Boom Digity: IDF Kills Hamas Head In Jenin

I’m sure this has made the unhinged, Israel and Jew hating kids on college campuses upset, though, none will actually go to the Palestinian areas, especially the women and rainbow letters folks

IDF kills Wassem Hazem, head of Hamas in Jenin

Wassem Hazem, head of the Hamas terror organization in the West Bank area of Jenin, was killed on Friday in a joint IDF, ISA, and Israel Border Police counterterrorism operation in the northern Samaria area, Israel’s military announced shortly afterward.

Hazem was killed in his vehicle after an exchange of fire during the joint operation. His role in the terror group involved carrying out and directing shooting and bombing attacks.

Hazem continuously advanced terrorist activities in the Judea and Samaria area, the IDF added.

Following the elimination of Hazem, two additional terrorists, Maysara Masharqa and Arafat Amer, who were in the vehicle with him, attempted to flee the scene. However, shortly afterward, they were also killed by an IDF aircraft.

Meanwhile, the wackjobs are at it again

Berlin Holocaust memorial defaced: ‘Jews are committing genocide’

Berlin Holocaust memorial honoring non-Jews who protested against the persecution of their Jewish family members was vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti on Wednesday, according to the Berlin Police and European Jewish Congress.

“Jews are committing genocide,” was scrawled across the Rosenstrasse protest memorial according to EJC.

A Palestinian flag and the slogan “free Palestine” was spraypainted on the ground in front of the sculptures.

These people are assholes.

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One Response to “Boom Digity: IDF Kills Hamas Head In Jenin”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.”

    -General Curtis LeMay

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