Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin

You can’t demean these unhinged “journalists” enough


(Breitbart) In what is being described as stark “gaslighting” by many readers on social media, Politico published an article claiming that former President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “tried to tie Harris” to the Biden-Harris administration’s policies while speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, on Tuesday.

In the piecePolitico reporter Mia McCarthy amusingly writes, “Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies.”

Politico’s X post was quickly issued a “Community Notes” correction advising the public that “Harris is currently President Biden’s Vice President.”

Vance also reacted to Politico’s post, writing, “The thing is: she’s Biden’s Vice President.”

In fairness, this was the tweet and in the article, not the actual headline of the piece, but, still, they’ve been running it as the Biden-Harris administration, not the Biden admin with Kamala as VP. She’s part and parcel of the policies. She cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate several times to push the agenda forward. She’s heavily featured on the White House website.

And then there’s this doozy from The Hill

Apparently, Kamala had nothing to do with the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. The Credentialed Media is acting like it’s 1992 and no one can actually dig stuff up.

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5 Responses to “Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    I used to care about politics, but I don’t anymore. I am too old and far gone for it to matter.

    I teach my kids and grandkids, but:

    My 40-ish kids have made their choice. Raising kids, working, and spending what little time they have left trying to unwind that they don’t even follow politics enough to tell you who the VP currently is, let alone give a shit about whether the country allows abortion, gun rights or whatever the hot topic of the day is.

    My grandkids. Well in the famous words of THOR in the Avenger Movie aboard the Guardians of the Galaxy ship after his ship was destroyed and as he is preparing to take the life pod and go to have a new weapon forged……..””I BID you. Good luck……MORONS!!!!””

    My grandkids are morons. When it comes to anything political. They know nothing, don’t give a shit, and could care less what is happening beyond the 10-foot bubble they put around themselves.

    Everyone is talking about how the Democrats are going to steal this election. Even last night, my wife was watching Bret Baier on Fox News, and he was droning on and on about a FOX poll that has Kamala Harris winning bigly. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

    See, I asked a friend of mine why are reporters democrats.

    His response was that the Democrats were the only ones who could buy reporters and bribe them not with money but with power and prestige. Get them into events that are filled with celebrities, and as such, these people with raging power trip egos have no choice but to shout the hallelujahs of the Democratic party. As such, our nation is rapidly becoming a UNIPARTY, much like California.

    49 percent of the country will be owned by 51 percent—the very thing our founders prayed would never happen. But it is and it will, and I’m now too old to care.

    I bid you good luck, MORONS!…if you didn’t read my whole post, you might be offended by this salutation.

  2. Jl says:

    “Strong, capable woman asks man asks man to come with her to job interview in case they ask any hard questions…” BB

  3. alanstorm says:

    Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin

    Can everyone see my “Shocked!” face?

    She really is running as if Trump is the incumbent.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Did Spackles Donnie have ANY responsibility for the

    Here’s what Spackles’ National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster had to say..

    “Oh, yes,” McMaster said after being asked if Trump bears “part of the responsibility for what happened.” McMaster then added, “The whole premise of talking to the Taliban before you leave Afghanistan…why the heck were we even doing that?”

    From the National Security review:

    When President Trump took office in 2017, there were more than 10,000 troops in Afghanistan. Eighteen months later, after introducing more than 3,000 additional troops just to maintain the stalemate, President Trump ordered direct talks with the Taliban without consulting with our allies and partners or allowing the Afghan government at the negotiating table. In September 2019, President Trump embolded the Taliban by publicly considering inviting them to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11. In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the United States agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021. In return, the Taliban agreed to participate in a peace process and refrain from attacking U.S. troops and threatening Afghanistan’s major cities — but only as long as the United States remained committed to withdraw by the agreement’s deadline. As part of the deal, President Trump also pressured the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, including senior war commanders, without securing the release of the only American hostage known to be held by the Taliban.

    Over his last 11 months in office, President Trump ordered a series of drawdowns of
    U.S. troops. By June 2020, President Trump reduced U.S. troops in Afghanistan to
    In September 2020, he directed a further draw down to 4,500. A month later, President Trump tweeted, to the surprise of military advisors, that the remaining U.S.troops in Afghanistan should be “home by Christmas!” On September 28, 2021, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley testified that, on November 11, he had received an unclassified signed order directing the U.S. military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than January 15, 2021. One week later, that order was rescinded and replaced with one to draw down to 2,500 troops by the same date.

    Spackles was and is ill-equipped to be president.

Pirate's Cove