Monthly Archives: August 2024

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in The Once And Future Nation Of America. Th Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we’re already into August. This pinup is by Stefano Riboli, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 (just headlines, still have a busted finger) […]

Biden Chastices PM Of Ally Nation, Rather Than U.S. Enemy

With friends like this who needs enemies? Which isn’t fully fair, because Biden has mostly been a friend of Israel through the years, but, like many on the Left he has Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome ‘Stop bullshitting me’: Biden said to scold Netanyahu in call on truce-hostage deal US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin […]

Brazil Wants A Global Tax On Billionaires

I’m all for this with one slight change Brazil proposes global wealth tax to combat climate change Brazil has suggested a 2% wealth tax on billionaires worldwide to raise $250 billion annually for addressing climate change, though it faces skepticism from some countries. In short: Brazil’s proposed tax would apply to individuals with assets exceeding […]

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled big trucks driven by deniers and heretics, you might just be a Warmist Thr blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Kamala’s bus wheels.

Biden-Harris Regime Pauses Illegal Alien Importation Program Over Fraud

If the fraud came to light in 2023 would the Biden-Harris regime care? Biden admin freezes controversial migrant flight program after fraud revelations The Biden administration has put a controversial program that allows tens of thousands of migrants from four nations to fly or travel directly into the U.S. on hold, after a report circulated […]

Doom Today: Major Earth Systems On Track To Collapse From Hotcoldwetdry

Remember how some leading Warmists said that the doom and gloom prognostications need to be minimized? Well, it is a doomsday cult, after all Study finds major Earth systems likely on track to collapse: 5 things to know Four key pillars of the global climate are melting in the heat trapped by rising fossil fuel […]

Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day

Much of this could be avoided if the Western nations stopped being squishy and took a hard line towards Islamic extremist groups, especially those backed by Iran which keep attacking Israel, and Iran itself. But, many in power are Jew/Israel haters, and there are plenty of Islamists imported who are now in positions of power […]

Club Of Rome Totally Wants A Great Leap For ‘Climate Change’ Or Somthing

No, no, this totally has nothing to do with Modern Socialism as driven by the Elites Club of Rome co-president: In order "to reach as many [UN Agenda 2030] Sustainable Development Goals" as possible, a "Giant Leap" is necessary, which—among other things—includes "transforming the food system" and "transitioning to clean energy". "We see a switch […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the art of smearing.

IDF Wacks PIL Weapons Production Head

Since Hamas attacked Israeli citizens/Jews from other nations Israel has taken the gloves off in targeting the big players in Islamic terrorist groups. Here’s another one IDF kills Palestinian Islamic Jihad deputy weapons production head Mohammed al-Jabari The IDF killed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s deputy head of weapons production, Mohammed al-Jabari, in a targeted intelligence-based […]

Pirate's Cove