…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Biden-Harris admin trying to indoctrinate Iraqi students into the climate cult.

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the Biden-Harris admin trying to indoctrinate Iraqi students into the climate cult.
Funny shit.
“My values have not changed.”
Fir a change she’s not lying. Her values haven’t changed. They are like rimjob’s, the same values from the 1950 Soviet. Her stated positions have changed but when Trump changes his rimjob goes ape shit!
Old commies never die (sadly) they just fuk up every other country.
The apeshit sphincter-licker, The Baby Killer, just can’t help himself.
How do you feel that pro-choice Big Donnie vows to vote to OVERTURN Florida’s 6 week ban?
You do realize “Donnie” can do no such thing, right? Or do you think the president runs Florida?
Do you have a lawn sign that states : “Hate has a home here”? You should.
I’ve already told you about the abortionist stuff but you persist out of hate and jealousy. Ok. We all know exactly what you are.
Sign spotted on a cul-de-sac in Affton, MO. in the yard of a known pedophile.
See, L.G.B. That wasn’t so difficult was it? You can discuss things semi-rationally.
No, Trump cannot unilaterally dictate Florida’s law. Yet, his signalling to his supporters in Florida (and nationwide) is signficant, isn’t it? He could have said he wouldn’t discuss his vote, but wanted to let those borderline voters that he does NOT favor restrictive abortion laws. He has mentioned a 15 week ban several times which is LESS restrictive than Roe v Wade!!
Trump knows that a huge majority of women oppose the extremist anti-abortion laws coming from the Repbulicans. Do you believe is lying for votes?
Trump is more pro-choice than Vice President Harris!
If Florida overturns the 6 week ban, thousands of babies will be “murdered”.
VP candidate Jaded Vance (R-?): According to Vance, Trump was wrongly booted from the military burial ground, since it wasn’t as if he was filming a “TV commercial at a gravesite.”
A bit later, candidate Trump ran a campaign commercial showing him at the gravesite. Oops.
Jaded and Donnie need to talk more. Is Donnie too weak to discipline Jaded? Is he afraid of Jaded?
Liar. Trump was not “booted” from what you called “the military burial ground”. His photographers and such were asked to stop filming. Get your bull shit stories straight.
Liar. Jaded Vance said he was booted, not me.
As far as I’m concerned we can discuss things rationally. Of course Trump is signaling to his supporters don’t Harris and Walz signal? You point out “He has mentioned a 15 week ban several times which is LESS restrictive than Roe v Wade!!” but why? Why would you care if he points out a law less restrictive than RvW? Point?
I belive he is stating his opinion not necessarily that of the party. Trump is an R and R’s unlike D’s don’t unquestionably follow the party line. Just like there are no real moderates or conservatives in the D party because independent thought is not tolerated in the R party it is encouraged. That’s why JFKjr, Tulsi Gabbard and others left the D’s and joined the R’s. At least that’s their stated reason. It’s the reason Trump left the D’s years ago as well as Reagan. The D’s are far too (dare I say Nazi-like?) to tolerate dissent. Just look at how you follow the party’s every word!
Perhaps also, Trump thinks as I do. Abortion is a moral question made political by people seeking to manipulate the weak minded. Also, I think he would agree with me that abortion should never be used for birth control and that is precisely what you D’s encourage women to do. Your whole “My body my choice” BS argument went down the shitter when you insisted other people be forced to get Covid shots. Especially after they proved to be ineffectual.
I don’t think it’s a good argument to denigrate the deaths of thousands by using the quotes. You may be amused by the deaths of lil babies but millions of us are not. You expect us to respect your decision to kill your offspring while showing no respect at all for those of us who wish to teach people to save them. Somehow you have made us the bad guys for wanting to save the lives of American babies. One must respect the political power of a party that can make it legal and legitimate to kill babies…or Jews for that matter. That’s power!
That didn’t last long. Trump supporters have criticized his day old abortion position and the campaign is walking it back.
There has also been push back regarding his billions of dollars promise to have the gov’t pay for IVF, or to mandate that insurance pay for it.
Roe v Wade WAS the compromise position. Americans are not going to stand for a complete or near complete ban of abortion. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.
We’ll have to wait and see how the votes go in several states where citizens are challeging the restrictions placed by Republican politicians.
Most Americans disagree with you that abortion is murder, which is why I put it in quotes.
By all means, encourage women not to get abortions. Put in place programs to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Force sperm donors to take responsibility for their sperm. But don’t force girls and women to have babies.
The anti-abortion forces need to decide what they can tolerate. Women are not going back.
Roe v Wade permitted abortion through the first trimester. States could restrict abortions in the 2nd trimester and largely ban them in the third trimester.