered awayb at Galera Therapeutics to the tune of $70M over 5 years?
Heckuva Rimjob.

Explain please?
What’s to explain?
This has been discussed before.
It was YOUR company, Rimjob.
A citation was included.
Figure it out for yourself, fatboy.
$70M gone in less than 5 years.
Where did it go?
we’re not science deniers, you’re a truth deniers. We don’t deny legitimate science. We do refute science based on political motives. You believe everything somebody in a white jacket tells you? Do you still believe that the Wuhan virus came from a wet market? That’s not science denying that’s truth demanding!
is not a conspiracy. It’s a political paradigm fostered by the radical left like you to undermine and ultimately destroy capitalism and freedom.
I don’t know who you think you’re fooling other than yourself but you are nuts.
BTW, I’m a firefighter and there isn’t one in my company who is voting for the little dick licker. not one.
You need to bear in mind you screwed people mostly elderly out of their investments in Galera. That makes you a thief. You have shown yourself to be a corrupt businessman, and a lousy one at that. Also a lousy parent, lousy American but a great commie. You brutalize, bluster and bully everyone you you disagree with and I wouldn’t doubt if this were a different period in time you wouldn’t murder or enslave them. Your hate is your most outstanding characteristic.