Monthly Archives: August 2024

Hotcold Take: ‘Climate Change’ Means Your Windshield Wipers Are Moving Fast Enough

From the mind of hyper-Warmist Marshall Shepherd comes this delightful tale of climate doom, which is a new one Are Your Wiper Blades Moving Fast Enough For Today’s Rainstorms? Much of the content that I write about comes from the convergence of routine life and being an atmospheric scientist. Yesterday, my family and I were […]

Biden-Harris Admin Re-Opening Border Crossing Points

Why? Biden-Harris finally did something somewhat right for the border, after saying they couldn’t do anything, but, hey, there’s an election coming up. It’s working, so, why open them up? U.S. reopening 4 entry points at southern border after migrant crossings drop U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will resume commercial and legal travel at […]

DNC Erecting Walls For Convention, Though Democrats Have Said Walls Do Not Work

Huh Harris also said NO WALLS AT OUR BORDER AND WALLS DON’T WORK! — Scott Baio (@ScottBaio) August 18, 2024 I remember the 2020 Biden-Harris platform: Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency,” which siphons funding away from our men and women in uniform to construct an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on […]

If All You See…

…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on Germany cancelling Ukraine, possibly over dependence on Russian gas. It’s tight dresses week!

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking, and I’m really looking forward to some terrible NY Giants football. This pinup is an oldy by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine […]

DNC Looking Forward To A Butt Ton Of Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

Chicago looks like it’s going to be fun Downtown Chicago businesses boarding up ahead of anti-Israel protests at DNC: ‘We want to have maximum protection’ — New York Post (@nypost) August 17, 2024 Anyway, also at the NY Post Roughly 100K anti-Israel protesters expected to descend on Chicago to steal spotlight from DNC, […]

Climate Doom To Make Las Vegas Super Hotter By 2050

There are climate cult over-reaches, and then there is this A month more 100 degree days’: Climate change will roast Las Vegas By the middle of the century, it’s going to be a lot hotter in Las Vegas, according to climate change models that were discussed this week at the 2024 Water Summit. “We’re going […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded because Other People won’t give up their fossil fueled travel, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on Walz’s 20 years of lies.

Kamala Tries To Divorce Herself From Bidenomics Or Something

Ever since Kamala was announced as Joe’s running mate they have termed it the Biden-Harris administration. She’s spent pretty much four years being a part of Bidenomics, so, now she wants to say she’s not part of it? Well, she actually makes it worse with Kamalanomics Harris breaks from ‘Bidenomics’ in North Carolina Don’t call […]

Surprise: EVs Losing Up To 50% Of Their Value In The First Year

This is really not surprising, as manufacturers, and government, are throwing huge piles of cash at them, giving insane discounts that mean huge losses. Hence, EVs are worth way less, because why would someone pay at the normal depreciation rate for a used one instead of getting new? EVs Are Losing Up to 50 Percent […]

Pirate's Cove