…is a fish that will soon disappear from the over-heated ocean, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on two years of glacier recession.

…is a fish that will soon disappear from the over-heated ocean, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on two years of glacier recession.
Just a line to say Thank you for the posts on glaciers. I didn’t know about the growing and retreating in such short amounts of time. It’s frustrating seeing so many act like the Earth should be providing a stable climate, while at the same time we all Know that They Know the planet has been heavily covered with ice at the northern latitudes. But they seem to believe that everything is supposed to stop changing and If changes are happening, it’s gotta be someone’s fault.
Is that a Jack Crevalle?
We’re saved-“Tim Walz promises to ensure all violent migrant gangs have access to free tampons..”
Is Independence Right For You?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Even Tampon Timmy’s brother says he sucks.
Didn’t know they still existed.
Shouldn’t be fucking with Elon’s bidness.
Another worthless Rimjob C&P.
Pretty sure he’s never actually read the book he cites.
Jacques Ellul argued that what we call Christianity is “the opposite of what we are shown by the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.” Do say? The statement being made, now prove it.
According to Ellul, the Church, with its emphasis on moralism and its teachings in the political sphere, has perverted the Gospel. First we need to determine which church Ellul refers since there are many different churches which identify as Christian and several which are relatively new and at odds with each other.
If He is referring to the Roman Catholic Church then it is a RC problem not a “church” problem. He lacks specificity and he also lacks historical timing. Christianity as a religion has evolved over the last two thousand years but in today’s incantation of Christianity in general I see no justifiable claims to the vast amount of “Christianity” carrying the day decisively against Christ With the one exception of Christians supporting abortion. No real gospel loving Christian can preach for the killing of God’s creations other than in self defense or the defense of the weaker. Certainly not to eliminate an “unwanted” human being. Mankind has shown itself capable of many genocides through history but none so barbaric as the idea of killing the tiny unborn of humanity. God said He knew us before we were born. That shows you the power of the siren song of the left where they can convince women to kill their own offspring when they should be loving them.
Ya think?
L.G.B. typed: That shows you the power of the siren song of the left where they can convince women to kill their own offspring when they should be loving them.
Abortion has ancient roots, long before “the siren song of the left” was composed. Why? Because pregnancy and child-rearing was a woman’s responsibility. A man’s contribution is 9 seconds of urge, the woman’s contribution is 9 months (and longer). No man has died from childbirth. So excuse women if they tell men to go fuck themselves instead of them.
Women are not helpless vessels, either literally or figuratively, to be filled with the seed or ideas of men! Why should it be up to men to decide when, even if, a woman has a child?
Man finally figured out what God didn’t or wouldn’t relate in the Bible, that pregnancy could be prevented by timing, “wasting the seed”, barriers (condoms are 3000 yrs old but check that one in your wallet, boys) and more recently, hormonal medicines. Unwanted pregnancies were known even in ancient times, as women availed themselves of ways to interrupt their pregnancies. They used physical methods, e.g., binding, battery, massage, exercise, heat and ancient herbal medicaments such as silphium, rue, Italian catnip, savory, sage, soapwort, cyperus, white and black hellebore, and pennyroyal. Founding Father Ben Franklin even had a recipe for an at-home abortifacient in one of his writings! And today, we have, for now, hormonal abortifacients such as Plan B, misoprostol and mifepristone.
No it wasn’t Elwood. Abortion has always been illegal in most cultures. Not until the 2oth century did it become a woman’s “right’ to kill her offspring.
First there is a difference between avoiding and “interrupting” (as you so euphemistically put it). But none of this matters. We can argue this no longer. You cannot nor will you accept responsibility for the results of your actions. You believe women have a right to kill their children, I disagree.
I also noticed you failed to mention the first and foremost way for women not to get pregnant: STOP FUKING EVERYBODY. If they don’t want to use birth control and don’t want a baby it really is a natural way to avoid unwanted births.
But killing your baby should not be an exercise in the political and propaganda power of the left. It’s a moral question and no matter what one says if one is for abortion one is immoral.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t a major plank in the Democrat party. At the base an entire political party on the destruction of our children is perverse. People who believe in things like that have a sincere mental problem. As a matter of fact the way the left acts about abortion including the way you’re acting right here with so much power and strength and vitriol it makes you sound mentally unstable. It seems odd to me for an entire political party full of people to get that upset over trying to get women to kill their babies. You do everything in your power to make it look like it’s Women’s Health it’s the farthest thing from Women’s Health. Especially since most of the babies killed are female. I’m not gonna go into the inherent racism since the majority are also minorities.
But I’m not gonna change your mind and you’re not gonna change mine so it’s really pointless for us to discuss this topic. So let’s not.
We will have to agree to disagree. Much of what you recited is not true, but that’s OK.
Do you favor an outright ban on abortion as at least one commenter here does? No exceptions for rape (including incest) or serious threat to woman’s health? The monitoring and enforcement of such a ban would be nearly impossible.
As you know I disagree with your accusation that pregnancy is ONLY the fault and responsibility of the female. Very few females get pregnant with “input” from a male. Men are 50% responsible but women bear 100% of the burden. And women vote at higher rates than men.
Sex selection by abortion is despicable.
The racism of abortion is a result of the racism of poverty.
Like Rimjob the girl sure likes to step into it.
I’m a member of the AME and there’s not a person in my church currently that admits that they want to vote for Harris. In case you haven’t noticed it’s been that way for almost six months. Because of the obvious infiltration of communism into the Democrat party almost all of my fellow parishioners have left or are leaving the Dems. Admittedly, that’s not Harris’s fault the Democrats have been doing this for a long time slowly and stealthily moving toward communism. It’s just that when you have a presidential candidate whose parents were Marxists and a vice presidential candidate his family were Marxists it’s hard to escape the Marxism ingrained into the party. In fact several leftists have been quietly admitting to being communists as of late.
Even Joe Kennedy junior admitted part of the reason he left was because they’re going communist. He stated his uncle would never have been a Democrat now he would have switched to republican. That tells you something. Those guys are legitimate liberals. Not leftist not communists not Nazis, liberals. And even though I and many millions of my compatriots disagreed with them we still respected them. Now they hate us for being patriotic and we hate them for being communistic. There is no way for that to work out for the good something’s gotta give. Now America can go totally left and be totally communist which it seems to be doing Oregon say stop and recapture our belief in God and country and our love of patriotism and family and stop the woke nonsense and the DEI crap that the left is pontificating.
Mr White,
What is YOUR definition of communism? This has become a meme in nuCon circles – Democrats have become communists!!
Oxford dictionary: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
Leinin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim et al added extreme authoritarianism and absolute fealty to the state and the leader. An absolute, all-powerful ruler is needed to enfore obedience!
One can argue that the American plutocracy is fomenting class war! The wealthy control the government and hence We, the People! But the Republicans, and less so the Democrats, are the party of the wealthy, and keep economically oppressing the masses.
Your own survey not withstanding, according to Pew 92% of AME members admit to being Democrats.
That said, Black American attitudes are similar to white American negative attitudes toward LGBTQ individuals. Similarly, Christian churches have differing attitudes on LGBTQ civil rights issues.
Rimjob, just STFU and go away.
You’re annoying the adults.
Now repeat that back to me.
Since when do you travel in “nuCon” circles that you have become an expert on their memes?
You want MY definition of communism? How’s this? Communism is a political form of running the power of government while controlling the economic factors of production. It includes government control of all land, labor, capital and business and uses taxes not as income but rather to control the citizens. Thus far all communist governments have included dictatorships and mass murder either by design or evolution.
The communist party has endorsed the democrats in every election since about 1960 by my estimate. Why would they do that if they did not agree with their principles?
You are not keeping up with the times Elwood. The Democrats are by far the party of the wealthy unless you believe move stars, TV personalities, media people and owners, Wall Street movers and the bosses of the educational and medical institutions as well as law itself are all Repubs. Hell, we can count the Repub billionaires on one hand and their millionaires are about 1/6th of the Dems. You know this. Why are you denying it? The days of the Carnegies, Rockefellers et all are over dude. Now we are oppressed by big mouth movie stars and guys like Bezos, Zuckerberg, Buffet Gates et al. Guess what? They are all Dem tycoons living off us little guys.
The Pew survey notwithstanding, I am watching black city dwellers, tired of Dem lies and high crime fleeing the Dem party. Pew needs to be fact checked. You white privileged folks can’t be trusted with stats. If they don’t give you the answer you want you just change them. Hell, just look at the Covid stats. All lies.
As far as I’ve seen Christians are for civil rights. How do we differ? Remember, it was the white Christians who led the Rep to victory over the slave South and who freed the black slaves. Seems to me that freedom and civil rights are in the Republican DNA whereas the Dems were slave owners, Jim Crow advocates, for separate but equal and to this very day refuse to allow blacks educational choice with charter schools etc.
I think LG brandon is correct when he points out your lack of self criticism and awareness. You present yourself as some moral dude but you party with the commies and support killing babies because…
I Dunno.
Bwaha! Lolgf

Give her a break. So public speaking isn’t one of her strong skills. I’m sure she has many other fine qualities that would make her a fine president. Lots of people have trouble with public speaking. It’s not like that is important for being a president. Britain had a king once who stuttered. There was a movie.
She is a drunk.
A day drinker like Rimjob.