Daily Archives: September 3, 2024

Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Get Rid Of Kimchi

I won’t miss it. The real stuff smells. But, the object here is to prognosticate doom in order for government to take your money and freedom Kimchi no more? Climate change puts South Korea’s beloved cabbage dish at risk South Korea’s famous kimchi is falling victim to climate change, with scientists, farmers and manufacturers saying […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon bikes, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on today’s links.

Islamic Terrorism Supporters Fly Terrorist Flags, Preach Death To Jews In NYC

How are we allowing these people to stay in the United States? If they are not natural born then any legal status can, by law, be revoked, and then have them be deported? Why are we allowing terrorist supporters in to the US post 9/11? ‘From the water to the water, Palestine is Arab’: Hamas […]

“Experts” Say Climate Doom Will Make Bridges Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys Or Something

Another day, another prognostication of doom. Do any of the climate youts even know what tinkertoys are? Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say On a 95-degree day this summer, New York City’s Third Avenue Bridge, connecting the Bronx and Manhattan, got stuck in the open position for hours. As […]

Kamala Avoids Even Hearing Questions From Reporters With Earbuds

And, with the state of the Credentialed Media, will any actually push back on this? (UK Daily Mail) Kamala Harris continues to avoid facing the media alone, drawing derision for wearing earbuds as the throngs of reporters tried to question her as she got on a plane Monday. Harris – who took more than a […]

Pirate's Cove