Aurora, Colorado Starts Process To Deal With Venezuelan Gang Members

They’re looking to deal with the problem the governor calls imaginary

After video of armed Venezuelan gang shared by local official goes viral, Colorado city takes action

Aurora, Colorado Mayor Mike Coffman announced on Friday that the city is starting the process of clearing the apartment buildings where transnational armed gang Tren de Aragua has taken over.

In a statement posted to Facebook, Coffman shared “the Aurora City Attorney’s Office is preparing court documents to request an emergency court order to clear the apartment buildings where Venezuelan gang activity has been occurring by declaring the properties a ‘Criminal Nuisance.’”

“This will require a municipal judge to issue the order with the goal of getting these properties back under the control of the property owners. In the meantime, the law enforcement task force set up to disrupt and arrest Venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its operation. I strongly believe that the best course of action is to shut these building[s] down and make sure that this never happens again,” concluded Coffman.

One has already been picked up. In an email to Fox News Digital, Aurora Police Department confirmed that Tren de Aragua leader “Cookie Monster” is currently in custody in relation to a shooting on July 28.

I wonder if they will be immediately remanded into the custody of the federal government for deporatation, considering they are foreign gang members who would be no way eligible for any sort of asylum. By all the US laws they never should have been let in, however they arrived here.

Fox 31 reports that the men seen in the video that has gone viral are armed members of the Tren de Aragua gang, according to Department of Homeland Security sources.

If DHS knows they are members of a violent gang from a foreign nation why is it not doing anything? They seem to be sitting around twiddling their thumbs while Aurora residents are terrorized. Right now, the legal process could take time, and then they have to marshal resources to actually clear the building of violent gang members armed with rifles.

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12 Responses to “Aurora, Colorado Starts Process To Deal With Venezuelan Gang Members”

  1. MrLiberty says:

    Dig a large ditch and dump their bodies in it. Problem solved.

  2. Professor hale says:

    This was an armed invasion of the usa by an organized and equipped army. Local police, judges, and municipal council officials are totally inadequate to deal with this. Before you can put someone a i ditch, you nedd to make them stop wiggling. Sadly, the US armed forces couldnt care less about defending the nation from foreign invasion.

  3. Carlos the Jackal says:

    Only after .gov jerks off forever instead of doing their job, some fed-up neighbors shoot them up, .gov will certainly arrest & charge those people for taking out the trash.

  4. ontoiran says:

    apparently some people STILL haven’t gotten the message that NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU! YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!

  5. ckc2000 says:

    A strongly worded letter, that should do it.

  6. JimS says:

    This is what the militia is for…

  7. Jl says:

    If only there were some clue that this would happen…..

  8. Downwind of Seattle says:

    DHS doesn’t want the optics of “you mean there actually are illegals and they commit crimes?”. If they do anything at all it will be quietly and with no effect. They can’t upset the money train that is feeding into their Department to “do something” while at the same time doing nothing.

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